
class OcaTaskManagerState()

States of OcaTaskManager object. These states represent the overall state of task processing in the device.

  • Device task processing state is Enabled by default. In Enabled state, tasks may be running.

  • Device task processing state may be Disabled by the OcaTaskManager Disable command.

  • The Disable command will succeed only if no tasks are running.

Tasks may be stopped by:

  • passing the OcaTaskManager a Stop or Abort command, which will stop all tasks in the device; or

  • passing a Stop or Abort command to each OcaTaskGroup agent, which will stop all the tasks in the given task groups; or

  • passing a Stop or Abort command to each task individually.


type: OcaTaskManagerState

Singleton object corresponding to the entry with value 0.


type: OcaTaskManagerState

Singleton object corresponding to the entry with value 1.


type: OcaTaskManagerState

Singleton object corresponding to the entry with value 2.