aes70::static_device namespace


Namespace which contains functionality for building static AES70 devices. Static devices are those whose device structure is fixed.


template<class... TN>
class block
template<typename T>
struct block_member_storage
template<size_t number_of_subscriptions, typename Allocator = std::allocator<uint8_t>>
class connection
template<typename Root, typename Managers = detail::DefaultManagers, size_t N = 64>
class device
template<class... TN>
class root


template<class Class>
using OcaActuator = aes70::device::OcaActuator<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaAgent = aes70::device::OcaAgent<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaApplicationNetwork = aes70::device::OcaApplicationNetwork<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaAudioLevelSensor = aes70::device::OcaAudioLevelSensor<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaAudioProcessingManager = aes70::device::OcaAudioProcessingManager<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaBasicActuator = aes70::device::OcaBasicActuator<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaBasicSensor = aes70::device::OcaBasicSensor<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaBitstringActuator = aes70::device::OcaBitstringActuator<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaBitstringSensor = aes70::device::OcaBitstringSensor<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaBlock = aes70::device::OcaBlock<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaBlockFactory = aes70::device::OcaBlockFactory<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaBooleanActuator = aes70::device::OcaBooleanActuator<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaBooleanSensor = aes70::device::OcaBooleanSensor<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaCodingManager = aes70::device::OcaCodingManager<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaControlNetwork = aes70::device::OcaControlNetwork<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaCurrentSensor = aes70::device::OcaCurrentSensor<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaDelay = aes70::device::OcaDelay<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaDelayExtended = aes70::device::OcaDelayExtended<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaDeviceManager = aes70::device::OcaDeviceManager<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaDeviceTimeManager = aes70::device::OcaDeviceTimeManager<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaDiagnosticManager = aes70::device::OcaDiagnosticManager<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaDynamics = aes70::device::OcaDynamics<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaDynamicsCurve = aes70::device::OcaDynamicsCurve<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaDynamicsDetector = aes70::device::OcaDynamicsDetector<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaEventHandler = aes70::device::OcaEventHandler<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaFilterArbitraryCurve = aes70::device::OcaFilterArbitraryCurve<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaFilterClassical = aes70::device::OcaFilterClassical<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaFilterFIR = aes70::device::OcaFilterFIR<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaFilterParametric = aes70::device::OcaFilterParametric<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaFilterPolynomial = aes70::device::OcaFilterPolynomial<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaFirmwareManager = aes70::device::OcaFirmwareManager<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaFloat32Actuator = aes70::device::OcaFloat32Actuator<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaFloat32Sensor = aes70::device::OcaFloat32Sensor<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaFloat64Actuator = aes70::device::OcaFloat64Actuator<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaFloat64Sensor = aes70::device::OcaFloat64Sensor<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaFrequencyActuator = aes70::device::OcaFrequencyActuator<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaFrequencySensor = aes70::device::OcaFrequencySensor<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaGain = aes70::device::OcaGain<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaGainSensor = aes70::device::OcaGainSensor<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaGrouper = aes70::device::OcaGrouper<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaIdentificationActuator = aes70::device::OcaIdentificationActuator<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaIdentificationSensor = aes70::device::OcaIdentificationSensor<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaImpedanceSensor = aes70::device::OcaImpedanceSensor<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaInt16Actuator = aes70::device::OcaInt16Actuator<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaInt16Sensor = aes70::device::OcaInt16Sensor<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaInt32Actuator = aes70::device::OcaInt32Actuator<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaInt32Sensor = aes70::device::OcaInt32Sensor<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaInt64Actuator = aes70::device::OcaInt64Actuator<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaInt64Sensor = aes70::device::OcaInt64Sensor<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaInt8Actuator = aes70::device::OcaInt8Actuator<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaInt8Sensor = aes70::device::OcaInt8Sensor<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaLevelSensor = aes70::device::OcaLevelSensor<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaLibrary = aes70::device::OcaLibrary<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaLibraryManager = aes70::device::OcaLibraryManager<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaManager = aes70::device::OcaManager<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaMatrix = aes70::device::OcaMatrix<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaMediaClock = aes70::device::OcaMediaClock<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaMediaClock3 = aes70::device::OcaMediaClock3<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaMediaClockManager = aes70::device::OcaMediaClockManager<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaMediaTransportNetwork = aes70::device::OcaMediaTransportNetwork<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaMute = aes70::device::OcaMute<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaNetwork = aes70::device::OcaNetwork<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaNetworkManager = aes70::device::OcaNetworkManager<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaNetworkSignalChannel = aes70::device::OcaNetworkSignalChannel<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaNumericObserver = aes70::device::OcaNumericObserver<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaNumericObserverList = aes70::device::OcaNumericObserverList<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaPanBalance = aes70::device::OcaPanBalance<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaPhysicalPosition = aes70::device::OcaPhysicalPosition<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaPolarity = aes70::device::OcaPolarity<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaPowerManager = aes70::device::OcaPowerManager<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaPowerSupply = aes70::device::OcaPowerSupply<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaRamper = aes70::device::OcaRamper<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaRoot = aes70::device::OcaRoot<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaSecurityManager = aes70::device::OcaSecurityManager<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaSensor = aes70::device::OcaSensor<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaSignalGenerator = aes70::device::OcaSignalGenerator<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaSignalInput = aes70::device::OcaSignalInput<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaSignalOutput = aes70::device::OcaSignalOutput<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaStreamConnector = aes70::device::OcaStreamConnector<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaStreamNetwork = aes70::device::OcaStreamNetwork<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaStringActuator = aes70::device::OcaStringActuator<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaStringSensor = aes70::device::OcaStringSensor<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaSubscriptionManager = aes70::device::OcaSubscriptionManager<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaSummingPoint = aes70::device::OcaSummingPoint<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaSwitch = aes70::device::OcaSwitch<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaTaskManager = aes70::device::OcaTaskManager<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaTemperatureActuator = aes70::device::OcaTemperatureActuator<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaTemperatureSensor = aes70::device::OcaTemperatureSensor<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaTimeIntervalSensor = aes70::device::OcaTimeIntervalSensor<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaTimeSource = aes70::device::OcaTimeSource<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaUint16Actuator = aes70::device::OcaUint16Actuator<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaUint16Sensor = aes70::device::OcaUint16Sensor<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaUint32Actuator = aes70::device::OcaUint32Actuator<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaUint32Sensor = aes70::device::OcaUint32Sensor<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaUint64Actuator = aes70::device::OcaUint64Actuator<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaUint64Sensor = aes70::device::OcaUint64Sensor<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaUint8Actuator = aes70::device::OcaUint8Actuator<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaUint8Sensor = aes70::device::OcaUint8Sensor<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaVoltageSensor = aes70::device::OcaVoltageSensor<Class>
template<class Class>
using OcaWorker = aes70::device::OcaWorker<Class>


