aes70 namespace
- Reference
Namespace for all AES70 classes of libaes70.
- namespace dynamic_device
- namespace OCP1
- namespace static_device
- namespace udp
- namespace UTF8
- struct async_response_generator
template<size_t N, typename storage_type = uint8_t>struct bitset
template<typename Allocator, typename growth_strategy>class buffer
template<typename growth_strategy>class buffer<void, growth_strategy>
- class buffer_view
template<typename T>class cork_handle
template<typename... TN>struct event
- struct growth_strategy_15
- struct OcaBlockMember
- struct OcaClassAuthorityID
- struct OcaDBr
- struct OcaDelayValue
- class OcaDeviceState
- struct OcaEvent
- struct OcaEventID
- struct OcaGlobalTypeIdentifier
- struct OcaGrouperCitizen
- struct OcaGrouperEnrollment
- struct OcaGrouperGroup
- struct OcaGrouperStatusChangeEventData
- struct OcaImpedance
- struct OcaLibParamSetAssignment
- struct OcaLibraryIdentifier
- struct OcaLibVol
- struct OcaLibVolChangedEventData
- struct OcaLibVolData_ParamSet
- struct OcaLibVolIdentifier
- struct OcaLibVolMetadata
- struct OcaLibVolType
- struct OcaManagerDescriptor
- struct OcaMediaClockRate
- struct OcaMediaCoding
- struct OcaMediaConnection
- class OcaMediaConnectorElement
- struct OcaMediaConnectorStatus
- struct OcaMediaSinkConnector
- struct OcaMediaSourceConnector
- struct OcaMethod
- struct OcaMethodID
- struct OcaModelDescription
- struct OcaModelGUID
- struct OcaNetworkStatistics
- struct OcaNetworkSystemInterfaceDescriptor
- struct OcaNetworkSystemInterfaceID
- struct OcaObjectIdentification
- struct OcaObjectListEventData
- struct OcaObjectSearchResult
- class OcaObjectSearchResultFlags
- struct OcaObservationEventData
- struct OcaObservationListEventData
- struct OcaOPath
- struct OcaPilotToneDetectorSpec
- struct OcaPort
- struct OcaPortID
- struct OcaPositionDescriptor
- struct OcaProperty
template<typename DataType>struct OcaPropertyChangedEventData
- struct OcaPropertyDescriptor
- struct OcaPropertyID
- struct OcaProtoObjectIdentification
- struct OcaProtoPort
- struct OcaProtoPortID
- struct OcaProtoSignalPath
- struct OcaSignalPath
- struct OcaStream
- struct OcaStreamConnectorIdentification
- struct OcaTask
- struct OcaTaskStatus
- struct OcaTimePTP
- struct OcaTransferFunction
- struct OcaVersion
template<bool streaming>class parser_impl
template<typename Device>class port
template<typename T>struct property_change_event
- class udp_parser
- enum class OcaBaseDataType: uint8_t { None = 0, OcaBoolean = 1, OcaInt8 = 2, OcaInt16 = 3, OcaInt32 = 4, OcaInt64 = 5, OcaUint8 = 6, OcaUint16 = 7, OcaUint32 = 8, OcaUint64 = 9, OcaFloat32 = 10, OcaFloat64 = 11, OcaString = 12, OcaBitstring = 13, OcaBlob = 14, OcaBlobFixedLen = 15, OcaBit = 16 }
- enum class OcaComponent: uint16_t { BootLoader = 0 }
- enum class OcaStatus: uint8_t { OK = 0, ProtocolVersionError = 1, DeviceError = 2, Locked = 3, BadFormat = 4, BadONo = 5, ParameterError = 6, ParameterOutOfRange = 7, NotImplemented = 8, InvalidRequest = 9, ProcessingFailed = 10, BadMethod = 11, PartiallySucceeded = 12, Timeout = 13, BufferOverflow = 14 }
- enum class OcaStringComparisonType: uint8_t { Exact = 0, Substring = 1, Contains = 2, ExactCaseInsensitive = 3, SubstringCaseInsensitive = 4, ContainsCaseInsensitive = 5 }
- enum class OcaPositionCoordinateSystem: uint8_t { Robotic = 1, ItuAudioObjectBasedPolar = 2, ItuAudioObjectBasedCartesian = 3, ItuAudioSceneBasedPolar = 4, ItuAudioSceneBasedCartesian = 5, NAV = 6, ProprietaryBase = 128 }
- enum class OcaManagerDefaultObjectNumbers: uint32_t { DeviceManager = 1, SecurityManager = 2, FirmwareManager = 3, SubscriptionManager = 4, PowerManager = 5, NetworkManager = 6, MediaClockManager = 7, LibraryManager = 8, AudioProcessingManager = 9, DeviceTimeManager = 10, TaskManager = 11, CodingManager = 12, DiagnosticManager = 13 }
- enum class OcaResetCause: uint8_t { PowerOn = 0, InternalError = 1, Upgrade = 2, ExternalRequest = 3 }
- enum class OcaPowerState: uint8_t { None = 0, Working = 1, Standby = 2, Off = 3 }
- enum class OcaPropertyChangeType: uint8_t { CurrentChanged = 1, MinChanged = 2, MaxChanged = 3, ItemAdded = 4, ItemChanged = 5, ItemDeleted = 6 }
- enum class OcaMediaConnectorState: uint8_t { Stopped = 0, SettingUp = 1, Running = 2, Paused = 3, Fault = 4 }
- enum class OcaTaskState: uint8_t { None = 0, NotPrepared = 1, Disabled = 2, Enabled = 3, Running = 4, Completed = 5, Failed = 6, Stopped = 7, Aborted = 8 }
- enum class OcaPortMode: uint8_t { Input = 1, Output = 2 }
- enum class OcaMediaStreamCastMode: uint8_t { None = 0, Unicast = 1, Multicast = 2 }
- enum class OcaGrouperStatusChangeType: uint8_t { citizenAdded = 1, citizenDeleted = 2, citizenConnectionLost = 3, citizenConnectionReEstablished = 4, citizenError = 5, enrollment = 6, unEnrollment = 7 }
- enum class OcaNotificationDeliveryMode: uint8_t { Reliable = 1, Fast = 2 }
- enum class OcaSubscriptionManagerState: uint8_t { Normal = 1, EventsDisabled = 2 }
- enum class OcaMuteState: uint8_t { Muted = 1, Unmuted = 2 }
