Task Datatypes
struct OcaTaskStatus
Status of an OcaTask: task state plus a nonspecific blob named Parameter which the application can use, or not.
The initial value of Parameter is null.
The controller sets the value of Parameter via the Control() method.
If the task’s state changes due to an internal event (examples: task duration value reached; or failure due to an error), Parameter is not changed.
OcaTaskState State
State of the task - running, stopped, etc.
OCP.1 Encoding
Field |
Basic type |
Byte length |
ID.Value |
OcaUint32 |
4 |
State |
OcaEnumItem |
1 |
ErrorCode |
OcaUint16 |
2 |
enum OcaTaskState : uint8_t
States of OcaTask object. State values change as a result of the object’s having received a comment or encountering processing events (e.g. completion).
enumerator None = 0
No (invalid) encoding.
enumerator NotPrepared = 1
Task is constructed but not initialized.
enumerator Disabled = 2
Task is initialized but not available to run.
enumerator Enabled = 3
Task is available for running.
enumerator Running = 4
Task is running.
enumerator Completed = 5
Task has terminated successfully.
enumerator Failed = 6
Task has terminated unsuccessfully.
enumerator Stopped = 7
Task was gracefully stopped by a Stop command.
enumerator Aborted = 8
Task was forcibly terminated by an Abort command.
enumerator None = 0
struct OcaTask
An execution thread that runs an AES70 Program. Programs are OcaLibrary volumes that contain application-specific execution instructions.
OcaLibVolIdentifier ProgramID
ID of program this task was given or null if it’s idle.
OcaTaskGroupID GroupID
ID of group the task is in, or zero if it isn’t in a group
OcaTimeMode TimeMode
Absolute or Relative time.
OcaONo TimeSourceONo
ONo of relevant OcaTimeSource object or zero to use device time (see OcaDeviceTimeManager ).
OcaTimePTP StartTime
Time at which to start task, or zero if task will be manually started. If TimeMode=Relative , the actual event start time equals the value of StartTime plus the absolute time that StartTime was most recently set. Datatype shall depend on value of TimeUnits : - If TimeUnits is seconds, datatype shall be OcaTimePTP; - If TimeUnits is samples, datatype shall be OcaUint64 . If TimeMode=Absolute , the actual event start time equals the value of StartTime
OcaTimePTP Duration
Duration of task execution, or zero to run until complete or explicitly stopped.
OcaLibVolIdentifier ProgramID
OCP.1 Encoding
Field |
Basic type |
Byte length |
ID.Value |
OcaUint32 |
4 |
Label.Len |
OcaUint16 |
2 |
Label.Value |
string |
variable |
ProgramID.Library.ONo |
OcaUint32 |
4 |
ProgramID.ID.Value |
OcaUint32 |
4 |
GroupID.Value |
OcaUint16 |
2 |
TimeMode |
OcaEnumItem |
1 |
TimeSourceONo.ONo |
OcaUint32 |
4 |
StartTime.Negative |
OcaBoolean |
1 |
StartTime.Seconds.Value |
OcaUint64 |
8 |
StartTime.Nanoseconds |
OcaUint32 |
4 |
Duration.Negative |
OcaBoolean |
1 |
Duration.Seconds.Value |
OcaUint64 |
8 |
Duration.Nanoseconds |
OcaUint32 |
4 |
ApplicationSpecificParameters.DataSize |
OcaUint16 |
2 |
ApplicationSpecificParameters.Data |
OcaUint8 |
1 * Count |
enum OcaTaskCommand : uint8_t
Commands controllers can send to OcaTasks to change their states
enumerator None = 0
No (invalid) encoding.
enumerator Prepare = 1
Initialize task. If successful, resulting task state is Disabled . In this state, a prescheduled task will not automatically run, nor can the task be started with a Start command.
enumerator Enable = 2
Make task available for scheduled or manual start. If successful, resulting task state is Enabled . In this state, the task can be started manually or at a scheduled time.
enumerator Start = 3
Start task execution immediately. If successful, resulting task state is Running .
enumerator Stop = 4
Stop task gracefully. If successful, resulting task state is Stopped .
enumerator Abort = 5
Unconditionally terminate task immediately. Resulting task status is Aborted .
enumerator Disable = 6
Place task into Disabled state. In this state, a prescheduled task will not automatically run, nor can the task be started with a Start command.
enumerator Clear = 7
De-initialize task. Place it into the NotPrepared state.
enumerator None = 0
enum OcaTaskManagerState : uint8_t
States of OcaTaskManager object. These states represent the overall state of task processing in the device.
Device task processing state is Enabled by default. In Enabled state, tasks may be running.
Device task processing state may be Disabled by the OcaTaskManager Disable command.
The Disable command will succeed only if no tasks are running.
Tasks may be stopped by:
passing the OcaTaskManager a Stop or Abort command, which will stop all tasks in the device; or
passing a Stop or Abort command to each OcaTaskGroup agent, which will stop all the tasks in the given task groups; or
passing a Stop or Abort command to each task individually.
enumerator None = 0
No (invalid) encoding.
enumerator Enabled = 1
Task processing is enabled. Tasks may be running.
enumerator Disabled = 2
Task processing is disabled. No tasks are running.