OcaClassID ClassID
= 1.3.1
Level: 1 Index: 1
Number that uniquely identifies the class. Note that this differs from the object number, which identifies the instantiated object. This property is an override of the OcaRoot property.
Level: 1 Index: 2
Identifies the interface version of the class. Any change to the class definition leads to a higher class version. This property is an override of the OcaRoot property.
Level: 3 Index: 1
Read-only property that identifies the model of the device. Note this property is not equivalent to a MAC address, because (a) MAC addresses identify individual devices, not models, and (b) MAC addresses are Ethernet-specific, but an OCA device need not have an Ethernet port.
Level: 3 Index: 2
Read-only property that identifies the serial number of the CAP device.
Level: 3 Index: 3
Read-only property that contains text names for this model, its manufacturer, and its version.
Level: 3 Index: 4
Name of the device. Should be unique manufacturer-qualified identifier.
Level: 3 Index: 5
Read-only property that indicates the AES70 version number used by the device.
Level: 3 Index: 6
Role of device in application (arbitrary).
Level: 3 Index: 7
Code used for equipment tracking.
Level: 3 Index: 8
Indicates whether the device is enabled (and therefore operational).
Level: 3 Index: 9
Read-only property that indicates the current state of the device.
Level: 3 Index: 10
True iff device is working on something and is not available for OCA command activity. Readonly.
Level: 3 Index: 11
Read-only attribute that indicates the reset cause of the last reset.
Level: 3 Index: 12
Arbitrary text message provided by controller. Display and handling of the text is device-dependent and not defined by OCA.
Level: 3 Index: 13
List of all manager objects instantiated in this device.
OcaString DeviceRevisionID
Level: 3 Index: 14
Overall device revision identifier. Format of string is manufacturer-specific. Readonly. May be changed by proprietery functions of firmware upload processes.
Properties inherited from OcaRoot
OcaDeviceManager::GetOcaVersion (
→ (
OcaUint16 OcaVersion)
Level: 3 Index: 1
Gets the value of the OcaVersion property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully retrieved.
OcaDeviceManager::GetModelGUID (
→ (
Level: 3 Index: 2
Gets the model GUID. The return value indicates whether the GUID was successfully retrieved.
OcaDeviceManager::GetSerialNumber (
→ (
OcaString serialNumber)
Level: 3 Index: 3
Gets the value of the SerialNumber property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully retrieved.
OcaDeviceManager::GetDeviceName (
→ (
OcaString Name)
Level: 3 Index: 4
Gets the device name. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully retrieved.
OcaDeviceManager::SetDeviceName (
OcaString Name )
Level: 3 Index: 5
Sets the device name. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully set.
OcaDeviceManager::GetModelDescription (
→ (
OcaModelDescription Description)
Level: 3 Index: 6
Gets the model description. The return value indicates whether the description was successfully retrieved.
OcaDeviceManager::GetDeviceRole (
→ (
OcaString role)
Level: 3 Index: 7
Gets the value of the Role property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully retrieved.
OcaDeviceManager::SetRole (
OcaString role )
Level: 3 Index: 8
Sets the value of the Role property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully set.
OcaDeviceManager::GetUserInventoryCode (
→ (
OcaString Code)
Level: 3 Index: 9
Gets the value of the UserInventoryCode property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully retrieved.
OcaDeviceManager::SetUserInventoryCode (
OcaString Code )
Level: 3 Index: 10
Sets the value of the UserInventoryCode property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully set.
OcaDeviceManager::GetEnabled (
→ (
OcaBoolean enabled)
Level: 3 Index: 11
Gets the value of the Enabled property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully retrieved.
OcaDeviceManager::SetEnabled (
OcaBoolean enabled )
Level: 3 Index: 12
Sets the value of the Enabled property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully set.
OcaDeviceManager::GetState (
→ (
OcaDeviceState state)
Level: 3 Index: 13
Gets the value of the State property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully retrieved.
Level: 3 Index: 14
Sets the value of the reset key of the device. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully set. Note that the device manager must inform the CAP gateway of this key (via the host interface), since the CAP gateway will check for and handle the special reset message.
OcaDeviceManager::GetResetCause (
→ (
OcaResetCause resetCause)
Level: 3 Index: 15
Gets the value of the ResetCause property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully retrieved.
OcaDeviceManager::ClearResetCause (
Level: 3 Index: 16
Clears the ResetCause property, i.e. resets it to the default value 'PowerOn'. Must be used after the reset cause has been read out to ensure differentation between reconnects due to network loss and reconnects due to external or internal reset. Offered as a separate method (instead of implicitly clearing the cause after it has been read out) to accomodate systems that have multiple controllers. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully retrieved.
OcaDeviceManager::GetMessage (
→ (
OcaString Message)
Level: 3 Index: 17
Gets the value of property Message. Return value indicates whether value was successfully retrieved.
OcaDeviceManager::SetMessage (
OcaString Text )
Level: 3 Index: 18
Set arbitrary text message into Message property. The return value indicates whether the value was successfully set.
Level: 3 Index: 19
Retrive the list of descriptors of managers instantiated in this device. The return value indicates whether the retrieval was successful.
OcaDeviceManager::GetDeviceRevisionID (
→ (
OcaString ID)
Level: 3 Index: 20
Gets the value of property DeviceRevisionID. Return value indicates whether value was successfully retrieved.