
Class OcaRamper

ClassID: 1.2.3

extends OcaAgent

Agent that gradually changes a property setting from one value to another. Works on a scalar numeric or boolean property of a specified object. Does not work for array, list, map, struct, or string properties. Contains timer features to allow ramps to start immediately or at any time in the future. This is a weakly typed class. All ramping parameters are specified as a OcaFloat64 numbers.


static readonly OcaClassID ClassID = 1.2.3

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This property is an override of the OcaRoot property.

static readonly OcaClassVersionNumber ClassVersion = 2

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This property is an override of the OcaRoot property.

OcaRamperState State

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{Ready, Ramping, Paused, Completed, Disabled} Readonly.

OcaProperty RampedProperty

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Identification of the property being ramped.

OcaTimeMode TimeMode

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Absolute or Relative time.

OcaTimeNTP StartTime

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Time at which to start ramp. If TimeMode=Relative, the actual event start time equals the value of StartTime plus the absolute time that StartTime was most recently set. If TimeMode=Absolute, the actual event start time equals the value of StartTime

OcaTimeInterval Duration

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Duration of ramp period.

OcaRamperInterpolationLaw InterpolationLaw

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Ramper interpolation law

OcaFloat64 Goal

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Final value of ramp. Datatype is target property's datatype.

Properties inherited from OcaAgent

OcaString Label

OcaONo Owner

Properties inherited from OcaRoot

readonly OcaONo ObjectNumber

readonly OcaBoolean Lockable

readonly OcaString Role


OcaRamper::Control ( OcaRamperCommand Command )

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Executes the given ramper command. The return value indicates whether the command was successfully executed.

OcaRamper::GetState ( ) → ( OcaRamperState State)

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Gets current state of ramper. The return value indicates whether the state was successfully retrieved.

OcaRamper::GetRampedProperty ( ) → ( OcaProperty property)

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Gets definition of ramped property. The return value indicates whether the object number was successfully retrieved.

OcaRamper::SetRampedProperty ( OcaProperty property )

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Defines property to be ramped. The return value indicates whether the definition was successful.

OcaRamper::GetTimeMode ( ) → ( OcaTimeMode TimeMode)

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Gets ramper time mode (absolute or relative). The return value indicates whether the time mode was successfully retrieved.

OcaRamper::SetTimeMode ( OcaTimeMode TimeMode )

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Sets ramper time mode (absolute or relative). The return value indicates whether the time mode was successfully set.

OcaRamper::GetStartTime ( ) → ( OcaTimeNTP StartTime)

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Gets ramp start time. The return value indicates whether the start time was successfully retrieved.

OcaRamper::SetStartTime ( OcaTimeNTP TimeMode )

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Sets ramper start time. The return value indicates whether the start time was successfully set.

OcaRamper::GetDuration ( ) → ( OcaTimeInterval Duration, OcaTimeInterval miinDuration, OcaTimeInterval maxDuration)

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Gets ramp duration. The return value indicates whether the duration was successfully retrieved.

OcaRamper::SetDuration ( OcaTimeInterval Duration )

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Sets ramp duration. The return value indicates whether the duration was successfully set.

OcaRamper::GetInterpolationLaw ( ) → ( OcaRamperInterpolationLaw law)

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Retrieves interpolation law setting. The return value indicates whether the setting was successfully retrieved.

OcaRamper::SetInterpolationLaw ( OcaRamperInterpolationLaw law )

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Sets ramp interpolation law. The return value indicates whether the law was successfully set.

OcaRamper::GetGoal ( ) → ( OcaFloat64 goal)

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Retrieves ramp goal value. The return value indicates whether the duration was successfully retrieved.

OcaRamper::SetGoal ( OcaFloat64 goal )

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Sets ramp goal value. The return value indicates whether the duration was successfully set.

Methods inherited from OcaAgent

OcaAgent::GetLabel ( ) → ( OcaString Label)

OcaAgent::SetLabel ( OcaString Label )

OcaAgent::GetOwner ( ) → ( OcaONo owner)

OcaAgent::GetPath ( ) → ( OcaNamePath NamePath, OcaONoPath ONoPath)

Methods inherited from OcaRoot

OcaRoot::GetClassIdentification ( ) → ( OcaClassIdentification ClassIdentification)

OcaRoot::GetLockable ( ) → ( OcaBoolean lockable)

OcaRoot::LockTotal ( )

OcaRoot::Unlock ( )

OcaRoot::GetRole ( ) → ( OcaString Role)

OcaRoot::LockReadonly ( )