template<class C>
aes70::device::wrapper_base class

Template parameters
C - The implementation to detect AES70 features in. Can be both a class or a reference to a class.

Base class for all introspection wrappers.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

template<typename... TN>
wrapper_base(TN && ... args)

Public functions

void init(aes70::device::device* device, uint32_t ObjectNumber) virtual
auto get() -> std::decay<C>::type&
auto get() const -> const std::decay<C>::type&
auto is_locked(lockmethod_type& con) -> bool
auto call(const OcaMethodID id, const uint8_t* src, const uint8_t* src_end, uint8_t parameterCount, const aes70::response_generator& response) -> AES70_ALWAYS_INLINE bool virtual

Public variables

C obj

Function documentation

template<classC> template<typename... TN>
aes70::device::wrapper_base<C>::wrapper_base(TN && ... args)

Simple forwarding constructor.

void aes70::device::wrapper_base<C>::init(aes70::device::device* device, uint32_t ObjectNumber) virtual

Internal method which calls the init method on the contained object.

std::decay<C>::type& aes70::device::wrapper_base<C>::get()

Returns a lvalue reference to the instance of C.

const std::decay<C>::type& aes70::device::wrapper_base<C>::get() const

Returns a const lvalue reference to the instance of C.

bool aes70::device::wrapper_base<C>::is_locked(lockmethod_type& con)

Checks if the given connection has locked this object.

AES70_ALWAYS_INLINE bool aes70::device::wrapper_base<C>::call(const OcaMethodID id, const uint8_t* src, const uint8_t* src_end, uint8_t parameterCount, const aes70::response_generator& response) virtual

Calls a method in this class. This base class does not implement any methods, therefore this will always generate a response with OcaStatus::NotImplemented.

Variable documentation

C aes70::device::wrapper_base<C>::obj

The instance of C.