* This file is part of Toolkit.
* Toolkit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Toolkit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General
* Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
"use strict";
(function(w, TK){
function start_drag(value) {
if (!value) return;
var O = this.options;
this.start_pos = O.range.call(this).val2px(O.get.call(this));
this.fire_event("startdrag", this.drag_state.start);
if (O.events) O.events.call(this).fire_event("startdrag", this.drag_state.start);
/* This version integrates movements, instead
* of using the global change since the beginning */
function movecapture_int(O, range, state) {
/* O.direction is always 'polar' here */
/* movement since last event */
var v = state.prev_distance();
var RO = range.options;
if (!v[0] && !v[1]) return;
var V = O._direction;
var dist = Math.sqrt(v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1]);
var c = (V[0]*v[0] - V[1]*v[1]) / dist;
if (Math.abs(c) > O._cutoff) return;
if (v[0] * V[1] + v[1] * V[0] < 0) dist = -dist;
var multi = RO.step || 1;
var e = state.current;
if (e.ctrlKey || e.altKey) {
multi *= RO.shift_down;
} else if (e.shiftKey) {
multi *= RO.shift_up;
dist *= multi;
var v = this.start_pos + dist;
var nval = range.px2val(v);
if (O.limit)
O.set.call(this, Math.min(RO.max, Math.max(RO.min, nval)));
O.set.call(this, nval);
if (!(nval > RO.min) || !(nval < RO.max)) return;
this.start_pos = v;
function movecapture_abs(O, range, state) {
var dist;
var RO = range.options
switch(O.direction) {
case "vertical":
dist = -state.vdistance()[1];
TK.warn("Unsupported direction:", O.direction);
case "horizontal":
dist = state.vdistance()[0];
if (O.reverse)
dist *= -1;
var multi = RO.step || 1;
var e = state.current;
if (e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey) {
multi *= RO.shift_down;
} else if (e.shiftKey) {
multi *= RO.shift_up;
dist *= multi;
var nval = range.px2val(this.start_pos + dist);
if (O.limit)
O.set.call(this, Math.min(RO.max, Math.max(RO.min, nval)));
O.set.call(this, nval);
function movecapture(state) {
var O = this.options;
if (O.active === false) return false;
var state = this.drag_state;
var range = O.range.call(this);
if (O.direction === "polar") {
movecapture_int.call(this, O, range, state);
} else {
movecapture_abs.call(this, O, range, state);
this.fire_event("dragging", state.current);
if (O.events) O.events.call(this).fire_event("dragging", state.current);
function stop_drag(state, ev) {
this.fire_event("stopdrag", ev);
var O = this.options;
if (O.events) O.events.call(this).fire_event("stopdrag", ev);
function angle_diff(a, b) {
// returns an unsigned difference between two angles
var d = (Math.abs(a - b) + 360) % 360;
return d > 180 ? 360 - d : d;
TK.DragValue = TK.class({
* TK.DragValue enables dragging an element and setting a
* value according to the dragged distance. TK.DragValue is for example
* used in {@link TK.Knob} and {@link TK.ValueButton}.
* @class TK.DragValue
* @param {Object} [options={ }] - An object containing initial options.
* @property {Element} options.node - The DOM node used for dragging.
* All DOM events are registered with this Element.
* @property {Function} [options.range] - A function returning a
* {@link TK.Range} object for
* calculating the value. Returns its parent (usually having
* {@link TK.Ranged}-features) by default.
* @property {Function} [options.events] - Returns an element firing the
* events <code>startdrag</code>, <code>dragging</code> and <code>stopdrag</code>.
* By default it returns <code>this.parent</code>.
* @property {Element|boolean} [options.classes=false] - While dragging, the class
* <code>toolkit-dragging</code> will be added to this element. If set to <code>false</code>
* the class will be set on <code>options.node</code>.
* @property {Function} [options.get] - Callback function returning the value to drag.
* By default it returns <code>this.parent.options.value</code>.
* @property {Function} [options.set] - Callback function for setting the value.
* By default it calls <code>this.parent.userset("value", [value]);</code>.
* @property {String} [options.direction="polar"] - Direction for changing the value.
* Can be <code>polar</code>, <code>vertical</code> or <code>horizontal</code>.
* @property {Boolean} [options.active=true] - If false, dragging is deactivated.
* @property {Boolean} [options.cursor=false] - If true, a {@link TK.GlobalCursor} is set while dragging.
* @property {Number} [options.blind_angle=20] - If options.direction is <code>polar</code>,
* this is the angle of separation between positive and negative value changes
* @property {Number} [options.rotation=45] - Defines the angle of the center of the positive value
* changes. 0 means straight upward. For instance, a value of 45 leads to increasing value when
* moving towards top and right.
* @property {Boolean} [options.reverse=false] - If true, the difference of pointer travel is inverted.
* @property {Boolean} [options.limit=false] - Limit the returned value to min and max of the range.
* @extends TK.Module
* @mixes TK.GlobalCursor
_class: "DragValue",
Extends: TK.DragCapture,
Implements: TK.GlobalCursor,
_options: {
get: "function",
set: "function",
range: "function",
events: "function",
classes: "object|boolean",
direction: "string",
active: "boolean",
cursor: "boolean",
blind_angle: "number",
rotation: "number",
reverse: "boolean",
limit: "boolean",
options: {
range: function () { return this.parent; },
classes: false,
get: function () { return this.parent.options.value; },
set: function (v) { this.parent.userset("value", v); },
events: function () { return this.parent; },
direction: "polar",
active: true,
cursor: false,
blind_angle: 20,
rotation: 45,
reverse: false,
limit: false,
* Is fired while a user is dragging.
* @event TK.DragValue#dragging
* @param {DOMEvent} event - The native DOM event.
* Is fired when a user starts dragging.
* @event TK.DragValue#startdrag
* @param {DOMEvent} event - The native DOM event.
* Is fired when a user stops dragging.
* @event TK.DragValue#stopdrag
* @param {DOMEvent} event - The native DOM event.
static_events: {
set_state: start_drag,
stopcapture: stop_drag,
startcapture: function() {
if (this.options.active) return true;
set_rotation: function(v) {
v *= Math.PI / 180;
this.set("_direction", [ -Math.sin(v), Math.cos(v) ]);
set_blind_angle: function(v) {
v *= Math.PI / 360;
this.set("_cutoff", Math.cos(v));
movecapture: movecapture,
startdrag: function(ev) {
TK.S.add(function() {
var O = this.options;
TK.add_class(O.classes || O.node, "toolkit-dragging");
if (O.cursor) {
if (O.direction === "vertical") {
} else {
}.bind(this), 1);
stopdrag: function() {
TK.S.add(function() {
var O = this.options;
TK.remove_class(O.classes || O.node, "toolkit-dragging");
if (O.cursor) {
if (O.direction === "vertical") {
} else {
}.bind(this), 1);
initialize: function (widget, options) {
TK.DragCapture.prototype.initialize.call(this, widget, options);
this.start_pos = 0;
var O = this.options;
this.set("rotation", O.rotation);
this.set("blind_angle", O.blind_angle);
})(this, this.TK);