
class OcaRamperState()

States of the ramper. Here are the rules for ramper state change:

  • A freshly-constructed ramper’s state is NotInitialized .

  • A ramper becomes Initialized when : The ramper is NotInitialized ; AND TargetProperty has been set to a valid value; AND Goal has been set; AND Duration has been set.

  • A ramper becomes Scheduled when It is Initialized ; AND T start and TimeMode have been set; AND (Tstart + Duration ) is in the future.

  • A ramper becomes Enabled when it is Scheduled AND receives an Enable command.

  • A ramper becomes Ramping when: It is Enabled and the ramp start time is reached; OR It is Initialized , Scheduled , or Enabled and a Start command is received.

  • Completion of a ramp or Receipt of a Halt command causes the state to become: Scheduled , if Tstart, Time Mode have been set; AND (Tstart + Duration) is in the future. Otherwise, Initialized.


type: OcaRamperState

Singleton object corresponding to the entry with value 1.


type: OcaRamperState

Singleton object corresponding to the entry with value 2.


type: OcaRamperState

Singleton object corresponding to the entry with value 3.


type: OcaRamperState

Singleton object corresponding to the entry with value 4.


type: OcaRamperState

Singleton object corresponding to the entry with value 5.