- enum class OcaPolarityState: uint8_t { NonInverted = 1, Inverted = 2 }
- enum class OcaDelayUnit: uint8_t { Time = 1, Distance = 2, Samples = 3, Microseconds = 4, Milliseconds = 5, Centimeters = 6, Inches = 7, Feet = 8 }
- enum class OcaClassicalFilterShape: uint8_t { Butterworth = 1, Bessel = 2, Chebyshev = 3, LinkwitzRiley = 4 }
- enum class OcaFilterPassband: uint8_t { HiPass = 1, LowPass = 2, BandPass = 3, BandReject = 4, AllPass = 5 }
- enum class OcaParametricEQShape: uint8_t { None = 0, PEQ = 1, LowShelv = 2, HighShelv = 3, LowPass = 4, HighPass = 5, BandPass = 6, AllPass = 7, Notch = 8, ToneControlLowFixed = 9, ToneControlLowSliding = 10, ToneControlHighFixed = 11, ToneControlHighSliding = 12 }
- enum class OcaDynamicsFunction: uint8_t { None = 0, Compress = 1, Limit = 2, Expand = 3, Gate = 4 }
- enum class OcaWaveformType: uint8_t { None = 0, DC = 1, Sine = 2, Square = 3, Impulse = 4, NoisePink = 5, NoiseWhite = 6, PolarityTest = 7 }
- enum class OcaSweepType: uint8_t { Linear = 1, Logarithmic = 2, None = 0 }
- enum class OcaUnitOfMeasure: uint8_t { Ampere = 4, DegreeCelsius = 2, Hertz = 1, None = 0, Ohm = 5, Volt = 3 }
- enum class OcaPresentationUnit: uint8_t { dBu = 0, dBV = 1, V = 2 }
- enum class OcaLevelDetectionLaw: uint8_t { None = 0, RMS = 1, Peak = 2 }
- enum class OcaSensorReadingState: uint8_t { Unknown = 0, Valid = 1, Underrange = 2, Overrange = 3, Error = 4 }
- enum class OcaLevelMeterLaw: uint8_t { VU = 1, StandardVU = 2, PPM1 = 3, PPM2 = 4, LKFS = 5, RMS = 6, Peak = 7, ProprietaryValueBase = 128 }
- enum class OcaGrouperMode: uint8_t { MasterSlave = 1, PeerToPeer = 2 }
- enum class OcaObserverState: uint8_t { NotTriggered = 0, Triggered = 1 }
- enum class OcaRelationalOperator: uint8_t { None = 0, Equality = 1, Inequality = 2, GreaterThan = 3, GreaterThanOrEqual = 4, LessThan = 5, LessThanOrEqual = 6 }
- enum class OcaPowerSupplyType: uint8_t { None = 0, Mains = 1, Battery = 2, Phantom = 3, Solar = 4 }
- enum class OcaPowerSupplyLocation: uint8_t { Unspecified = 1, Internal = 2, External = 3 }
- enum class OcaPowerSupplyState: uint8_t { Off = 0, Unavailable = 1, Available = 2, Active = 3 }
- enum class OcaRamperCommand: uint8_t { Enable = 1, Start = 2, Halt = 3 }
- enum class OcaRamperState: uint8_t { NotInitialized = 1, Iniitialized = 2, Scheduled = 3, Enabled = 4, Ramping = 5 }
- enum class OcaTimeMode: uint8_t { Absolute = 1, Relative = 2 }
- enum class OcaTaskCommand: uint8_t { None = 0, Prepare = 1, Enable = 2, Start = 3, Stop = 4, Abort = 5, Disable = 6, Clear = 7 }
- enum class OcaTaskManagerState: uint8_t { None = 0, Enabled = 1, Disabled = 2 }
- enum class OcaRamperInterpolationLaw: uint8_t { Linear = 1, ReverseLinear = 2, Sine = 3, Exponential = 4 }
- enum class OcaLibVolStandardTypeID: uint8_t { None = 0, ParamSet = 1, Patch = 2, Program = 3 }
- enum class OcaLibAccess: uint8_t { None = 0, ReadOnly = 1, ReadExpand = 2, Full = 3 }
- enum class OcaNetworkLinkType: uint8_t { None = 0, EthernetWired = 1, EthernetWireless = 2, USB = 3, SerialP2P = 4 }
- enum class OcaApplicationNetworkState: uint8_t { Unknown = 0, NotReady = 1, Readying = 2, Ready = 3, Running = 4, Paused = 5, Stopping = 6, Stopped = 7, Fault = 8 }
- enum class OcaApplicationNetworkCommand: uint8_t { None = 0, Prepare = 1, Start = 2, Pause = 3, Stop = 4, Reset = 5 }
- enum class OcaNetworkMediaProtocol: uint8_t { None = 0, AV3 = 1, AVBTP = 2, Dante = 3, Cobranet = 4, AES67 = 5, SMPTEAudio = 6, LiveWire = 7, ExtensionPoint = 65 }
- enum class OcaNetworkControlProtocol: uint8_t { None = 0, OCP01 = 1, OCP02 = 2, OCP03 = 3 }
- enum class OcaMediaConnectorCommand: uint8_t { None = 0, Start = 1, Pause = 2 }
- enum class OcaMediaClockAvailability: uint8_t { Unavailable = 0, Available = 1 }
- enum class OcaTimeReferenceType: uint8_t { Undefined = 0, Local = 1, Private = 2, GPS = 3, Galileo = 4, GLONASS = 5 }
- enum class OcaTimeProtocol: uint8_t { Undefined = 0, None = 1, Private = 2, NTP = 3, SNTP = 4, IEEE1588_2002 = 5, IEEE1588_2008 = 6, IEEE_AVB = 7, AES11 = 8, Genlock = 9 }
- enum class OcaTimeSourceAvailability: uint8_t { Unavailable = 0, Available = 1 }
- enum class OcaTimeSourceSyncStatus: uint8_t { Undefined = 0, Unsynchronized = 1, Synchronizing = 2, Synchronized = 3 }
- enum class OcaStreamType: uint8_t { None = 0, Unicast = 1, Multicast = 2 }
- enum class OcaStreamStatus: uint8_t { NotConnected = 0, Connected = 1, Paused = 2 }
- enum class OcaMediaClockLockState: uint8_t { Undefined = 0, Locked = 1, Synchronizing = 2, FreeRun = 3, Stopped = 4 }
- enum class OcaMediaClockType: uint8_t { None = 0, Internal = 1, Network = 2, External = 3 }
- enum class OcaNetworkStatus: uint8_t { Unknown = 0, Ready = 1, StartingUp = 2, Stopped = 3 }
- enum class OcaStreamConnectorStatus: uint8_t { NotAvailable = 0, Idle = 1, Connected = 2, Paused = 3 }
- enum class OcaNetworkSignalChannelStatus: uint8_t { NotConnected = 0, Connected = 1, Muted = 2 }
- enum class OcaNetworkMediaSourceOrSink: uint8_t { None = 0, Source = 1, Sink = 2 }
using parser = parser_
impl<true> -
using response_generator = device::
response_generator_tmpl<aes70:: device:: connection> - using OcaUint8 = uint8_t
- using OcaBoolean = uint8_t
- using OcaInt8 = int8_t
- using OcaInt16 = int16_t
- using OcaInt32 = int32_t
- using OcaInt64 = int64_t
- using OcaUint16 = uint16_t
- using OcaFloat32 = float
- using OcaFloat64 = double
- using OcaString = std::string
- using OcaBitstring = std::vector<bool>
- using OcaBlob = std::vector<OcaUint8>
template<std::size_t Len>using OcaBlobFixedLen = std::array<uint8_t, Len>
template<typename DataType>using OcaList = std::vector<DataType>
template<typename DataType>using OcaList2D = std::vector<std::vector<DataType>>
template<typename KeyType, typename ValueType>using OcaMapItem = std::pair<KeyType, ValueType>
template<typename KeyType, typename ValueType>using OcaMap = std::unordered_map<KeyType, ValueType>
template<typename KeyType, typename ValueType>using OcaMultiMap = std::unordered_multimap<KeyType, ValueType>
- using OcaOrganizationID = OcaBlobFixedLen<3>
- using OcaClassIDField = OcaUint16
- using OcaClassID = OcaList<OcaClassIDField>
- using OcaBitSet16 = OcaUint16
- using OcaClassVersionNumber = OcaUint16
- using OcaONo = OcaUint32
- using OcaNetworkHostID = OcaBlob
- using OcaNamePath = OcaList<OcaString>
- using OcaONoPath = OcaList<OcaONo>
- using OcaParameterMask = OcaBitSet16
- using OcaPositionDescriptorFieldFlags = OcaBitSet16
- using OcaEventData = OcaEvent
- using OcaLibVolID = OcaUint32
- using OcaMediaConnectorID = OcaUint16
- using OcaTaskID = OcaUint32
- using OcaDB = OcaFloat32
- using OcaDBFS = OcaDB
- using OcaMediaStreamParameters = OcaBlob
- using OcaMediaCodingSchemeID = OcaUint16
- using OcaDBz = OcaDB
- using OcaDBV = OcaDB
- using OcaDBu = OcaDB
- using OcaVoltage = OcaFloat32
- using OcaCurrent = OcaFloat32
- using OcaFrequency = OcaFloat32
- using OcaFrequencyResponse = OcaMap<OcaFrequency, OcaDB>
- using OcaPeriod = OcaUint32
- using OcaTemperature = OcaFloat32
- using OcaProtoONo = OcaUint32
- using OcaProtoMember = OcaProtoONo
- using OcaMatrixCoordinate = OcaUint16
- using OcaTaskGroupID = OcaUint16
- using OcaPTPSeconds = OcaUint64
- using OcaLibVolData_Patch = OcaList<OcaLibParamSetAssignment>
- using OcaLibVolData_Program = OcaBlob
- using OcaNetworkAddress = OcaBlob
- using OcaApplicationNetworkServiceID = OcaBlob
- using OcaSDPString = OcaString
- using OcaTimeInterval = OcaFloat32
- using OcaNetworkNodeID = OcaBlob
- using OcaStreamConnectorPinIndex = OcaUint16
- using OcaNetworkSignalChannelID = OcaBlob
- using OcaStreamConnectorID = OcaBlob
- using OcaStreamID = OcaBlob
- using OcaStreamParameters = OcaBlob
- using OcaStreamIndex = OcaUint16
- using OcaTimeNTP = OcaUint64
- using OcaTimeOfDay = OcaUint64
Enum documentation
enum class aes70:: OcaBaseDataType: uint8_t
Enum that describes all available base datatypes.
Enumerators | |
None |
Undefined |
OcaBoolean |
Generic boolean |
OcaInt8 |
Generic UINT8 |
OcaInt16 |
Generic UINT16 |
OcaInt32 |
Generic UINT32 |
OcaInt64 |
Generic UINT64 |
OcaUint8 |
Generic UINT8 |
OcaUint16 |
Generic UINT16 |
OcaUint32 |
Generic UINT32 |
OcaUint64 |
Generic UINT64 |
OcaFloat32 |
Generic 32 bit float |
OcaFloat64 |
Generic 64 bit float |
OcaString |
Character count + character array (UTF8) |
OcaBitstring |
Bit count + bit array |
OcaBlob |
Byte count + byte array |
OcaBlobFixedLen |
Byte array |
OcaBit |
One bit |
enum class aes70:: OcaComponent: uint16_t
Enumeration (16-bit) for of software & firmware components in the device. Except for the boot loader, all other values of this enum are device-specific and will be specified by subclassing this class.
Enumerators | |
BootLoader |
The boot loader image. |
enum class aes70:: OcaStatus: uint8_t
Standard status codes returned from method calls.
enum class aes70:: OcaStringComparisonType: uint8_t
Type of string comparison.
Enumerators | |
Exact |
Exact comparison, Case-sensitive. |
Substring |
Match all strings whose initial substrings equal the given key. Case-sensitive. |
Contains |
Match all strings that contain the given key. Case-sensitive. |
ExactCaseInsensitive |
Exact comparison. Case-insensitive. |
SubstringCaseInsensitive |
Match all strings whose initial substrings equal the given key. Case-insensitive. |
ContainsCaseInsensitive |
Match all strings that contain the given key. Case-insensitive. |
enum class aes70:: OcaPositionCoordinateSystem: uint8_t
Enumeration that designates the type of position coordinate system used. For details, see the AES70-1 description of the OcaPhysicalPosition class.
Enumerators | |
Robotic |
Six-axis robotic coordinates: {X, Y, Z, rX, rY, rZ} . r<axis> is anticlockwise rotation around the given axis - X, Y, or Z. For details, see AES70-1, section 5.5.9. |
ItuAudioObjectBasedPolar |
Object-based audio, polar version, per section 8 of the ITU radio Audio Definition Model defined in ITU-R BS.2076-1. For details, see the ITU standard and AES70-1, section 5.5.9.
