- Reference
An execution thread that runs an AES70 Program. Programs are OcaLibrary volumes that contain application-specific execution instructions.
Public variables
Variable documentation
OcaLibVolIdentifier aes70:: OcaTask:: ProgramID
ID of program this task was given or null if it's idle.
OcaTaskGroupID aes70:: OcaTask:: GroupID
ID of group the task is in, or zero if it isn't in a group
OcaTimeMode aes70:: OcaTask:: TimeMode
Absolute or Relative time.
OcaONo aes70:: OcaTask:: TimeSourceONo
ONo of relevant OcaTimeSource object or zero to use device time (see OcaDeviceTimeManager).
OcaTimePTP aes70:: OcaTask:: StartTime
Time at which to start task, or zero if task will be manually started. If TimeMode=Relative, the actual event start time equals the value of StartTime plus the absolute time that StartTime was most recently set. Datatype shall depend on value of TimeUnits: - If TimeUnits is seconds, datatype shall be OcaTimePTP; - If TimeUnits is samples, datatype shall be OcaUint64. If TimeMode=Absolute, the actual event start time equals the value of StartTime
OcaTimePTP aes70:: OcaTask:: Duration
Duration of task execution, or zero to run until complete or explicitly stopped.
OcaBlob aes70:: OcaTask:: ApplicationSpecificParameters
Arbitrary application-specific parameters for the Task and its Program.