template<class... TN>
auto make_block(const char* Role, TN && ... members) -> block<typename block_member_storage<TN>::type...>
template<class... TN>
auto make_root(TN && ... members) -> root<typename block_member_storage<TN>::type...>
template<typename Root, typename Managers>
auto make_device(Root& root, Managers& managers) -> device<Root, Managers>
template<size_t N = 64, typename Root>
auto make_device(Root& root) -> device<Root, const detail::DefaultManagers, N>

Typedef documentation

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaActuator = aes70::device::OcaActuator<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaActuator. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaAgent = aes70::device::OcaAgent<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaAgent. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaApplicationNetwork = aes70::device::OcaApplicationNetwork<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaApplicationNetwork. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaAudioLevelSensor = aes70::device::OcaAudioLevelSensor<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaAudioLevelSensor. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaAudioProcessingManager = aes70::device::OcaAudioProcessingManager<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaAudioProcessingManager. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaBasicActuator = aes70::device::OcaBasicActuator<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaBasicActuator. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaBasicSensor = aes70::device::OcaBasicSensor<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaBasicSensor. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaBitstringActuator = aes70::device::OcaBitstringActuator<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaBitstringActuator. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaBitstringSensor = aes70::device::OcaBitstringSensor<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaBitstringSensor. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaBlock = aes70::device::OcaBlock<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaBlock. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaBlockFactory = aes70::device::OcaBlockFactory<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaBlockFactory. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaBooleanActuator = aes70::device::OcaBooleanActuator<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaBooleanActuator. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaBooleanSensor = aes70::device::OcaBooleanSensor<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaBooleanSensor. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaCodingManager = aes70::device::OcaCodingManager<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaCodingManager. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaControlNetwork = aes70::device::OcaControlNetwork<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaControlNetwork. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaCurrentSensor = aes70::device::OcaCurrentSensor<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaCurrentSensor. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaDelay = aes70::device::OcaDelay<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaDelay. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaDelayExtended = aes70::device::OcaDelayExtended<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaDelayExtended. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaDeviceManager = aes70::device::OcaDeviceManager<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaDeviceManager. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaDeviceTimeManager = aes70::device::OcaDeviceTimeManager<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaDeviceTimeManager. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaDiagnosticManager = aes70::device::OcaDiagnosticManager<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaDiagnosticManager. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaDynamics = aes70::device::OcaDynamics<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaDynamics. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaDynamicsCurve = aes70::device::OcaDynamicsCurve<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaDynamicsCurve. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaDynamicsDetector = aes70::device::OcaDynamicsDetector<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaDynamicsDetector. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaEventHandler = aes70::device::OcaEventHandler<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaEventHandler. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaFilterArbitraryCurve = aes70::device::OcaFilterArbitraryCurve<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaFilterArbitraryCurve. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaFilterClassical = aes70::device::OcaFilterClassical<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaFilterClassical. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaFilterFIR = aes70::device::OcaFilterFIR<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaFilterFIR. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaFilterParametric = aes70::device::OcaFilterParametric<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaFilterParametric. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaFilterPolynomial = aes70::device::OcaFilterPolynomial<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaFilterPolynomial. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaFirmwareManager = aes70::device::OcaFirmwareManager<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaFirmwareManager. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaFloat32Actuator = aes70::device::OcaFloat32Actuator<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaFloat32Actuator. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaFloat32Sensor = aes70::device::OcaFloat32Sensor<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaFloat32Sensor. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaFloat64Actuator = aes70::device::OcaFloat64Actuator<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaFloat64Actuator. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaFloat64Sensor = aes70::device::OcaFloat64Sensor<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaFloat64Sensor. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaFrequencyActuator = aes70::device::OcaFrequencyActuator<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaFrequencyActuator. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaFrequencySensor = aes70::device::OcaFrequencySensor<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaFrequencySensor. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaGain = aes70::device::OcaGain<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaGain. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaGainSensor = aes70::device::OcaGainSensor<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaGainSensor. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaGrouper = aes70::device::OcaGrouper<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaGrouper. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaIdentificationActuator = aes70::device::OcaIdentificationActuator<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaIdentificationActuator. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaIdentificationSensor = aes70::device::OcaIdentificationSensor<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaIdentificationSensor. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaImpedanceSensor = aes70::device::OcaImpedanceSensor<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaImpedanceSensor. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaInt16Actuator = aes70::device::OcaInt16Actuator<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaInt16Actuator. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaInt16Sensor = aes70::device::OcaInt16Sensor<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaInt16Sensor. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaInt32Actuator = aes70::device::OcaInt32Actuator<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaInt32Actuator. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaInt32Sensor = aes70::device::OcaInt32Sensor<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaInt32Sensor. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaInt64Actuator = aes70::device::OcaInt64Actuator<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaInt64Actuator. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaInt64Sensor = aes70::device::OcaInt64Sensor<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaInt64Sensor. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaInt8Actuator = aes70::device::OcaInt8Actuator<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaInt8Actuator. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaInt8Sensor = aes70::device::OcaInt8Sensor<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaInt8Sensor. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaLevelSensor = aes70::device::OcaLevelSensor<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaLevelSensor. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaLibrary = aes70::device::OcaLibrary<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaLibrary. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaLibraryManager = aes70::device::OcaLibraryManager<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaLibraryManager. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaManager = aes70::device::OcaManager<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaManager. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaMatrix = aes70::device::OcaMatrix<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaMatrix. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaMediaClock = aes70::device::OcaMediaClock<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaMediaClock. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaMediaClock3 = aes70::device::OcaMediaClock3<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaMediaClock3. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaMediaClockManager = aes70::device::OcaMediaClockManager<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaMediaClockManager. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaMediaTransportNetwork = aes70::device::OcaMediaTransportNetwork<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaMediaTransportNetwork. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaMute = aes70::device::OcaMute<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaMute. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaNetwork = aes70::device::OcaNetwork<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaNetwork. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaNetworkManager = aes70::device::OcaNetworkManager<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaNetworkManager. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaNetworkSignalChannel = aes70::device::OcaNetworkSignalChannel<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaNetworkSignalChannel. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaNumericObserver = aes70::device::OcaNumericObserver<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaNumericObserver. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaNumericObserverList = aes70::device::OcaNumericObserverList<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaNumericObserverList. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaPanBalance = aes70::device::OcaPanBalance<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaPanBalance. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaPhysicalPosition = aes70::device::OcaPhysicalPosition<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaPhysicalPosition. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaPolarity = aes70::device::OcaPolarity<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaPolarity. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaPowerManager = aes70::device::OcaPowerManager<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaPowerManager. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaPowerSupply = aes70::device::OcaPowerSupply<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaPowerSupply. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaRamper = aes70::device::OcaRamper<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaRamper. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaRoot = aes70::device::OcaRoot<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaRoot. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaSecurityManager = aes70::device::OcaSecurityManager<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaSecurityManager. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaSensor = aes70::device::OcaSensor<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaSensor. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaSignalGenerator = aes70::device::OcaSignalGenerator<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaSignalGenerator. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaSignalInput = aes70::device::OcaSignalInput<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaSignalInput. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaSignalOutput = aes70::device::OcaSignalOutput<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaSignalOutput. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaStreamConnector = aes70::device::OcaStreamConnector<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaStreamConnector. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaStreamNetwork = aes70::device::OcaStreamNetwork<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaStreamNetwork. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaStringActuator = aes70::device::OcaStringActuator<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaStringActuator. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaStringSensor = aes70::device::OcaStringSensor<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaStringSensor. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaSubscriptionManager = aes70::device::OcaSubscriptionManager<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaSubscriptionManager. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaSummingPoint = aes70::device::OcaSummingPoint<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaSummingPoint. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaSwitch = aes70::device::OcaSwitch<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaSwitch. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaTaskManager = aes70::device::OcaTaskManager<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaTaskManager. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaTemperatureActuator = aes70::device::OcaTemperatureActuator<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaTemperatureActuator. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaTemperatureSensor = aes70::device::OcaTemperatureSensor<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaTemperatureSensor. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaTimeIntervalSensor = aes70::device::OcaTimeIntervalSensor<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaTimeIntervalSensor. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaTimeSource = aes70::device::OcaTimeSource<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaTimeSource. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaUint16Actuator = aes70::device::OcaUint16Actuator<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaUint16Actuator. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaUint16Sensor = aes70::device::OcaUint16Sensor<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaUint16Sensor. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaUint32Actuator = aes70::device::OcaUint32Actuator<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaUint32Actuator. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaUint32Sensor = aes70::device::OcaUint32Sensor<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaUint32Sensor. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaUint64Actuator = aes70::device::OcaUint64Actuator<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaUint64Actuator. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaUint64Sensor = aes70::device::OcaUint64Sensor<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaUint64Sensor. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaUint8Actuator = aes70::device::OcaUint8Actuator<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaUint8Actuator. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaUint8Sensor = aes70::device::OcaUint8Sensor<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaUint8Sensor. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaVoltageSensor = aes70::device::OcaVoltageSensor<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaVoltageSensor. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

template<class Class>
using aes70::static_device::OcaWorker = aes70::device::OcaWorker<Class>

A template alias for aes70::device::OcaWorker. This exists for compatibility only and will be deprecated and subsequently removed in a future version.

Function documentation

template<class... TN>
block<typename block_member_storage<TN>::type...> aes70::static_device::make_block(const char* Role, TN && ... members)

Returns This function returns either an instance of block<TN...> or block<TN&...>.

Method for creating a block. Can be used both with lvalue and rvalue references. If used with rvalue references, the returned block will store its member objects by values, if called with lvalue references all member objects will be stored by reference.

template<class... TN>
root<typename block_member_storage<TN>::type...> aes70::static_device::make_root(TN && ... members)

Returns This function returns either an instance of root<TN...> or root<TN&...>.

Method for creating the root block of a device. Similarly to make_block, depending on whether the arguments are rvalue or lvalue references, the instant of root returned will either store its members as references or as values.

template<typename Root, typename Managers>
device<Root, Managers> aes70::static_device::make_device(Root& root, Managers& managers)

Construct a static device from a root block and a class containing the manager objects.

template<size_t N = 64, typename Root>
device<Root, const detail::DefaultManagers, N> aes70::static_device::make_device(Root& root)

Construct a static device from a root block.