ItuAudioObjectBasedCartesian |
Object-based audio, Cartesian version, per section 8 of the ITU radio Audio Definition Model defined in ITU-R BS.2076-1. For details, see the ITU standard and AES70-1, section 5.5.9. |
ItuAudioSceneBasedPolar |
Scene-based audio, polar version, per section 8 of the ITU radio Audio Definition Model defined in ITU-R BS.2076-1. For details, see the ITU standard and AES70-1, section 5.5.9. |
ItuAudioSceneBasedCartesian |
Scene-based audio, Cartesian version, per section 8 of the ITU radio Audio Definition Model defined in ITU-R BS.2076-1. For details, see the ITU standard and AES70-1, section 5.5.9. |
Terrestrial navigation format: {Longitude, Latitude, Altitude}. |
ProprietaryBase |
Base value for proprietary extensions. Proprietary extensions shall be numbered starting from this value. |
enum class aes70:: OcaManagerDefaultObjectNumbers: uint32_t
Datatype that defines the fixed object numbers assigned to the various OcaManager objects.
enum class aes70:: OcaResetCause: uint8_t
Enumeration of reasons for device reset.
Enumerators | |
PowerOn |
Reset due to powering up. |
InternalError |
Reset due to internal error. |
Upgrade |
Reset following upgrade of firmware. |
ExternalRequest |
Reset due to an external request (i.e. Reset method of DeviceManager or hardware reset pin). |
enum class aes70:: OcaPowerState: uint8_t
Enumeration defining the power states that OCA devices can be in. The state is returned by the device's Power Manager on request.
Enumerators | |
None |
Unspecified state. |
Working |
Power is on. |
Standby |
The device is in standby mode, but may be awoken by a call to the appropriate state-changing method of this class. |
Off |
The device is off, but may (depending on implementation) be awoken by a transport-dependent wakeup mechanism. |
enum class aes70:: OcaPropertyChangeType: uint8_t
Enum describing property change type.
Enumerators | |
CurrentChanged |
Current value has changed. |
MinChanged |
Minimum value has changed. |
MaxChanged |
Maximum value has changed. |
ItemAdded |
An item has been added to a list or a map property. |
ItemChanged |
An item of a list or a map property has been changed. |
ItemDeleted |
An item of a list or a map property has been deleted. |
enum class aes70:: OcaMediaConnectorState: uint8_t
Status options for a stream connector.
Enumerators | |
Stopped |
Connector has no media connection and no media data is being transferred. |
SettingUp |
Stream connection is being set up. Media data is not flowing. |
Running |
Media data is flowing since the connection is established. |
Paused |
Media transfer is stopped. Existing connection is intact. |
Fault |
Data transfer has been halted due to errors. Working storage has not been freed. |
enum class aes70:: OcaTaskState: uint8_t
States of OcaTask object. State values change as a result of the object's having received a comment or encountering processing events (e.g. completion).
Enumerators | |
None |
No (invalid) encoding. |
NotPrepared |
Task is constructed but not initialized. |
Disabled |
Task is initialized but not available to run. |
Enabled |
Task is available for running. |
Running |
Task is running. |
Completed |
Task has terminated successfully. |
Failed |
Task has terminated unsuccessfully. |
Stopped |
Task was gracefully stopped by a Stop command. |
Aborted |
Task was forcibly terminated by an Abort command. |
enum class aes70:: OcaPortMode: uint8_t
Enum that describes whether a port is for input or output.
Enumerators | |
Input |
Input port |
Output |
Output port |
enum class aes70:: OcaMediaStreamCastMode: uint8_t
Type of media endpoint: unicast or multicast.
Enumerators | |
None |
Undefined streamcast mode |
Unicast |
Unicast stream |
Multicast |
Multicast stream |
enum class aes70:: OcaGrouperStatusChangeType: uint8_t
Enum describing status change types, as used in OcaGrouper's StatusChange event.
Enumerators | |
citizenAdded |
New citizen has been added to the Grouper and is now in the online state. |
citizenDeleted |
A citizen has been deleted from the Grouper. |
citizenConnectionLost |
Previously online citizen has lost its connection with the grouper and is now in the offline state. |
citizenConnectionReEstablished |
Previously offline citizen has lost its connection with the grouper and is now in the online state. |
citizenError |
A citizen has failed to execute a requested parameter change. |
enrollment |
A citizen has enrolled in a group, and is now a member of that group. |
unEnrollment |
A member has been removed from a group. |
enum class aes70:: OcaNotificationDeliveryMode: uint8_t
Enum for subscriptions that specifies whether its notification messages are to be delivered by reliable means (e.g. TCP) or fast means (e.g. UDP).
Enumerators | |
Reliable |
Reliable delivery mode, e.g. TCP. |
Fast |
Fast delivery mode, e.g. UDP. |
enum class aes70:: OcaSubscriptionManagerState: uint8_t
Enum describing OcaSubscriptionManager states.
Enumerators | |
Normal | |
EventsDisabled |
Events are disabled. |
enum class aes70:: OcaMuteState: uint8_t
Mute states
enum class aes70:: OcaPolarityState: uint8_t
Polarity states
enum class aes70:: OcaDelayUnit: uint8_t
Enumeration of types of delay units that are available in OCA.
Enumerators | |
Time |
Time |
Distance |
Distance |
Samples |
Samples |
Microseconds |
Samples |
Milliseconds |
Samples |
Centimeters |
Samples |
Inches |
Samples |
Feet |
Samples |
enum class aes70:: OcaClassicalFilterShape: uint8_t
Enumeration of classicalr filter types that can be used by OCA objects.
Enumerators | |
Butterworth |
Butterworth |
Bessel |
Bessel |
Chebyshev |
Linkwitz-Riley |
LinkwitzRiley |
Linkwitz-Riley |
enum class aes70:: OcaFilterPassband: uint8_t
Enumeration of passband types that can be used by OCA objects.
Enumerators | |
HiPass |
High pass |
LowPass |
Low pass |
BandPass |
All pass |
BandReject |
All pass |
AllPass |
All pass |
enum class aes70:: OcaParametricEQShape: uint8_t
Enumeration of curve shapes used by OcaFilterParametric.
Enumerators | |
None |
No filter (i.e. flat frequency response) |
LowShelv |
Low Shelv |
HighShelv |
High Shelv |
LowPass |
Low Pass |
HighPass |
High Pass |
BandPass |
Band Pass |
AllPass |
All Pass |
Notch |
Notch |
ToneControlLowFixed |
Notch |
ToneControlLowSliding |
Notch |
ToneControlHighFixed |
Notch |
ToneControlHighSliding |
Notch |
enum class aes70:: OcaDynamicsFunction: uint8_t
Enumeration of the types of dynamics functions available from class OcaDynamics.
