
Class Hierarchy:


class OcaFilterClassical : OcaActuator

A classical analog-style filter - highpass, lowpass, bandpass, etc., with shape characteristics such as Butterworth, Chebyshev, Bessel, and Linkwitz-Riley. Frequently used in loudspeaker crossover networks.


static const OcaClassID ClassID = ""

Number that uniquely identifies the class. Note that this differs from the object number, which identifies the instantiated object. This property is an override of the OcaRoot property.

This property has id 4.1.

static const OcaClassVersionNumber ClassVersion = 2

Identifies the interface version of the class. Any change to the class definition leads to a higher class version. This property is an override of the OcaRoot property.

This property has id 4.2.

OcaFrequency Frequency

The frequency of the filter.

This property has id 4.1.

OcaFilterPassband Passband

Lowpass, highpass, bandpass, bandreject

This property has id 4.2.

OcaClassicalFilterShape Shape

Shape family - Butterworth, Bessell, etc.

This property has id 4.3.

OcaUint16 Order

Filter order

This property has id 4.4.

OcaFloat32 Parameter

Ripple or other filter parameter, depending on shape. Not used by some shapes.

This property has id 4.5.

Properties inherited from OcaWorker:

Properties inherited from OcaRoot:


OcaStatus GetFrequency(OcaFrequency &Frequency, OcaFrequency &minFrequency, OcaFrequency &maxFrequency)

Gets the value of the Frequency property. The return value indicates if the property was successfully retrieved.

This method has id 4.1.

  • OcaFrequency Frequency – Output parameter.

  • OcaFrequency minFrequency – Output parameter.

  • OcaFrequency maxFrequency – Output parameter.

OcaStatus SetFrequency(OcaFrequency frequency)

Sets the value of the Frequency property. The return value indicates if the property was successfully set.

This method has id 4.2.


OcaFrequency frequency – Input parameter.

OcaStatus GetPassband(OcaFilterPassband &Passband)

Returns the passband specification of the filter object. The return value indicates if the specification was successfully retrieved.

This method has id 4.3.


OcaFilterPassband Passband – Output parameter.

OcaStatus SetPassband(OcaFilterPassband Passband)

Sets the passband specification of the filter object. The return value indicates if the specification was successfully set.

This method has id 4.4.


OcaFilterPassband Passband – Input parameter.

OcaStatus GetShape(OcaClassicalFilterShape &Shape)

Returns the Shape property of the filter. The return value indicates if the property was successfully retrieved.

This method has id 4.5.


OcaClassicalFilterShape Shape – Output parameter.

OcaStatus SetShape(OcaClassicalFilterShape Shape)

Sets the Shape property of the filter. The return value indicates if the property was successfully set.

This method has id 4.6.


OcaClassicalFilterShape Shape – Input parameter.

OcaStatus GetOrder(OcaUint16 &Order, OcaUint16 &minOrder, OcaUint16 &maxOrder)

Returns the order of the filter. The return value indicates if the property was successfully retrieved.

This method has id 4.7.

  • OcaUint16 Order – Output parameter.

  • OcaUint16 minOrder – Output parameter.

  • OcaUint16 maxOrder – Output parameter.

OcaStatus SetOrder(OcaUint16 Order)

Sets the order of the filter. The return value indicates if the property was successfully set.

This method has id 4.8.


OcaUint16 Order – Input parameter.

OcaStatus GetParameter(OcaFloat32 &Parameter, OcaFloat32 &minParameter, OcaFloat32 &maxParameter)

Returns the filter parameter. The return value indicates if the property was successfully retrieved.

This method has id 4.9.

  • OcaFloat32 Parameter – Output parameter.

  • OcaFloat32 minParameter – Output parameter.

  • OcaFloat32 maxParameter – Output parameter.

OcaStatus SetParameter(OcaFloat32 Parameter)

Sets the filter parameter. The return value indicates if the parameter was successfully set.

This method has id 4.10.


OcaFloat32 Parameter – Input parameter.

OcaStatus SetMultiple(OcaParameterMask Mask, OcaFrequency Frequency, OcaFilterPassband Passband, OcaClassicalFilterShape Shape, OcaUint16 Order, OcaFloat32 Parameter)

Sets some or all filter parameter. The return value indicates if the parameters were successfully set. The action of this method is atomic - if any of the value changes fails, none of the changes are made.

This method has id 4.11.

  • OcaParameterMask Mask – Input parameter.

  • OcaFrequency Frequency – Input parameter.

  • OcaFilterPassband Passband – Input parameter.

  • OcaClassicalFilterShape Shape – Input parameter.

  • OcaUint16 Order – Input parameter.

  • OcaFloat32 Parameter – Input parameter.

Methods inherited from OcaWorker:

Methods inherited from OcaRoot: