template<size_t N, typename storage_type = uint8_t>
bitset struct
Simple fixed length bitset implementation. This is functionally equivalent to std::bitset, however it does not throw exceptions.
Public static variables
- static const size_t storage_size
- static const size_t storage_bits
- static const size_t count
- static const size_t size
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- bitset() constexpr
Public functions
- void set(size_t n, bool value = true)
- void set()
- auto get(size_t n) const -> storage_type
- auto test(size_t n) const -> bool
- void clear(size_t n)
- void clear()
- void reset(size_t n)
- auto find_first(size_t n = 0, bool value = true) const -> size_t
- auto find_first_zero(size_t n = 0) const -> size_t
Function documentation
template<size_tN, typenamestorage_type>
aes70:: bitset<N, storage_type>:: bitset() constexpr
Create a bitset with uninitialized storage.
template<size_tN, typenamestorage_type>
void aes70:: bitset<N, storage_type>:: set(size_t n,
bool value = true)
Set the given bit to 1 or given value.
template<size_tN, typenamestorage_type>
void aes70:: bitset<N, storage_type>:: set()
Set all bits to 1.
template<size_tN, typenamestorage_type>
storage_type aes70:: bitset<N, storage_type>:: get(size_t n) const
Get the storage element which contains the given bit with all other bits masked set to zero.
This method returns 0 if and only if the given bit is 0.
template<size_tN, typenamestorage_type>
bool aes70:: bitset<N, storage_type>:: test(size_t n) const
Test a single bit.
template<size_tN, typenamestorage_type>
void aes70:: bitset<N, storage_type>:: clear(size_t n)
Clear the given bit, i.e. set it to 0.
template<size_tN, typenamestorage_type>
void aes70:: bitset<N, storage_type>:: clear()
Clear all bits.
template<size_tN, typenamestorage_type>
void aes70:: bitset<N, storage_type>:: reset(size_t n)
Set a bit to 0.
template<size_tN, typenamestorage_type>
size_t aes70:: bitset<N, storage_type>:: find_first(size_t n = 0,
bool value = true) const
Find the index of the first bit with given value starting from position n, inclusive. If not bit such bit has been found the method will return the number of bits in this bitset.
template<size_tN, typenamestorage_type>
size_t aes70:: bitset<N, storage_type>:: find_first_zero(size_t n = 0) const
Find the first zero bit in thie bitset starting from position n.
Variable documentation
template<size_tN, typenamestorage_type>
static const size_t aes70:: bitset<N, storage_type>:: storage_size
Size of the storage_type.
template<size_tN, typenamestorage_type>
static const size_t aes70:: bitset<N, storage_type>:: storage_bits
Bits per storage_type.
template<size_tN, typenamestorage_type>
static const size_t aes70:: bitset<N, storage_type>:: count
Number of elements of type storage_type
in the underlying array.
template<size_tN, typenamestorage_type>
static const size_t aes70:: bitset<N, storage_type>:: size
Number of bits in this bitset.