aes70::buffer_view class


A class which represents a pointer and a lenght. It has similar applications as C++17 string_view. For instance, in method signatures it can be used as a placehold for any parameter. It will then contain the region of memory which contains the encoded data of that one parameter.

Public functions

auto size() const -> size_t
auto length() const -> size_t
auto data() const -> const uint8_t*
auto operator==(const buffer_view& other) -> bool

Function documentation

size_t aes70::buffer_view::size() const

Returns the number of bytes in this view.

size_t aes70::buffer_view::length() const

Returns the number of bytes in this view.

const uint8_t* aes70::buffer_view::data() const

Returns the pointer to the beginning of the view.

bool aes70::buffer_view::operator==(const buffer_view& other)

Compares the size and content of the views.