Enumerators | |
None |
No dynamic function. |
Compress |
Upward compress function (reduce gain when input is above the given threshold). |
Limit |
Limit function (compress with a fixed ratio of 10:1 or greater). |
Expand |
Downward expand function (decrease gain when input is below the given threshhold). |
Gate |
Gate function (expand with fixed 'infinite' downward expansion ratio). |
enum class aes70:: OcaWaveformType: uint8_t
Enumeration of waveform types that can be used by OCA objects.
Enumerators | |
None |
No signal. |
DC |
Direct current. |
Sine |
Sine wave. |
Square |
Square wave. |
Impulse |
Impulse waveform. |
NoisePink |
Pink noise waveform. |
NoiseWhite |
White noise waveform. |
PolarityTest |
Polarity test waveform (asymmetrical). |
enum class aes70:: OcaSweepType: uint8_t
Enumeration of waveform types that can be used by OCA objects.
Enumerators | |
Linear |
Linear sweep. |
Logarithmic |
Logarithmic sweep. |
None |
No sweep. |
enum class aes70:: OcaUnitOfMeasure: uint8_t
Enumeration of units of measure that can be used in OCA classes. Only SI (base or derived) units are specified, so that internal calculations will not need to convert. If conversion is needed it should only be done in user interfaces. The datatype of a reading expressed in one of these units of measure is FLOAT.
Enumerators | |
Ampere |
Electric current in Amperes. |
DegreeCelsius |
Temperature in degree Celsius. |
Hertz |
Frequency in Hertz. |
None |
No reading. |
Ohm |
Resistance, magnitude of reactance, or magnitude of impedance in Ohms. |
Volt |
Voltage in Volts. |
enum class aes70:: OcaPresentationUnit: uint8_t
Enumeration of presentation units that can be used in OCA classes. Property values of OCA objects are always in SI units (unless explicitly documented otherwise), but the presentation unit can also be stored to indicate in which unit the value was presented in a user interface. This way another controller can also present it in that unit (i.e. doing a conversion on the controller before presenting it) to keep the user presentation uniform. Note that the presentation unit may be equal to the unit of the property (in which case of course no conversion is needed).
Enumerators | |
dBu |
dB(0.775 VRMS) - voltage relative to 0.775 volts. |
dBV |
dB(1 VRMS) - voltage relative to 1 volt. |
V |
Voltage in plain volts. |
enum class aes70:: OcaLevelDetectionLaw: uint8_t
Enumeration of the types of level detector characteristics. Used in dynamics classes and for sensors.
Enumerators | |
None |
No detection (i.e. never trigger) |
Detect RMS value. |
Peak |
Detect peak value. |
enum class aes70:: OcaSensorReadingState: uint8_t
Enum that describes whether an OcaSensor's current reading value can be trusted, and if not, why not.
Enumerators | |
Unknown |
Cannot determine validity of reading, or this feature is not implemented. |
Valid |
Sensor reading is valid. |
Underrange |
Sensor is underrange, reading is not valid. |
Overrange |
Sensor is overrange, reading is not valid. |
Error |
Sensor is in an error state, reading is not valid. |
enum class aes70:: OcaLevelMeterLaw: uint8_t
Enumeration of level meter laws.
Enumerators | |
VU |
Generic VU-style meter, characteristics defined by device. |
StandardVU |
Classic VU meter per ANSI C16.5-1942, British Standard BS 6840, and IEC 60268-17. |
PPM1 |
IEC 60268-10 Peak Programme Meter, type I (Germany). |
PPM2 |
IEC 60268-10 Peak Programme Meter, type II (BBC). |
Loudness meter as defined by ITU BS1770. |
Simple RMS meter |
Peak |
Simple peak meter |
ProprietaryValueBase |
Proprietery classes shall add values of this value or greater. Values 0 to 127 are reserved. |
enum class aes70:: OcaGrouperMode: uint8_t
Select mode of OcaGrouper: master-slave or peer-to-peer
Enumerators | |
MasterSlave |
OcaGrouper is in master-slave mode. |
PeerToPeer |
OcaGrouper is in peer-to-peer mode. |
enum class aes70:: OcaObserverState: uint8_t
Interpolation law for ramper to use.
Enumerators | |
NotTriggered |
Observer is not triggered. |
Triggered |
Observer is triggered. |
enum class aes70:: OcaRelationalOperator: uint8_t
Enumeration of relational operators that can be used in OCA classes.
Enumerators | |
None | |
Equality |
The equality (==) operator. |
Inequality |
The inequality (!=) operator. |
GreaterThan |
The greater than (>) operator. |
GreaterThanOrEqual |
The greater than or equal (>=) operator. |
LessThan |
The less than (<) operator |
LessThanOrEqual |
The less than or equal (<=) operator. |
enum class aes70:: OcaPowerSupplyLocation: uint8_t
Physical location of a device power supply.
Enumerators | |
Unspecified |
Unspecified location |
Internal |
Power supply is physically inside the device. |
External |
Power supply is physically outside the device. |
enum class aes70:: OcaPowerSupplyState: uint8_t
Status of a device power supply.
Enumerators | |
Off |
Powered down. |
Unavailable |
Power supply is turned on but not available for activation. |
Available |
Power supply is fully available for activation. |
Active |
Power supply is currently supplying power to the device. |
enum class aes70:: OcaRamperCommand: uint8_t
Command repertoire of OcaRamper's Control method.
Enumerators | |
Enable |
Enable the ramper. Enter Enabled state. |
Start |
Unconditionally start ramping now. Enter Ramping state. |
Halt |
If Ramping, stop ramping. Return to Initialized or Scheduled state, whichever is appropriate. Else return to |
enum class aes70:: OcaRamperState: uint8_t
States of the ramper. Here are the rules for ramper state change:
- A freshly-constructed ramper's state is NotInitialized.
- A ramper becomes Initialized when : The ramper is NotInitialized; AND TargetProperty has been set to a valid value; AND Goal has been set; AND Duration has been set.
- A ramper becomes Scheduled when It is Initialized; AND Tstart and TimeMode have been set; AND (Tstart + Duration) is in the future.
- A ramper becomes Enabled when it is Scheduled AND receives an Enable command.
- A ramper becomes Ramping when: It is Enabled and the ramp start time is reached; OR It is Initialized, Scheduled, or Enabled and a Start command is received.
