template<class Class>
OcaNetwork class
Template parameters | |
Class | - Class to wrap. |
This class template detects the methods and events defined for the class OcaNetwork in the AES70 specification and exposes them through AES70. Note that all AES70 methods and event handlers need to be public in order to be detected.
Detects the following symbols with the corresponding detector classes:
GetLinkType : aes70::
device:: Getter Return values:
- Type : OcaNetworkLinkType
GetIDAdvertised : aes70::
device:: Getter Return values:
- Name : OcaBlob
SetIDAdvertised : aes70::
device:: Setter Arguments:
- Name : OcaBlob
GetControlProtocol : aes70::
device:: Getter Return values:
- Protocol : OcaNetworkControlProtocol
GetMediaProtocol : aes70::
device:: Getter Return values:
- Protocol : OcaNetworkMediaProtocol
GetStatus : aes70::
device:: Getter Return values:
- Status : OcaNetworkStatus
GetStatistics : aes70::
device:: Getter Return values:
- Status : OcaNetworkStatistics
- ResetStatistics : aes70::
device:: Method GetSystemInterfaces : aes70::
device:: Getter Return values:
- Interfaces : OcaList<OcaNetworkSystemInterfaceID>
SetSystemInterfaces : aes70::
device:: Setter Arguments:
- Interfaces : OcaList<OcaNetworkSystemInterfaceID>
GetMediaPorts : aes70::
device:: Getter Return values:
- Ports : OcaList<OcaUint32>
- Startup : aes70::
device:: Method - Shutdown : aes70::
device:: Method
Detects the following event handlers for property changes (of type aes70::
- OnIDAdvertisedChanged with property encoder OCP1::
OcaBlob - OnControlProtocolChanged with property encoder OCP1::
OcaUint8 - OnMediaProtocolChanged with property encoder OCP1::
OcaUint8 - OnStatusChanged with property encoder OCP1::
OcaUint8 - OnSystemInterfacesChanged with property encoder OCP1::
OcaList<OCP1::Struct<OCP1::OcaBlob, OCP1::OcaBlob>> - OnMediaPortsChanged with property encoder OCP1::OcaList<OCP1::OcaUint32>
- OnStatisticsChanged with property encoder OCP1::Struct<OCP1::OcaUint32, OCP1::OcaUint32>
From the AES70 standard:
DEPRECATED CLASS Replaced by class OcaControlNetwork in version 3 of Connection Management (CM3) Abstract base class for defining network classes to which this device belongs. This class is to be used for control and monitoring networks only. For media transport networks, and for networks that combine media transport and control, the OcaStreamNetwork class should be used instead.
Base classes
template<class Class>class OcaAgent
Public static variables
- static const OcaClassVersionNumber ClassVersion
static const classid_
tpl<3> ClassId - static const size_t count_events
Public static functions
- static auto get_event_index(OcaEventID id, size_t index) -> AES70_ALWAYS_INLINE ptrdiff_t
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
template<typename ... TN>OcaNetwork(TN && ... args)
Public functions
- auto get_class_version() const -> uint16_t virtual
- auto get_classid() const -> const classid& virtual
void init(aes70::
device:: device* d, uint32_t n) virtual -
auto call(const OcaMethodID id,
const uint8_t* src,
const uint8_t* src_end,
uint8_t parameterCount,
const aes70::
response_generator& response) -> bool virtual - auto get_event_index(const OcaEventID OcaEventID) const -> ptrdiff_t virtual
Function documentation
static AES70_ALWAYS_INLINE ptrdiff_t aes70:: device:: OcaNetwork<Class>:: get_event_index(OcaEventID id,
size_t index)
Internal class for finding the event index of a given EventID. Returns -1 if the given event is not defined.
template<typename ... TN>
aes70:: device:: OcaNetwork<Class>:: OcaNetwork(TN && ... args)
Constructor which calls the constructor of Class with args forwarded.
uint16_t aes70:: device:: OcaNetwork<Class>:: get_class_version() const virtual
Returns the AES70 class version of this object.
const classid& aes70:: device:: OcaNetwork<Class>:: get_classid() const virtual
Returns the AES70 class id of this object.
void aes70:: device:: OcaNetwork<Class>:: init(aes70:: device:: device* d,
uint32_t n) virtual
Called when this object is added to a device.
bool aes70:: device:: OcaNetwork<Class>:: call(const OcaMethodID id,
const uint8_t* src,
const uint8_t* src_end,
uint8_t parameterCount,
const aes70:: response_generator& response) virtual
Internal method used to call AES70 methods in this object.
ptrdiff_t aes70:: device:: OcaNetwork<Class>:: get_event_index(const OcaEventID OcaEventID) const virtual
Returns the index of a given event. The idea is that all events defined on a aes70 class can be enumerated. For events which this object does not implement, the value -1 is returned.
Variable documentation
static const OcaClassVersionNumber aes70:: device:: OcaNetwork<Class>:: ClassVersion
The ClassVersion of this class according to the AES70 standard.
static const classid_ tpl<3> aes70:: device:: OcaNetwork<Class>:: ClassId
The ClassID of this class according to the AES70 standard.
static const size_t aes70:: device:: OcaNetwork<Class>:: count_events
Number of events defined in this class. This depends on which events are implemented by Class.