* This file is part of AUX.
* AUX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* AUX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General
* Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import { addClass, toggleClass } from './utils/dom.js';
import { warn } from './utils/log.js';
import { Widget } from './widgets/widget.js';
import { defineRender } from './renderer.js';
function getChildOptions(parent, name, options, config) {
let ret = {};
const pref = name + '.';
const inherit_options = !!config.inherit_options;
const blacklist_options = config.blacklist_options || [];
let default_options = config.default_options;
if (default_options) {
if (typeof default_options === 'function')
default_options = default_options.call(parent);
ret = Object.assign(ret, default_options);
for (const key in options) {
if (key.startsWith(pref)) {
ret[key.substring(pref.length)] = options[key];
} else if (inherit_options && blacklist_options.indexOf(key) < 0) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options, pref + key)) continue;
if (config.create.hasOption(key) && !Widget.hasOption(key)) {
ret[key] = options[key];
const map_options = config.map_options;
if (map_options) {
for (const key in map_options) {
if (key in options) {
if (key in ret && options[key] === parent.getDefault(key)) {
ret[map_options[key]] = options[key];
return ret;
export function inheritChildOptions(dst, child_name, src, blacklist) {
if (!blacklist) blacklist = [];
const setCallback = function (value, key) {
const C = this[child_name];
if (C) C.set(key, value);
const inheritedOptions = [];
for (const tmp in src.getOptionTypes()) {
if (dst.hasOption(tmp)) continue;
if (blacklist.indexOf(tmp) > -1) continue;
dst.addStaticEvent('set_' + tmp, setCallback);
if (!dst.hasOption(tmp))
dst.defineOption(tmp, src.getOptionType(tmp), src.getDefault(tmp));
// we use initialized, which happens after initialize_children
dst.addStaticEvent('initialized', function () {
const child = this[child_name];
if (!child) return;
inheritedOptions.forEach((name) => {
const value = this.get(name);
if (value === src.getDefault(name)) return;
child.set(name, this.get(name));
export function defineChildWidget(widget, name, config) {
* @function defineChildWidget
* @description Defines a {@link Widget} as a child for another widget. This function
* is used internally to simplify widget definitions. E.g. the {@link Icon} of a
* {@link Button} is defined as a child widget. Child widgets
* are created/added after the initialization of the parent widget.
* If not configured explicitly, all options of the child widget can
* be accessed via <code>Widget.options[config.name + "." + option]</code>
* on the parent widget.
* @param {Widget} widget - The {@link Widget} to add the ChildWidget to.
* @param {string} name - The identifier of the element inside the parent element, <code>Widget[config.name]</code>.
* @param {object} config - The configuration of the child element.
* @param {Widget} config.create - A Widget class derivate to be used as child widget.
* @param {boolean} [config.fixed] - A fixed child widget cannot be removed after initialization.
* @param {boolean} [config.show=false] - Show/hide a non-fixed child widget on initialization.
* @param {string} [config.option="show_"+config.name] - A custom option of the parent widget
* to determine the visibility of the child element. If this is
* <code>null</code>, <code>Widget.options["show_"+ config.name]</code>
* is used to toggle its visibility. The child element is visible, if
* this options is <code>!== false</code>.
* @param {function} [config.append] - A function overriding the generic
* append mechanism. If not <code>null</code>, this function is
* supposed to take care of adding the child widget to the parent
* widget's DOM. Otherwise the element of the child widget is added
* to the element of the parent widget.
* @param {boolean} [config.inherit_options=false] - Defines if both widgets share the
* same set of options. If <code>true</code>, Setting an option on the
* parent widget also sets the same option on the child widget. If <code>false</code>,
* the options of the child widget can be accessed via <code>options[config.name + "." + option]</code>
* in the parent widget.
* @param {array} [config.map_options=[]] - An array containing option names to be
* mapped between parent and child widget. If one of these options is set
* on the parent widget, it also gets set on the child widget. This is
* a fine-grained version of <code>config.inherit-options</code>.
* @param {boolean} [config.userset_ignore=false] - Do not care about the <code>userset</code>
* event of the parent widget, only keep track of <code>set</code>.
* @param {boolean} [config.userset_delegate=false] - Delegates all user interaction from
* the child to the parent element. If the user triggers an event on
* the child widget, the <code>userset</code> function of the parent
* element is called.