- Completion of a ramp or Receipt of a Halt command causes the state to become: Scheduled, if Tstart, Time Mode have been set; AND (Tstart
- Duration) is in the future. Otherwise, Initialized.
Enumerators | |
NotInitialized |
Ramper is not initialized and may not be started or enabled. |
Iniitialized |
Ramper is initialized sufficiently for nonscheduled ramps to work. A nonscheduled ramp is one that has no defined start time and must be started with the Start command. |
Scheduled |
Ramper is initialized sufficiently for both nonscheduled and scheduled ramps to work. A scheduled ramp is one that has a defined start time. |
Enabled |
Ramper's timer is running and scheduled ramp will commence at the designated future time. |
Ramping |
Ramper is currently executing a ramp. |
enum class aes70:: OcaTaskCommand: uint8_t
Commands controllers can send to OcaTasks to change their states
Enumerators | |
None |
No (invalid) encoding. |
Prepare |
Initialize task. If successful, resulting task state is Disabled. In this state, a prescheduled task will not automatically run, nor can the task be started with a Start command. |
Enable |
Make task available for scheduled or manual start. If successful, resulting task state is Enabled. In this state, the task can be started manually or at a scheduled time. |
Start |
Start task execution immediately. If successful, resulting task state is Running. |
Stop |
Stop task gracefully. If successful, resulting task state is Stopped. |
Abort |
Unconditionally terminate task immediately. Resulting task status is Aborted. |
Disable |
Place task into Disabled state. In this state, a prescheduled task will not automatically run, nor can the task be started with a Start command. |
Clear |
De-initialize task. Place it into the NotPrepared state. |
enum class aes70:: OcaTaskManagerState: uint8_t
States of OcaTaskManager object. These states represent the overall state of task processing in the device.
- Device task processing state is Enabled by default. In Enabled state, tasks may be running.
- Device task processing state may be Disabled by the OcaTaskManager Disable command.
- The Disable command will succeed only if no tasks are running. Tasks may be stopped by:
- passing the OcaTaskManager a Stop or Abort command, which will stop all tasks in the device; or
- passing a Stop or Abort command to each OcaTaskGroup agent, which will stop all the tasks in the given task groups; or
- passing a Stop or Abort command to each task individually.
Enumerators | |
None |
No (invalid) encoding. |
Enabled |
Task processing is enabled. Tasks may be running. |
Disabled |
Task processing is disabled. No tasks are running. |
enum class aes70:: OcaRamperInterpolationLaw: uint8_t
Interpolation law for ramper to use.
Enumerators | |
Linear |
Linear interpolation law |
ReverseLinear |
Reverse linear interpolation law |
Sine |
Sine interpolation law |
Exponential |
Exponential interpolation law |
enum class aes70:: OcaLibAccess: uint8_t
Library volume access modes
Enumerators | |
None |
The noble savage: Can't read, can't write. |
ReadOnly |
Look but don't touch. |
ReadExpand |
Read and add, but no replacement or deletion. |
Full |
All operations allowed. |
enum class aes70:: OcaNetworkLinkType: uint8_t
Types of layer 2 networks.
Enumerators | |
None |
No network |
EthernetWired |
Wired Ethernet |
EthernetWireless |
Wireless Ethernet |
SerialP2P |
Low-speed serial point-to-point |
enum class aes70:: OcaApplicationNetworkState: uint8_t
Network states.
Enumerators | |
Unknown |
State is not known. |
NotReady |
Application network is not connected to host data network and is therefore not ready for connection establishng or application data transfer. |
Readying |
Application network is in the process of connecting to the host data network and is therefore not ready for connection establishing or application data transfer. |
Ready |
Application network is connected to host data network and is ready for connection establishing and application data transfer. |
Running |
Application network is connected to host data network and is executing connection establishment and application data transfer. |
Paused |
All application data transfer is paused, but connections are still in place. |
Stopping |
Network is in the process of stopping all media application data transport activity and is deleting all media transport connections. |
Stopped |
No application data transport connections exist, but application network is still connected to host data network. |
Fault |
Application network has ceased all activity due to an error, but operating storage elements have not been freed. |
enum class aes70:: OcaApplicationNetworkCommand: uint8_t
Command values for OcaMediaNetwork.Control().
Enumerators | |
None |
No-op. State is not changed. |
Prepare |
Open a connection to the host data network, but do not make any media connections. Resulting state = Ready. |
Start |
Commence media data connection-making and data transfer. Resulting state = Running. |
Pause |
Temporarily halt all media data transfer, but preserve media connections. Resulting state = Paused. nb To unpause, a Start command should be used. |
Stop |
Cease data transfer and delete all media connections. Resulting state = Stopped. |
Reset |
Cease all media transfer, delete all media transport connections, and disconnect from the host data network. Resulting state = NotReady. |
enum class aes70:: OcaNetworkMediaProtocol: uint8_t
Media transport protocols available.
Enumerators | |
None |
No media protocol - the network does not do media transport. |
AV3 |
AVnu AV3 - RTP over AVB |
IEEE 1722 / 1722.1 |
Dante |
Pre-AV3 Dante with ATP transport |
Cobranet |
Cobranet |
AES67 |
AES67 network. |
SMPTEAudio |
SMPTE 2022? Or 2071? (TBD) |
LiveWire |
LiveWire media transport |
ExtensionPoint |
Base value for addition of nonstandard (e.g. proprietary) protocol options |
enum class aes70:: OcaNetworkControlProtocol: uint8_t
Network control protocols available.
Enumerators | |
None |
No control protocol - the network does not do control. |
OCP01 |
OCP.1 - OCA protocol for TCP/IP networks |
OCP02 |
OCP.2 - OCA protocol for USB links. |
OCP03 |
OCP.3 - Character XML or JSON (tbd) version of OCA protocol, for serial links and other purposes. |
enum class aes70:: OcaMediaConnectorCommand: uint8_t
Command values for OcaMediaNetwork.ControlConnector(...)
Enumerators | |
None |
No-op. State is not changed. |
Start |
Commence media data connection-making and data transfer. Resulting state = Running. |
Pause |
Pause transferring media data, but preserve media connections. Resulting state = Paused. |
enum class aes70:: OcaMediaClockAvailability: uint8_t
Lock states of media clocks.
Enumerators | |
Unavailable |
Media clock is unavailable. |
Available |
Media clock is available. |
enum class aes70:: OcaTimeReferenceType: uint8_t
Types of time references.
