
Class OcaNetwork

ClassID: 1.2.1

extends OcaAgent

DEPRECATED CLASS Replaced by class OcaControlNetwork in version 3 of Connection Management (CM3) Abstract base class for defining network classes to which this device belongs. This class is to be used for control and monitoring networks only. For media transport networks, and for networks that combine media transport and control, the OcaStreamNetwork class should be used instead.


static readonly OcaClassID ClassID = 1.2.1

Level: 1 Index: 1

This property is an override of the OcaRoot property.

static readonly OcaClassVersionNumber ClassVersion = 2

Level: 1 Index: 2

This property is an override of the OcaRoot property.

readonly OcaNetworkLinkType LinkType

Level: 3 Index: 1

Network link type - e.g. wired Ethernet, USB, ... See the OcaNetworkType enum for details. This is a read-only property whose value is fixed to the class that is inherited from OcaNetwork to implement each specific type of network.

OcaApplicationNetworkServiceID IDAdvertised

Level: 3 Index: 2

ID by which this network object is known on the network, i.e. the name or GUID that this network object publishes in the network's directory/discovery system. As of OCA 1.4, this description has been clarified to indicate this property is the registered service name, which may or may not be the same as the device's host name, if any. For data network types that have host names (e.g. IP networks), the authoritative copy of the host name is in the system interface ID.

OcaNetworkControlProtocol ControlProtocol

Level: 3 Index: 3

Type of control protocol used by the network (OCAnn) or NONE if this network is not used for control.

OcaNetworkMediaProtocol MediaProtocol

Level: 3 Index: 4

Deprecated property. Always has value NONE. Media transport is managed by the OcaStreamNetwork class.

OcaNetworkStatus Status

Level: 3 Index: 5

Operational status of the network.

OcaList<OcaNetworkSystemInterfaceID > SystemInterfaces

Level: 3 Index: 6

Collection of identifiers of system interface(s) used by the network. A "system interface" is the system service through which network traffic passes into and out of the device -- e.g. a socket. The identifier format is system and network dependent; for OCA purposes, it is maintained as a variable-length blob which the protocol does not inspect.

OcaList<OcaONo> MediaPorts

Level: 3 Index: 7

Deprecated property. Always is empty. Media transport is now managed by the class OcaStreamNetwork.

OcaNetworkStatistics Statistics

Level: 3 Index: 8

Error statistics for this network

Properties inherited from OcaAgent

OcaString Label

OcaONo Owner

Properties inherited from OcaRoot

readonly OcaONo ObjectNumber

readonly OcaBoolean Lockable

readonly OcaString Role


OcaNetwork::GetLinkType ( ) → ( OcaNetworkLinkType Type)

Level: 3 Index: 1

Gets the network's link type (wired Ethernet, USB, etc.). Return status indicates whether the operation was successful.

OcaNetwork::GetIDAdvertised ( ) → ( OcaApplicationNetworkServiceID Name)

Level: 3 Index: 2

Gets the network's IDAdvertised. Return status indicates whether the operation was successful.

OcaNetwork::SetIDAdvertised ( OcaApplicationNetworkServiceID Name )

Level: 3 Index: 3

Sets the network's IDAdvertised. Return status indicates whether the operation was successful.

OcaNetwork::GetControlProtocol ( ) → ( OcaNetworkControlProtocol Protocol)

Level: 3 Index: 4

Gets the network's ControlProtocol property. Return status indicates whether the operation was successful.

OcaNetwork::GetMediaProtocol ( ) → ( OcaNetworkMediaProtocol Protocol)

Level: 3 Index: 5

Gets the network's MediaProtocol property. This is a deprecated method that always returns the value NONE.

OcaNetwork::GetStatus ( ) → ( OcaNetworkStatus Status)

Level: 3 Index: 6

Retrieves the network's status. Return status indicates whether the status was successfully retrieved.

OcaNetwork::GetStatistics ( ) → ( OcaNetworkStatistics Status)

Level: 3 Index: 7

Retrieves network error statistics counter values. Return status indicates whether the values were successfully retrieved.

OcaNetwork::ResetStatistics ( )

Level: 3 Index: 8

Resets network error statistics counters. Return status indicates whether the counters were successfully reset.

OcaNetwork::GetSystemInterfaces ( ) → ( OcaList<OcaNetworkSystemInterfaceID > Interfaces)

Level: 3 Index: 9

Gets the list of system interface IDs that this network is using. Return status indicates success of the operation.

OcaNetwork::SetSystemInterfaces ( OcaList<OcaNetworkSystemInterfaceID > Interfaces )

Level: 3 Index: 10

Sets the list of system interface IDs that this network will use. Return status indicates success of the operation. This method is not implemented by all network implementations.

OcaNetwork::GetMediaPorts ( ) → ( OcaList<OcaONo> Ports)

Level: 3 Index: 11

Deprecated method. Always returns status INVALID_REQUEST. Media transport is now managed by the class OcaStreamNetwork.

OcaNetwork::Startup ( )

Level: 3 Index: 12

Start up this network.

OcaNetwork::Shutdown ( )

Level: 3 Index: 13

Shut down this network.

Methods inherited from OcaAgent

OcaAgent::GetLabel ( ) → ( OcaString Label)

OcaAgent::SetLabel ( OcaString Label )

OcaAgent::GetOwner ( ) → ( OcaONo owner)

OcaAgent::GetPath ( ) → ( OcaNamePath NamePath, OcaONoPath ONoPath)

Methods inherited from OcaRoot

OcaRoot::GetClassIdentification ( ) → ( OcaClassIdentification ClassIdentification)

OcaRoot::GetLockable ( ) → ( OcaBoolean lockable)

OcaRoot::LockTotal ( )

OcaRoot::Unlock ( )

OcaRoot::GetRole ( ) → ( OcaString Role)

OcaRoot::LockReadonly ( )