A six-axis c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6) coordinate.
For mechanical systems, these axes shall be interpreted as follows:
- c1 = X; axial (fore-and-aft) position
- c2 = Y; lateral (side-to-side) position
- c3 = Z; vertical position
- c4 = rX; rotation around the X-axis, also known as Roll
- c5 = rY; rotation around the Y-axis, also known as Pitch
- c6 = rZ; rotation around the Z-axis. also known as Yaw
Rotation angles are measured according to the
right-hand rule: if the right hand "holds" an axis with the thumb pointing in the direction of ascending coordinate values, then the fingers point in the direction of ascending angle values.
For GPS systems, these axes shall be interpreted as follows:
- c1 = longitude
- c2 = latitude
- c3 = altitude
- c4 : not used
- c5 : not used
- c6 : not used