Enumerators | |
Undefined |
Time reference is undefined. |
Local |
Time reference is internal to device. |
Private |
Time reference is private to the application. |
Time reference is the U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS). |
Galileo |
Time reference is the European Galileo global positioning system. |
Time reference is the Russian GLONASS global positioning system. |
enum class aes70:: OcaTimeProtocol: uint8_t
Types of time sources. See RFC7273 particularly sections 4.4-4.8 .
Enumerators | |
Undefined |
Time protocol is undefined. |
None |
Time reference is inside device, so no network time protocol is used. |
Private |
Time protocol is not a public standard. |
Time protocol is Network Time Protocol. |
Time protocol is Simple Network Time Protocol. |
IEEE1588_2002 |
Time protocol is PTP (IEEE 1588), older version. |
IEEE1588_2008 |
Time protocol is PTP (IEEE 1588), newer version. |
Time protocol is IEEE 802.1as. |
AES11 |
Time protocol is AES11. |
Genlock |
Time protocol is Genlock |
enum class aes70:: OcaTimeSourceAvailability: uint8_t
States of time sources
Enumerators | |
Unavailable |
Time source is unavailable. |
Available |
Time source is available. |
enum class aes70:: OcaTimeSourceSyncStatus: uint8_t
Synchronization statuses.
Enumerators | |
Undefined |
Lock state is undefined. |
Unsynchronized |
Time source is not synchronized to reference. |
Synchronizing |
Time source is attempting to synchronize to reference. |
Synchronized |
Time source is synchronized with reference. |
enum class aes70:: OcaStreamType: uint8_t
Type of media endpoint: unicast or multicast.
Enumerators | |
None |
Unknown media endpoint type. |
Unicast |
Unicast stream. |
Multicast |
Multicast stream |
enum class aes70:: OcaStreamStatus: uint8_t
Status options for a stream.
Enumerators | |
NotConnected |
Connection is not ready to transfer data. |
Connected |
Connection is ready for data transfer. |
Paused |
Connection is set up, but data transfer has been halted. |
enum class aes70:: OcaMediaClockLockState: uint8_t
Lock states of media clocks.
Enumerators | |
Undefined |
Lock state is undefined. |
Locked |
Media clock is locked. |
Synchronizing |
Media clock is attempting to lock. |
FreeRun |
Media clock is free-running. |
Stopped |
Media clock is stopped. |
enum class aes70:: OcaMediaClockType: uint8_t
Types of media clocks.
Enumerators | |
None |
No network |
Internal |
Internal media clock |
Network |
Network media clock |
External |
External media clock input on this device |
enum class aes70:: OcaNetworkStatus: uint8_t
Network status enum.
Enumerators | |
Unknown |
Status is not known for some reason. |
Ready |
Network is ready for data transfer. |
StartingUp |
Network is starting up. |
Stopped |
Network has been stopped by a call to the Stop() method. All media connections and/or control sessions have been closed. |
enum class aes70:: OcaStreamConnectorStatus: uint8_t
Status options for a stream connector.
Enumerators | |
NotAvailable |
Connector is not ready to transfer data. |
Idle |
Connector is ready for data transfer but is not connected to any streams. |
Connected |
Connector is connected to at least one stream. |
Paused |
Connector is connected to at least one stream but data transfer has been halted by controller request. |
enum class aes70:: OcaNetworkSignalChannelStatus: uint8_t
Status options for a stream.
Enumerators | |
NotConnected |
Channel is not ready to transfer data. |
Connected |
Channel is ready for data transfer. |
Muted |
Channel is set up, but data transfer has been halted. |
enum class aes70:: OcaNetworkMediaSourceOrSink: uint8_t
enum that describes whether a port is a source (= sends program into the network; "talker") or sink (=receives program from the network; "listener")
Enumerators | |
None |
Port direction is undefined. |
Source |
Port is source (= talker) |
Sink |
Port is sink (=listener) |
Typedef documentation
using aes70:: parser = parser_ impl<true>
This is an alias for parser_
using aes70:: response_generator = device:: response_generator_tmpl<aes70:: device:: connection>
This class is used generate responses to AES70 commands (i.e. RPC calls). It is optionally passed to callees.
typedef uint8_taes70:: OcaUint8
General-purpose short index
typedef uint8_taes70:: OcaBoolean
True or false
typedef int8_taes70:: OcaInt8
Generic 8 bit integer parameter
typedef int16_taes70:: OcaInt16
Generic integer parameter
typedef int32_taes70:: OcaInt32
Generic long integer parameter
typedef int64_taes70:: OcaInt64
Generic long integer parameter
typedef uint16_taes70:: OcaUint16
General-purpose short index
typedef floataes70:: OcaFloat32
Generic integer parameter
typedef doubleaes70:: OcaFloat64
Generic integer parameter
typedef std::stringaes70:: OcaString
General character string, UTF-8 encoded.
typedef std::vector<bool>aes70:: OcaBitstring
Representation of a bitmask that is used on the network to send bitmask data.
template<std::size_t Len>
using aes70:: OcaBlobFixedLen = std::array<uint8_t, Len>
Template class for fixed-length blob.
template<typename DataType>
using aes70:: OcaList = std::vector<DataType>
Template class representing a list of items.
template<typename DataType>
using aes70:: OcaList2D = std::vector<std::vector<DataType>>
Template class representing a two-dimensional list of items. This class describes only the data, not how it will be marshalled for transport via the various OCA protocol implementations.
template<typename KeyType, typename ValueType>
using aes70:: OcaMapItem = std::pair<KeyType, ValueType>
One element of an OcaMap or OcaMultiMap
template<typename KeyType, typename ValueType>
using aes70:: OcaMap = std::unordered_map<KeyType, ValueType>
Template class representing a map of keys to values.
template<typename KeyType, typename ValueType>
using aes70:: OcaMultiMap = std::unordered_multimap<KeyType, ValueType>
Template representing a map of keys to values where keys do not have to be unique (e.g. can be present multiple times).
typedef OcaBlobFixedLen<3>aes70:: OcaOrganizationID
Globally unique identifier of an organization. Equal to the organization's IEEE OUI or CID. Note that the IEEE defines the OUI space and the CID space as disjoint, the this OCA identifier is always completely unique.
typedef OcaUint16aes70:: OcaClassIDField
Class identifier field. There is one of these for each level in the ClassID. The normative definition of the Class identifier is given in Part 1 of this standard, in the section entitled "Class identifiers". The UML definition given here is intended to be identical, but in the case of any discrepancy, Part 1 shall be definitive.
