
Class OcaMediaClock3

ClassID: 1.2.15

extends OcaAgent

A media clock, internal or external. OCA Connection Management 3 (OCA-CM3) version.


static readonly OcaClassID ClassID = 1.2.15

Level: 1 Index: 1

This property is an override of the OcaRoot property.

static readonly OcaClassVersionNumber ClassVersion = 1

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Identifies the interface version of the class. Any change to the class definition leads to a higher class version. This property is an override of the OcaRoot property.

OcaMediaClockAvailability Availability

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Availability of media clock.

OcaONo TimeSourceONo

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ONo of time source that drives this media clock.

OcaTimePTP Offset

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Offset of media clock time from reference time. Note: For RTP-based media transport networks, this value is NOT the RTP time offset. RTP time offset is an implementation detail that is out of AES70's scope.

OcaMediaClockRate CurrentRate

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Current clock rate

OcaMap<OcaONo,OcaList<OcaMediaClockRate >> SupportedRates

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Map of supported rates for each supported time source. Key of map is ONo of supported time source; value is list of supported clock rates for the given time source. Private parameter, does not generate property-change events.

Properties inherited from OcaAgent

OcaString Label

OcaONo Owner

Properties inherited from OcaRoot

readonly OcaONo ObjectNumber

readonly OcaBoolean Lockable

readonly OcaString Role


OcaMediaClock3::GetAvailability ( ) → ( OcaMediaClockAvailability Availability)

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Gets the value of the Availability property. The return value indicates whether the value was successfully retrieved.

OcaMediaClock3::SetAvailability ( OcaMediaClockAvailability Availability )

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Sets the value of the Availability property. The return value indicates whether the value was successfully set. Optional method, may not be supported in all implementations.

OcaMediaClock3::GetCurrentRate ( ) → ( OcaMediaClockRate Rate, OcaONo TimeSourceONo)

Level: 3 Index: 3

Gets the current clock rate and the ONo of the associated OcaTimeSource object. The return value indicates whether the value was successfully retrieved.

OcaMediaClock3::SetCurrentRate ( OcaMediaClockRate Rate, OcaONo TimeSourceONo )

Level: 3 Index: 4

Sets the clock rate and the ONo of the associated OcaTimeSource object. The return value indicates whether the value was successfully set. Optional method, may not be supported in all implementations.

OcaMediaClock3::GetOffset ( ) → ( OcaTimePTP Offset)

Level: 3 Index: 5

Gets the offset of this media clock's time from that of the associated OcaTimeSource object. The return value indicates whether the value was successfully retrieved.

OcaMediaClock3::SetOffset ( OcaTimePTP Offset )

Level: 3 Index: 6

Sets the offset of this media clock's time from that of the associated OcaTimeSource object. The return value indicates whether the value was successfully set. Optional method, may not be supported in all implementations.

OcaMediaClock3::GetSupportedRates ( ) → ( OcaMap<OcaONo,OcaList<OcaMediaClockRate >> Rates)

Level: 3 Index: 7

Gets the list of supported media clock rates for the given time source. The return value indicates whether the list was successfully retrieved.

Methods inherited from OcaAgent

OcaAgent::GetLabel ( ) → ( OcaString Label)

OcaAgent::SetLabel ( OcaString Label )

OcaAgent::GetOwner ( ) → ( OcaONo owner)

OcaAgent::GetPath ( ) → ( OcaNamePath NamePath, OcaONoPath ONoPath)

Methods inherited from OcaRoot

OcaRoot::GetClassIdentification ( ) → ( OcaClassIdentification ClassIdentification)

OcaRoot::GetLockable ( ) → ( OcaBoolean lockable)

OcaRoot::LockTotal ( )

OcaRoot::Unlock ( )

OcaRoot::GetRole ( ) → ( OcaString Role)

OcaRoot::LockReadonly ( )