Components ========== .. _BaseComponent: BaseComponent ------------- .. js:autoclass:: BaseComponent :members: debug .. _PrefixComponentBase: PrefixComponentBase ------------------- .. js:autoclass:: PrefixComponentBase :members: src, srcPrefix, transformReceive, transformSend, transformSrc, debounce, partial, pipe, replay .. _AttributesComponent: AttributesComponent ------------------- The ```` component can be used to attach a backend parameter to attributes on a DOM element. It inherits all properties and attributes from :ref:`PrefixComponentBase`. Note that ```` should not be used to set the ``prefix`` attributes, use ````, instead. Example: ::
.. js:autoclass:: AttributesComponent .. js:autoattribute:: StylesComponentBase#triggerResize .. _BackendComponent: BackendComponent ---------------- .. js:autoclass:: BackendComponent :members: type, name, retryInterval, isOpen, backend, whenOpen .. _BindComponent: BindComponent ------------- .. js:autoclass:: BindComponent :members: bindings .. _ClassComponent: ClassComponent -------------- The ```` component can be used to set CSS classes on a DOM element based on the value of a backend parameter. It inherits all properties and attributes from :ref:`PrefixComponentBase`. Example: ::
.. js:autoclass:: ClassComponent .. _CloneComponent: CloneComponent -------------- .. js:autoclass:: CloneComponent :members: template, fetch, notemplate, nocache, transformTemplate, triggerResize, importScripts, getLoaded, waitForLoad .. _EventComponent: EventComponent -------------- .. js:autoclass:: EventComponent .. _OptionComponent: OptionComponent --------------- The OptionComponent can be used to create two-way bindings with a parent component. Custom binding types can be implemented to extend its functionality. .. js:autoclass:: OptionComponent :members: type, name .. _PrefixComponent: PrefixComponent --------------- .. js:autoclass:: PrefixComponent :members: handle .. _StylesComponent: StylesComponent --------------- .. js:autoclass:: StylesComponent .. _TemplateComponent: TemplateComponent ----------------- TemplateComponent is a baseclass for building powerful custom components. See :doc:`/template_components` for an introduction. .. js:autoclass:: TemplateComponent :members: constructor, fromString, create, awmlCreateBinding, whenAttached, triggerUpdate, redraw .. _HideComponent: HideComponent ------------- .. js:autoclass:: HideComponent .. _ShowComponent: ShowComponent ------------- .. js:autoclass:: ShowComponent