Tutorial: Components



Most AUX widgets have corresponding WebComponents implementations. The component implementation maps options of AUX widgets onto both attributes and properties. This means that components have getters and setters for each widget option. Exceptions to this are those options which would collide with properties of the component base class. Examples for this are the title option which collides with the standard HTML title attribute. Options which would collide with existing attributes or properties are available with the aux prefix, e.g. the title option can be accesses on the component as auxtitle attribute and property.

When setting a property to undefined, the widget option will be reset to the default value.

Widget options can also be set on components as attributes. In that case the component will interpret the attribute value based on the type of the option. To control how the attribute is interpreted, the attribute may be prefixed by the format type.


The format types which exist are

  • js, javascript - interprets the attribute as JavaScript code
  • json - parses the attribute as JSON
  • html - turns the attribute into a DocumentFragment
  • string - the attribute is used as-is
  • number - parses the attribute using parseFloat
  • int - parses the attribute using parseInt
  • sprintf - turns the attribute into a sprintf-like formatting function
  • boolean - "true" or "false".