Block and Matrix Datatypes
struct OcaBlockMember
Describes an object that is a member of a block.
OcaObjectIdentification MemberObjectIdentification
Object identification of a block member.
OcaObjectIdentification MemberObjectIdentification
OCP.1 Encoding
Field |
Basic type |
Byte length |
MemberObjectIdentification.ONo.ONo |
OcaUint32 |
4 |
MemberObjectIdentification.ClassIdentification.ClassID |
OcaClassID |
(2 + Count * 2 * variable) |
MemberObjectIdentification.ClassIdentification.ClassVersion.Value |
OcaUint16 |
2 |
ContainerObjectNumber.ONo |
OcaUint32 |
4 |
struct OcaPort
Representation of an OCA (input or output) port that is used in the signal path representation of an OCA device.
OCP.1 Encoding
Field |
Basic type |
Byte length |
Owner.ONo |
OcaUint32 |
4 |
ID.Mode |
OcaEnumItem |
1 |
ID.Index |
OcaUint16 |
2 |
Name.Len |
OcaUint16 |
2 |
Name.Value |
string |
variable |
struct OcaPortID
Unique identifier of input or output port within a given worker or block class. Port numbers are ordinals starting at 1, and there are separate numbering spaces for input and output ports.
OcaPortMode Mode
Enum that indicates whether the port is for input or output.
OcaPortMode Mode
OCP.1 Encoding
Field |
Basic type |
Byte length |
Mode |
OcaEnumItem |
1 |
Index |
OcaUint16 |
2 |
struct OcaSignalPath
Signal path between two object ports in the same device.
OCP.1 Encoding
Field |
Basic type |
Byte length |
SourcePort.Owner.ONo |
OcaUint32 |
4 |
SourcePort.ID.Mode |
OcaEnumItem |
1 |
SourcePort.ID.Index |
OcaUint16 |
2 |
SourcePort.Name.Len |
OcaUint16 |
2 |
SourcePort.Name.Value |
string |
variable |
SinkPort.Owner.ONo |
OcaUint32 |
4 |
SinkPort.ID.Mode |
OcaEnumItem |
1 |
SinkPort.ID.Index |
OcaUint16 |
2 |
SinkPort.Name.Len |
OcaUint16 |
2 |
SinkPort.Name.Value |
string |
variable |
using OcaProtoMember = OcaProtoONo
Describes proto-member of a block factory
struct OcaProtoObjectIdentification
Prototype object identification. Composite of prototype object number and prototype object’s class identification. Used in OcaBlockFactory .
OcaProtoONo POno
Prototype object number of referenced prototype object.
OcaClassIdentification ClassIdentification
Class identification of referenced object.
OcaProtoONo POno
OCP.1 Encoding
Field |
Basic type |
Byte length |
POno.Value |
OcaUint32 |
4 |
ClassIdentification.ClassID |
OcaClassID |
(2 + Count * 2 * variable) |
ClassIdentification.ClassVersion.Value |
OcaUint16 |
2 |
struct OcaProtoPortID
Unique identifier of prototype input or output port within a block factory. Prototype port numbers are ordinals starting at 1, and there are separate numbering spaces for input and output ports.
OcaPortMode Mode
Enum that indicates whether the prototype port is an for input or output.
OcaPortMode Mode
OCP.1 Encoding
Field |
Basic type |
Byte length |
Mode |
OcaEnumItem |
1 |
Index |
OcaUint16 |
2 |
struct OcaProtoPort
Representation of an OCA (input or output) proto-port that is used in the proto-signal path representation of an OCA device.
OcaProtoONo Owner
Proto-object number of the proto-member that owns the proto-port. The value of 0 (zero) is special, and refers to the block itself, rather than to any of its members.
OcaProtoPortID ProtoID
ID of the proto-port.
OcaProtoONo Owner
OCP.1 Encoding
Field |
Basic type |
Byte length |
Owner.Value |
OcaUint32 |
4 |
ProtoID.Mode |
OcaEnumItem |
1 |
ProtoID.Index |
OcaUint16 |
2 |
Name.Len |
OcaUint16 |
2 |
Name.Value |
string |
variable |
struct OcaProtoSignalPath
Proto-signal path between two proto-member ports in a factory.
OcaProtoPort SourceProtoPort
Source proto-port (i.e. output port) of the proto-signal path.
OcaProtoPort SinkProtoPort
Sink proto-port (i.e. input port) of the proto-signal path.
OcaProtoPort SourceProtoPort
OCP.1 Encoding
Field |
Basic type |
Byte length |
SourceProtoPort.Owner.Value |
OcaUint32 |
4 |
SourceProtoPort.ProtoID.Mode |
OcaEnumItem |
1 |
SourceProtoPort.ProtoID.Index |
OcaUint16 |
2 |
SourceProtoPort.Name.Len |
OcaUint16 |
2 |
SourceProtoPort.Name.Value |
string |
variable |
SinkProtoPort.Owner.Value |
OcaUint32 |
4 |
SinkProtoPort.ProtoID.Mode |
OcaEnumItem |
1 |
SinkProtoPort.ProtoID.Index |
OcaUint16 |
2 |
SinkProtoPort.Name.Len |
OcaUint16 |
2 |
SinkProtoPort.Name.Value |
string |
variable |
struct OcaObjectSearchResult
Result of object search via the Find…() methods of OcaBlock . Dynamic format, form used depends on type of search and options. The FieldMap parameter of the Find…() methods specifies which optional fields should be returned as nonnull.
OcaClassIdentification ClassIdentification
Class identification (class ID + class version) of object found
OcaONoPath ContainerPath
Chain of ONos leading from root to this object’s container
OcaClassIdentification ClassIdentification
OCP.1 Encoding
Field |
Basic type |
Byte length |
ONo.ONo |
OcaUint32 |
4 |
ClassIdentification.ClassID |
OcaClassID |
(2 + Count * 2 * variable) |
ClassIdentification.ClassVersion.Value |
OcaUint16 |
2 |
ContainerPath.Value |
OcaList<OcaUint32> |
(2 + 4 * Count) |
Role.Len |
OcaUint16 |
2 |
Role.Value |
string |
variable |
Label.Len |
OcaUint16 |
2 |
Label.Value |
string |
variable |