A multipurpose dynamics processor. Can be configured as compressor, limiter, expander, or gate.
This class is expected to handle the majority of the basic cases. More complex devices may be described in a different manner, using one or more OcaDynamicsDetector and OcaDynamicsCurve objects, in conjunction with other Worker objects as needed.
OcaClassID ClassID
Level: 1 Index: 1
Number that uniquely identifies the class. Note that this differs from the object number, which identifies the instantiated object. This property is an override of the OcaRoot property.
Level: 1 Index: 2
Identifies the interface version of the class. Any change to the class definition leads to a higher class version. This property is an override of the OcaRoot property.
Level: 4 Index: 1
Read-only property that indicates whether the dynamics processor is currently triggered (i.e. the signal level is above upper threshold or below lower threshold).
This property can be monitored via a periodic event subscription.
OcaDB DynamicGain
Level: 4 Index: 2
Current instantaneous gain of dynamics object. Readonly.
Level: 4 Index: 3
Dynamics element function - compressor, limiter, expander, etc.
Level: 4 Index: 4
DEPRECATED PROPERTY - please use property Slope instead.
Compression or expansion ratio.
For Function = Compress or Limit, value is d(input amplitude)/d(output amplitude).
For Function = Expand or Gate, value is d(output amplitude)/d(input amplitude).
Level: 4 Index: 5
Compression or expansion threshold.
Level: 4 Index: 6
Compression or expansion threshold presentation units.
Level: 4 Index: 7
Level: 4 Index: 8
Attack time in seconds.
Level: 4 Index: 9
Release time in seconds.
Level: 4 Index: 10
Hold time in seconds.
OcaDB DynamicGainCeiling
Level: 4 Index: 11
Upper limit for DynamicGain
OcaDB DynamicGainFloor
Level: 4 Index: 12
Lower limit for for DynamicGain
Level: 4 Index: 13
Soft knee parameter. Interpretation is device-dependent.
Level: 4 Index: 14
Slope of transfer function = d(output amplitude) / d(input amplitude). See notes for class OcaDynamicsCurve for further detail. Note that the definition of this value does not depend on the value of property Function.
Properties inherited from OcaWorker
Properties inherited from OcaRoot
OcaDynamics::GetTriggered (
→ (
OcaBoolean triggered)
Level: 4 Index: 1
Gets the value of the Triggered property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully retrieved.
OcaDynamics::GetDynamicGain (
→ (
OcaDB Gain)
Level: 4 Index: 2
Gets the value of the DynamicGain property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully retrieved.
OcaDynamics::GetFunction (
→ (
OcaDynamicsFunction Func)
Level: 4 Index: 3
Sets the value of the Function property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully retrieved.
Level: 4 Index: 4
Sets the value of the Function property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully set.
Level: 4 Index: 5
Gets the value of the Ratio property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully retrieved.
GetRatio() is a DEPRECATED method. Please use GetSlope() instead.
OcaDynamics::SetRatio (
OcaFloat32 Ratio )
Level: 4 Index: 6
Sets the value of the Ratio property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully set.
SetRatio() is a DEPRECATED method. Please use SetSlope() instead.
OcaDynamics::GetThreshold (
→ (
OcaDBr Threshold, OcaDBz minThreshold, OcaDBz maxThreshold)
Level: 4 Index: 7
Gets the value of the Threshold property. The return value indicates if the value was successfully retrieved.
OcaDynamics::SetThreshold (
OcaDBr threshold )
Level: 4 Index: 8
Sets the value of the Threshold property. The return value indicates if the value was successfully set.
OcaDynamics::GetThresholdPresentationUnits (
→ (
OcaPresentationUnit Units)
Level: 4 Index: 9
Gets the value of the ThresholdPresentationUnits property. The return value indicates if the value was successfully retrieved.
OcaDynamics::SetThresholdPresentationUnits (
OcaPresentationUnit Units )
Level: 4 Index: 10
Sets the value of the ThresholdPresentationUnits property. The return value indicates if the value was successfully set.