* @param {array} [config.static_events=[]] - An array of static events to be
* added to the parent widget. Each entry is a mapping between
* the name of the event and the callback function.
* @param {boolean} [config.toggle_class=false] - Defines if the parent widget
* receives the class <code>.aux-has-[name]</code> as soon as
* the child element is shown.
* @param {array<string>} [config.blacklist_options] - Array containing options names
* which are skipped on `inherit_options`.
* @param {boolean} [config.map_interacting=true] - If true, the interacting
* property will be true if it is true in the child.
* @param {boolean} [config.no_resize=false] - If true, no `triggerResize` is called on the parent
* as soon as a child is added or removed.
const key = config.option || 'show_' + name;
let tmp, m;
const static_events = {};
const map_interacting = config.map_interacting !== false;
if (!config.userset_ignore)
static_events.userset =
config.inherit_options || config.userset_delegate
? function (key, value) {
this.parent.userset(key, value);
return false;
: function (key, value) {
this.parent.userset(name + '.' + key, value);
return false;
if ((m = config.static_events)) Object.assign(static_events, m);
if (config.create === void 0) {
warn("'create' is undefined. Skipping child widget ", name);
if (map_interacting) {
static_events.set_interacting = function (value) {
const self = this.parent;
if (value) self.startInteracting();
else self.stopInteracting();
class ChildWidget extends config.create {
static get _options() {
return config.create.getOptionTypes();
static get static_events() {
return static_events;
/* trigger child widget creation after initialization */
widget.addStaticEvent('initialize', function () {
/* we do not want to trash the class cache */
this[name] = null;
/* clean up on destroy */
widget.addStaticEvent('destroy', function () {
const child = this[name];
if (child) {
this[name] = null;
const fixed = config.fixed;
const append = config.append === void 0 ? true : config.append;
const createWidget = function () {
const O = getChildOptions(this, name, this.options, config);
const w = new ChildWidget(O);
this[name] = w;
const appendWidget = function () {
const w = this[name];
if (!w || w.element.parentNode) return;
const element = this.element;
if (append === true) {
} else if (typeof append === 'function') {
if (fixed) {
widget.addStaticEvent('initialize_children', createWidget);
widget.addTask(defineRender([], appendWidget));
if (config.toggle_class) {
defineRender([], function () {
addClass(this.element, 'aux-has-' + name);
} else {
widget.addStaticEvent('initialize_children', function () {
/* we do not want to trash the class cache */
if (!this[name]) {
this.set(key, this.options[key]);
widget.addStaticEvent('set_' + key, function (val) {
const show = val !== false;
if ((this[name] !== null) === show) return;
if (show) {
defineRender([key], function (val) {
const show = val !== false;
const w = this[name];
if (show === (w && !!w.element.parentNode)) return;
if (config.toggle_class)
toggleClass(this.element, 'aux-has-' + name, show);
if (show) {
} else if (w) {
this[name] = null;
if (map_interacting && w.get('interacting')) {
if (!config.no_resize) this.triggerResize();
let setCallback = function (val, key) {
if (this[name]) this[name].set(key.substring(name.length + 1), val);
for (tmp in ChildWidget.getOptionTypes()) {
widget.addStaticEvent('set_' + name + '.' + tmp, setCallback);
widget.defineOption(name + '.' + tmp, ChildWidget.getOptionType(tmp));
/* direct option inherit */
const blacklist_options = config.blacklist_options || [];
if (config.inherit_options) {
setCallback = function (val, key) {
if (this[name]) this[name].set(key, val);
for (tmp in ChildWidget.getOptionTypes()) {
if (Widget.hasOption(tmp)) continue;
if (blacklist_options.indexOf(tmp) > -1) continue;
widget.addStaticEvent('set_' + tmp, setCallback);
if (!widget.hasOption(tmp))
widget.defineOption(tmp, ChildWidget.getOptionType(tmp));
setCallback = function (key) {
return function (val) {
if (this[name]) this[name].set(key, val);
const map_options = config.map_options;
if (map_options) {
for (const parent_key in map_options) {
let child_key = map_options[parent_key];
if (!Array.isArray(child_key)) child_key = [child_key];
if (!widget.hasOption(parent_key)) {
child_key.forEach((key) => {
widget.addStaticEvent('set_' + parent_key, setCallback(key));
if (!config.options && !widget.hasOption(key)) {
widget.defineOption(key, 'boolean', fixed || !!config.show);