
Data Type OcaTaskCommand

Commands controllers can send to OcaTasks to change their states


static readonly OcaEnumItem None = 0

No (invalid) encoding.

static readonly OcaEnumItem Prepare = 1

Initialize task. If successful, resulting task state is Disabled. In this state, a prescheduled task will not automatically run, nor can the task be started with a Start command.

static readonly OcaEnumItem Enable = 2

Make task available for scheduled or manual start. If successful, resulting task state is Enabled. In this state, the task can be started manually or at a scheduled time.

static readonly OcaEnumItem Start = 3

Start task execution immediately. If successful, resulting task state is Running.

static readonly OcaEnumItem Stop = 4

Stop task gracefully. If successful, resulting task state is Stopped.

static readonly OcaEnumItem Abort = 5

Unconditionally terminate task immediately. Resulting task status is Aborted.

static readonly OcaEnumItem Disable = 6

Place task into Disabled state. In this state, a prescheduled task will not automatically run, nor can the task be started with a Start command.

static readonly OcaEnumItem Clear = 7

De-initialize task. Place it into the NotPrepared state.

OCP.1 Encoding

Basic typeByte Length