OcaDynamics::GetDetectorLaw (
→ (
OcaLevelDetectionLaw Law)
Level: 4 Index: 11
Sets the value of the DetectorLaw property. The return value indicates if the value was successfully set.
Level: 4 Index: 12
Sets the value of the DetectorLaw property. The return value indicates if the value was successfully set.
OcaDynamics::GetAttackTime (
→ (
Time, OcaTimeInterval
minTime, OcaTimeInterval
Level: 4 Index: 13
Gets the value of the AttackTime property. The return value indicates if the value was successfully retrieved.
OcaDynamics::SetAttackTime (
Time )
Level: 4 Index: 14
Sets the value of the AttackTime property. The return value indicates if the value was successfully set.
OcaDynamics::GetReleaseTime (
→ (
Time, OcaTimeInterval
minTime, OcaTimeInterval
Level: 4 Index: 15
Gets the value of the ReleaseTime property. The return value indicates if the value was successfully retrieved.
OcaDynamics::SetReleaseTime (
Time )
Level: 4 Index: 16
Sets the value of the ReleaseTime property. The return value indicates if the value was successfully set.
OcaDynamics::GetHoldTime (
→ (
Time, OcaTimeInterval
minTime, OcaTimeInterval
Level: 4 Index: 17
Gets the value of the HoldTime property. The return value indicates if the value was successfully retrieved.
OcaDynamics::SetHoldTime (
Time )
Level: 4 Index: 18
Sets the value of the HoldTime property. The return value indicates if the value was successfully set.
OcaDynamics::GetDynamicGainFloor (
→ (
OcaDB Limit, OcaDB minLimit, OcaDB maxLimit)
Level: 4 Index: 19
Gets the value of the DynamicGainFLoor property. The return value indicates if the value was successfully retrieved.
OcaDynamics::SetDynamicGainFloor (
OcaDB Limit )
Level: 4 Index: 20
Sets the value of the DynamicGainFloor property. The return value indicates if the value was successfully set.
OcaDynamics::GetDynamicGainCeiling (
→ (
OcaDB Limit, OcaDB minLimit, OcaDB maxLimit)
Level: 4 Index: 21
Gets the value of the DynamicGainCeiling property. The return value indicates if the value was successfully retrieved.
OcaDynamics::SetDynamicGainCeiling (
OcaDB Limit )
Level: 4 Index: 22
Sets the value of the DynamicGainCeiling property. The return value indicates if the value was successfully set.
OcaDynamics::GetKneeParameter (
→ (
OcaFloat32 Parameter, OcaFloat32 minParameter, OcaFloat32 maxParameter)
Level: 4 Index: 23
Gets the value of the KneeParameter property. The return value indicates if the value was successfully retrieved.
OcaDynamics::SetKneeParameter (
OcaFloat32 Parameter )
Level: 4 Index: 24
Sets the value of the KneeParameter property. The return value indicates if the value was successfully set.
Level: 4 Index: 25
Gets the value of the Slope property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully retrieved.
OcaDynamics::SetSlope (
OcaFloat32 Slope )
Level: 4 Index: 26
Sets the value of the Slope property. The return value indicates whether the property was successfully set.
OcaDynamics::SetMultiple (
OcaParameterMask Mask, OcaDynamicsFunction Function, OcaDBr Threshold, OcaPresentationUnit ThresholdPresentationUnits, OcaLevelDetectionLaw DetectorLaw, OcaTimeInterval
AttackTime, OcaTimeInterval
ReleaseTime, OcaTimeInterval
HoldTime, OcaDB DynamicGainCeiling, OcaDB DynamicGainFloor, OcaFloat32 Slope, OcaFloat32 KneeParameter )
Level: 4 Index: 27
Sets some or all dynamics parameters. The return value indicates if the parameters were successfully set. The action of this method is atomic - if any of the value changes fails, none of the changes are made.