typedef OcaList<OcaClassIDField>aes70:: OcaClassID
Class identifier : vector that describes the class's ancestry. The normative definition of the Class identifier is given in Part 1 of this standard, in the section entitled "Class identifiers". The UML definition given here is intended to be identical, but in the case of any discrepancy, Part 1 shall be definitive..
typedef OcaUint16aes70:: OcaBitSet16
A set of 16 1-bit boolean flags. Used to signify (m) of (n) selections, where m <= n. See AES70-Part 3 for rules for marshalling bit sets.
typedef OcaUint16aes70:: OcaClassVersionNumber
Class version number, ascending from 1.
typedef OcaUint32aes70:: OcaONo
Object number of an OCA object.
typedef OcaBlobaes70:: OcaNetworkHostID
ID (name or address) of network host found by the discovery process.
typedef OcaList<OcaString>aes70:: OcaNamePath
Role-name path from a containing block up to an object. If the containing block is the Root Block the path is an absolute path; if not, it is a relative path.
typedef OcaList<OcaONo>aes70:: OcaONoPath
ONo path from a containing block up to an object. If the containing block is the Root Block the path is an absolute path; if not, it is a relative path.
typedef OcaBitSet16aes70:: OcaParameterMask
Bitset to indicate which method parameters contain valid data. The position of a bit in the bitset shall correspond to the ordinal position of the respective parameter of the method in question.
typedef OcaBitSet16aes70:: OcaPositionDescriptorFieldFlags
BItset that specifies which fields in OcaPositionAndOrientation are used. A "1" value signifies that the corresponding OcaPositionAndOrientation field is used.
typedef OcaEventaes70:: OcaEventData
Base class for event data. This base class holds the event data that every event notification must contain. When an event has additional properties, these propeties shall be defined in a class defined as a subclass of this base class. The properties of this base class need not be restated in the property list of the subclass, since they will be included by inheritance.
typedef OcaUint32aes70:: OcaLibVolID
Unique identifier of a library volume within its library.
typedef OcaUint16aes70:: OcaMediaConnectorID
Internal ID of media connector. Unique within its owner, which will be an OcaMediaTransportNetwork instance.
typedef OcaFloat32aes70:: OcaDB
A ratio expressed in dB. Typically used for gain settings.
typedef OcaBlobaes70:: OcaMediaStreamParameters
Media stream parameters. Definition is media transport type dependent. Appropriate subclasses will be defined for specific X210 adaptations.
typedef OcaUint16aes70:: OcaMediaCodingSchemeID
Codec parameters
typedef OcaFloat32aes70:: OcaVoltage
Voltage in volts.
typedef OcaFloat32aes70:: OcaCurrent
Current in amperes
typedef OcaFloat32aes70:: OcaFrequency
Strong datatype for frequency in Hertz.
typedef OcaMap<OcaFrequency, OcaDB>aes70:: OcaFrequencyResponse
Strong datatype for frequency response.
typedef OcaUint32aes70:: OcaPeriod
General-purpose period of time in milliseconds. As this type is mostly used for management purposes an integer base type is used and it is expressed in milliseconds.
typedef OcaFloat32aes70:: OcaTemperature
Strong datatype for temperature in degrees Celsius.
typedef OcaUint32aes70:: OcaProtoONo
Object number of an OCA object.
typedef OcaProtoONoaes70:: OcaProtoMember
Describes proto-member of a block factory
typedef OcaUint16aes70:: OcaMatrixCoordinate
Coordinate value (x or y) for OcaMatrix. Value is zero-relative, i.e. the first row or column is number zero. A value of 65535 means all rows or columns.
typedef OcaUint16aes70:: OcaTaskGroupID
ID of an OcaTaskGroup object.
typedef OcaUint64aes70:: OcaPTPSeconds
PTP seconds. Defined as a 64 bit unsigned integer for ease of programming; however, the value shall not exceed that of a 48-bit unsigned integer.
typedef OcaList<OcaLibParamSetAssignment>aes70:: OcaLibVolData_Patch
Library volume data for a Patch volume. A Patch a collection of ParamSet assignments. A ParamSet assigment is the description of a binding of a ParamSet to a block instance. To "apply" a Patch is to apply all of its assignments. To apply an assignment is to set all of its ParamSet's parameter values into its block.
typedef OcaBlobaes70:: OcaLibVolData_Program
Library volume data for a Program volume. A Program is an executable program or script that may be run by an OcaTask.
typedef OcaBlobaes70:: OcaNetworkAddress
Generic network address.
typedef OcaBlobaes70:: OcaApplicationNetworkServiceID
Generic host ID.
typedef OcaStringaes70:: OcaSDPString
Codec parameters
typedef OcaFloat32aes70:: OcaTimeInterval
Strong datatype for time interval in seconds.
typedef OcaBlobaes70:: OcaNetworkNodeID
ID (name or GUID) of network node. There may be one or more nodes per host. Nodes offer media network services, and are what is discovered by discovery processes. Each instance of OcaNetwork (or one of its subclasses) is a node.
typedef OcaUint16aes70:: OcaStreamConnectorPinIndex
An index of a pin of an OcaNetworkSignalChannel object. This is a CM2 class, deprecated as of OCA 1.4 .
typedef OcaBlobaes70:: OcaNetworkSignalChannelID
External ID of a signal channel. Name or number, depending on transport architecture being used. This datatype is deprecated as of OCA 1.4
typedef OcaBlobaes70:: OcaStreamConnectorID
Public ID of a network stream connector. Name or number, depending on transport architecture being used.
typedef OcaBlobaes70:: OcaStreamID
Public ID of a stream. Name or number, depending on transport architecture being used.
typedef OcaBlobaes70:: OcaStreamParameters
Media stream parameters. Definition is media transport type dependent. Appropriate subclasses will be defined for specific X210 adaptations.
typedef OcaUint16aes70:: OcaStreamIndex
Internal handle of a stream.
typedef OcaUint64aes70:: OcaTimeNTP
Time of day in NTP format
typedef OcaUint64aes70:: OcaTimeOfDay
The original NTP-format time datatype used in AES70-2015. In AES70-2018
- NTP time has been replaced by PTP time, as described by the new datatype OcaTimePTP.
- For compatibility, certain parameters with NTP time values have been retained, but deprecated; for clarity, the datatype of these values has been changed to OcaTimeNTP.
- OcaTimeNTP is the renamed version of OcaTimeOfDay, and is a deprecated datatype.
- This datatype, OcaTimeOfDay, is listed in the deprecated list for descriptive purposes only.