A power supply.
OcaClassID ClassID
= 1.2.7
Level: 1 Index: 1
Number that uniquely identifies the class. Note that this differs from the object number, which identifies the instantiated object. This property is an override of the OcaRoot property.
Level: 1 Index: 2
Identifies the interface version of the class. Any change to the class definition leads to a higher class version. This property is an override of the OcaRoot property.
Level: 3 Index: 1
Type of power supply.
Level: 3 Index: 2
Model information for power supply. Text; content is implementation-dependent.
Level: 3 Index: 3
State of power supply: off, unavailable, available, active.
Level: 3 Index: 4
True iff charging. For rechargable supplies (obviously).
OcaFloat32 LoadFractionAvailable
Level: 3 Index: 5
Fraction of power supply's load capacity that is currently not being used. Readonly. Normal value range 0...1. A negative value indicates this data is not available.
OcaFloat32 StorageFractionAvailable
Level: 3 Index: 6
Fraction of power supply's energy storage that remains available. For battery supplies. Readonly. Normal value range 0...1. A negative value indicates this data is not available.
Level: 3 Index: 7
Physical location of power supply - internal or external.
Properties inherited from OcaAgent
Properties inherited from OcaRoot
OcaPowerSupply::GetType (
→ (
OcaPowerSupplyType type)
Level: 3 Index: 1
Gets the type of the power supply. Return value indicates whether the data was successfully retrieved.
OcaPowerSupply::GetModelInfo (
→ (
OcaString info)
Level: 3 Index: 2
Gets the power supply's model information text. Return value indicates whether the data was successfully retrieved.
OcaPowerSupply::GetState (
→ (
OcaPowerSupplyState state)
Level: 3 Index: 3
Gets the state of the power supply. Return value indicates whether the data was successfully retrieved.
Level: 3 Index: 4
Changes the power supply's state. Return value indicates whether the state was successfully changed.
OcaPowerSupply::GetCharging (
→ (
OcaBoolean charging)
Level: 3 Index: 5
Gets the value of property Charging. Return value indicates whether the value was successfully retrieved.
OcaPowerSupply::GetLoadFractionAvailable (
→ (
OcaFloat32 fraction)
Level: 3 Index: 6
Gets the available load fraction. Return value indicates whether the data was successfully retrieved.
OcaPowerSupply::GetStorageFractionAvailable (
→ (
OcaFloat32 fraction)
Level: 3 Index: 7
Gets the available storage fraction. Return value indicates whether the data was successfully retrieved.
OcaPowerSupply::GetLocation (
→ (
OcaPowerSupplyLocation Location)
Level: 3 Index: 8
Gets the power supply physical location. Return value indicates whether the data was successfully retrieved.