############ Introduction ############ AES70.js is a JavaScript implementation of the AES70 protocol. Open Control Architecture (OCA aka AES70) is a control protocol aimed primarily at audio applications. AES70 is developed by the `OCA Alliance `_ and standardized through the `AES `_. Currently, AES70.js only implements the client-side of AES70 and can not be used to build AES70 devices. AES70 ===== AES70 is a RPC protocol with event subscription capabilities. An AES70 client (aka. controller) can connect to an AES70 server (aka device). An AES70 device is represented by a tree of objects, which the controller can call methods in. AES70 classes define events, which a controller can subscribe to. The protocol definition contains a series of pre-defined classes, which can be used to represent audio devices. AES70 allows the creation of custom subclasses, however, in order for two AES70 implementations to interoperate fully, both sides need to implement all classes involved. All classes and datatypes defined in the current AES70 Standard are published in the form of an XMI document. This XMI document has been used to generate the class structure and interfaces which are part of this library. At this point AES70.js fully supports the most recent version AES70-2018. Basics ====== Classes in AES70 have methods, properties and events. Properties are accessible via getter and setter methods and clients are notified of their changes by events. All methods defined inside a AES70 class are available on the corresponding AES70.js implementation. In AES70.js all methods return Promises, which resolve once the response has been received from the device. For instance, the method ``GetGain()`` on the ``OcaGain`` class has the same name in the AES70.js implementation and will return a ``Promise``. Similarly, each event defined in AES70 is available on the corresponding AES70.js class under its name with the prefix ``On``. For instance, the AES70 class ``OcaRoot`` has the event ``PropertyChanged`` which is accessible in the corresponding AES70.js class as ``OnPropertyChanged`` and is of type ``Event``. See the API documentation for how the ``Event`` class can be used. In order to make it easiert to get, set and subscribe properties in AES70 there are several additional APIs in AES70. The first is that the property changes of each individual property are available as ``OnChanged`` on each AES70.js class. In addition to that each remote object in AES70.js has the ``GetPropertySync()`` method which returns an instance of ``PropertySync``. This class can be used to conveniently access and change properties inside of an AES70 device. See the documentation for the API documentation. Getting started =============== The first step when using AES70.js to control a device is to decide how to connect. For web-based controllers the only solution is using WebSockets, for NodeJS both TCP and UDP are available in addition to that. :: const connection = await OCA.controller.TCP.connect({ host: 'example.org', port: 65000, }); In a web browser using a WebSocket this looks similar. :: const connection = await OCA.controller.WebSocket.connect({ url: 'ws://example.org', }); The next step is to discover what kind of objects the device has. This can be done using the method ``RemoteDevice.get_device_tree()`` method. A full working example: :: const OCA = require('aes70'); async function run() { const connection = await OCA.controller.TCP.connect({ host: 'example.org', port: 65000, }); const device = new OCA.RemoteDevice(connection); device.set_keepalive_interval(1); console.log("Device name:", await device.DeviceManager.GetModelDescription()); console.log("Object inside this device:"); const tree = await device.get_device_tree(); const rec = async (a) => { for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { const obj = a[i]; if (Array.isArray(obj)) { // children await rec(obj); } else { console.log("Type: %s", obj.constructor.ClassName); console.log("Properties:"); const properties = obj.GetPropertySync(); // fetch the values of all properties from the device. await properties.sync(); properties.forEach((value, name) => { if (value !== undefined) console.log(" %s: %o", name, value); }); // unsubscribe all event handlers properties.Dispose(); } } }; await rec(tree); } run().then(() => console.log("Done.")); The tree returned by ``RemoteDevice.get_device_tree`` returns all objects of the device below the root block. They represent all objects defined inside of the AES70 device aside from the manager objects. Documentation ============= The source code contains documentation comments which can be built into a html documentation using jsdoc. :: make docs This generated documentation is also online at http://docs.deuso.de/AES70.js .