
Class OcaSignalGenerator


extends OcaActuator

Multiwaveform signal generator with optional sweep capability.


static readonly OcaClassID ClassID =

Level: 1 Index: 1

Number that uniquely identifies the class. Note that this differs from the object number, which identifies the instantiated object. This property is an override of the OcaRoot property.

static readonly OcaClassVersionNumber ClassVersion = 2

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Identifies the interface version of the class. Any change to the class definition leads to a higher class version. This property is an override of the OcaRoot property.

OcaFrequency Frequency1

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Center frequency or sweep start frequency.

OcaFrequency Frequency2

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Sweep end frequency.

OcaDBz Level

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Output level in dB relative to device-defined zero level.

OcaWaveformType Waveform

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The waveform type this generator generates (e.g. sine, square, noise, etc.).

OcaSweepType SweepType

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The sweep type of the signal generator: None for no sweep, linear or logarithmic if sweep is generated.

OcaTimeInterval SweepTime

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Duration of sweep in seconds.

OcaBoolean SweepRepeat

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Indicates whether the sweep is repeated (true) or is one-shot (false).

OcaBoolean Generating

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Read-only property that indicates whether the generator is producing output (true) or not (false).

Properties inherited from OcaWorker

OcaBoolean Enabled

OcaList<OcaPort> Ports

OcaString Label

OcaONo Owner

OcaTimeInterval Latency

Properties inherited from OcaRoot

readonly OcaONo ObjectNumber

readonly OcaBoolean Lockable

readonly OcaString Role


OcaSignalGenerator::GetFrequency1 ( ) → ( OcaFrequency frequency, OcaFrequency minFrequency, OcaFrequency maxFrequency)

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Gets the value of the Frequency1 property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully retrieved.

OcaSignalGenerator::SetFrequency1 ( OcaFrequency frequency )

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Sets the value of the Frequency1 property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully set.

OcaSignalGenerator::GetFrequency2 ( ) → ( OcaFrequency frequency, OcaFrequency minFrequency, OcaFrequency maxFrequency)

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Gets the value of the Frequency2 property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully retrieved.

OcaSignalGenerator::SetFrequency2 ( OcaFrequency frequency )

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Sets the value of the Frequency2 property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully set.

OcaSignalGenerator::GetLevel ( ) → ( OcaDBz Level, OcaDBz minLevel, OcaDBz maxLevel)

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Gets the value of the Level property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully retrieved.

OcaSignalGenerator::SetLevel ( OcaDBz Level )

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Sets the value of the Level property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully set.

OcaSignalGenerator::GetWaveform ( ) → ( OcaWaveformType waveform)

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Gets the value of the Waveform property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully retrieved.

OcaSignalGenerator::SetWaveform ( OcaWaveformType waveform )

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Sets the value of the Waveform property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully set.

OcaSignalGenerator::GetSweepType ( ) → ( OcaSweepType sweepType)

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Gets the value of the SweepType property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully retrieved.

OcaSignalGenerator::SetSweepType ( OcaSweepType sweepType )

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Sets the value of the SweepType property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully set.

OcaSignalGenerator::GetSweepTime ( ) → ( OcaTimeInterval sweepTime, OcaTimeInterval minSweepTime, OcaTimeInterval maxSweepTime)

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Gets the value of the SweepTime property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully retrieved.

OcaSignalGenerator::SetSweepTime ( OcaTimeInterval sweepTime )

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Sets the value of the SweepTime property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully set.

OcaSignalGenerator::GetSweepRepeat ( ) → ( OcaBoolean sweepRepeat)

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Gets the value of the SweepRepeat property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully retrieved.

OcaSignalGenerator::SetSweepRepeat ( OcaBoolean sweepRepeat )

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Sets the value of the SweepRepeat property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully set.

OcaSignalGenerator::GetGenerating ( ) → ( OcaBoolean generating)

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Gets the value of the Generating property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully retrieved.

OcaSignalGenerator::Start ( )

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Starts the signal generator. The return value indicates whether the signal generator was successfully started.

OcaSignalGenerator::Stop ( )

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Stops the signal generator. The return value indicates whether the signal generator was successfully stopped.

OcaSignalGenerator::SetMultiple ( OcaParameterMask Mask, OcaFrequency Frequency1, OcaFrequency Frequency2, OcaDBz Level, OcaWaveformType Waveform, OcaSweepType SweepType, OcaTimeInterval SweepTime, OcaBoolean SweepRepeat )

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Sets some or all signal generation parameters. The return value indicates if the parameters were successfully set. The action of this method is atomic - if any of the value changes fails, none of the changes are made.

Methods inherited from OcaWorker

OcaWorker::GetEnabled ( ) → ( OcaBoolean enabled)

OcaWorker::SetEnabled ( OcaBoolean enabled )

OcaWorker::AddPort ( OcaString Label, OcaPortMode Mode ) → ( OcaPortID ID)

OcaWorker::DeletePort ( OcaPortID ID )

OcaWorker::GetPorts ( ) → ( OcaList<OcaPort> OcaPorts)

OcaWorker::GetPortName ( OcaPortID PortID ) → ( OcaString Name)

OcaWorker::SetPortName ( OcaPortID PortID, OcaString Name )

OcaWorker::GetLabel ( ) → ( OcaString label)

OcaWorker::SetLabel ( OcaString label )

OcaWorker::GetOwner ( ) → ( OcaONo owner)

OcaWorker::GetLatency ( ) → ( OcaTimeInterval latency)

OcaWorker::SetLatency ( OcaTimeInterval latency )

OcaWorker::GetPath ( ) → ( OcaNamePath NamePath, OcaONoPath ONoPath)

Methods inherited from OcaRoot

OcaRoot::GetClassIdentification ( ) → ( OcaClassIdentification ClassIdentification)

OcaRoot::GetLockable ( ) → ( OcaBoolean lockable)

OcaRoot::LockTotal ( )

OcaRoot::Unlock ( )

OcaRoot::GetRole ( ) → ( OcaString Role)

OcaRoot::LockReadonly ( )