OcaClassID ClassID
Level: 1 Index: 1
Number that uniquely identifies the class. Note that this differs from the object number, which identifies the instantiated object. This property is an override of the OcaRoot property.
Level: 1 Index: 2
Identifies the interface version of the class. Any change to the class definition leads to a higher class version. This property is an override of the OcaRoot property.
Level: 4 Index: 1
Numerator - "A"
Level: 4 Index: 2
Denominator - "B"
Level: 4 Index: 3
Sample rate inside the filter. We can't assume it's the same as the device input or output rate.
OcaUint8 MaxOrder
Level: 4 Index: 4
Maximum order of A[] and B[], i.e. the maximum size of the A[] and B[] arrays. Readonly.
Properties inherited from OcaWorker
Properties inherited from OcaRoot
Level: 4 Index: 1
Returns the polynomial coefficients used.
Level: 4 Index: 2
Sets the polynomial coefficients.
Level: 4 Index: 3
Gets the filter sampling rate.
OcaFilterPolynomial::SetSampleRate (
OcaFrequency Rate )
Level: 4 Index: 4
Sets the filter sampling rate.
OcaFilterPolynomial::GetMaxOrder (
→ (
OcaUint8 Order)
Level: 4 Index: 5
Gets the maximum allowable order (= max number of array elements in numerator and for denominator arrays)