.. _dynamic-value-operators: DynamicValue Operators ====================== Dynamic value operators are functions which create and transform dynamic values. There are useful in combination with the ``pipe`` property of the :ref:`PrefixComponentBase` component. Dynamic value operators can be thought of as asynchronous analogues of standard control flow constructs. For instance, - the :ref:`filter` function removes values from the stream of values emitted by a dynamic value, - the :ref:`map` function transforms values received and sent by a dynamic value, - the :ref:`switchMap` function can be used to dynamically switch between dynamic values based on the value of another dynamic value. This can be thought of as the asynchronous analog of :: if (valueA) { return valueB; } else { return valueC; } - the :ref:`resolve` function can be used to transform values received using an async function and - the :ref:`combineLatest` function can be used to combine the values emitted by a list of dynamic values into one array of values. .. _filter: filter ------ .. js:autofunction:: filter .. _map: map --- .. js:autofunction:: map .. _switchMap: switchMap --------- .. js:autofunction:: switchMap .. _resolve: resolve ------- .. js:autofunction:: resolve .. _combineLatest: combineLatest ------------- .. js:autofunction:: combineLatest