Colors provides functions for easy-to-use color calculations
and conversions. Functions requiring RGB or HSL color definitions as
arguments (all rgb2x
and hsl2x
) can be called with different types of arguments
to make using them more convenient. Examples:
RGBToHSL(240, 128, 128)
RGBToHSL([240, 128, 128])
The universal functions color2x
take even more flexible arguments.
The following examples all define the same color:
- Source:
(inner) colorToBW(1st_value, 2nd_valueopt, 3rd_valueopt) → {string}
- Source:
Returns a hex color string either black or white at highest contrast compared to the argument from any type of valid color.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
1st_value |
number | array | object | string | red (0..255) or hue (0..1) or object with members |
2nd_value |
number |
<optional> |
green (0..255) or saturation (0..1) |
3rd_value |
number |
<optional> |
blue (0..255) or lightnes (0..1) |
Hex color string.
- Type
- string
(inner) colorToGray(1st_value, 2nd_valueopt, 3rd_valueopt) → {string}
- Source:
Returns a hex color string of the grayscaled argument from any type of valid color.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
1st_value |
number | array | object | string | red (0..255) or hue (0..1) or object with members |
2nd_value |
number |
<optional> |
green (0..255) or saturation (0..1) |
3rd_value |
number |
<optional> |
blue (0..255) or lightnes (0..1) |
Hex color string.
- Type
- string
(inner) colorToHex(1st_value, 2nd_valueopt, 3rd_valueopt) → {string}
- Source:
Returns a hex color string from any type of valid color.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
1st_value |
number | array | object | string | red (0..255) or hue (0..1) or object with members |
2nd_value |
number |
<optional> |
green (0..255) or saturation (0..1) |
3rd_value |
number |
<optional> |
blue (0..255) or lightnes (0..1) |
Hex color string.
- Type
- string
(inner) colorToHSL(1st_value, 2nd_valueopt, 3rd_valueopt) → {object}
- Source:
Returns an object containing hue ('h'), saturation ('s') and lightness ('l') from any type of valid color.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
1st_value |
number | array | object | string | red (0..255) or hue (0..1) or object with members |
2nd_value |
number |
<optional> |
green (0..255) or saturation (0..1) |
3rd_value |
number |
<optional> |
blue (0..255) or lightnes (0..1) |
Object with members h, s and l as numbers (0..1)
- Type
- object
(inner) colorToRGB(1st_value, 2nd_valueopt, 3rd_valueopt) → {object}
- Source:
Returns an object containing red ('r'), green ('g') and blue ('b') from any type of valid color.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
1st_value |
number | array | object | string | red (0..255) or hue (0..1) or object with members |
2nd_value |
number |
<optional> |
green (0..255) or saturation (0..1) |
3rd_value |
number |
<optional> |
blue (0..255) or lightnes (0..1) |
Object with members r, g and b as numbers (0..255)
- Type
- object
(inner) colorToWB(1st_value, 2nd_valueopt, 3rd_valueopt) → {string}
- Source:
Returns a hex color string either black or white at lowest contrast compared to the argument from any type of valid color.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
1st_value |
number | array | object | string | red (0..255) or hue (0..1) or object with members |
2nd_value |
number |
<optional> |
green (0..255) or saturation (0..1) |
3rd_value |
number |
<optional> |
blue (0..255) or lightnes (0..1) |
Hex color string.
- Type
- string
(inner) hexToBW(hex) → {string}
- Source:
Returns a hex color string either black or white at highest contrast compared to the argument from a hex color string.
Name | Type | Description |
hex |
string | Hex color string. |
Hex color string.
- Type
- string
(inner) hexToGray(hex) → {string}
- Source:
Returns a hex color string of the grayscaled argument from a hex color string.
Name | Type | Description |
hex |
string | Hex color string. |
Hex color string.
- Type
- string
(inner) hexToHSL(hex) → {object}
- Source:
Returns an object containing hue ('h'), saturation ('s') and lightness ('l') from a hex color string.
Name | Type | Description |
hex |
string | Hex color string. |
Object with members h, s and l as numbers (0..1)
- Type
- object
(inner) hexToRGB(hex) → {object}
- Source:
Returns an object containing red ('r'), green ('g') and blue ('b') from a hex color string.
Name | Type | Description |
hex |
string | Hex color string. |
Object with members r, g and b as numbers (0..255)
- Type
- object
(inner) hexToWB(hex) → {string}
- Source:
Returns a hex color string either black or white at lowest contrast compared to the argument from a hex color string.
Name | Type | Description |
hex |
string | Hex color string. |
Hex color string.
- Type
- string
(inner) HSLToBW(1st_value, 2nd_valueopt, 3rd_valueopt) → {string}
- Source:
Returns a hex color string either black or white at highest contrast compared to the argument from a HSL color.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
1st_value |
number | array | object | hue (0..1) or object with members |
2nd_value |
number |
<optional> |
saturation (0..1) |
3rd_value |
number |
<optional> |
lightness (0..1) |
Hex color string.
- Type
- string
(inner) HSLToGray(1st_value, 2nd_valueopt, 3rd_valueopt) → {string}
- Source:
Returns a hex color string of the grayscaled argument from a HSL color.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
1st_value |
number | array | object | hue (0..1) or object with members |
2nd_value |
number |
<optional> |
saturation (0..1) |
3rd_value |
number |
<optional> |
lightness (0..1) |
Hex color string.
- Type
- string
(inner) HSLToHex(1st_value, 2nd_valueopt, 3rd_valueopt) → {string}
- Source:
Returns a hex color string from a HSL color.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
1st_value |
number | array | object | hue (0..1) or object with members |
2nd_value |
number |
<optional> |
saturation (0..1) |
3rd_value |
number |
<optional> |
lightness (0..1) |
Hex color string.
- Type
- string
(inner) HSLToRGB(1st_value, 2nd_valueopt, 3rd_valueopt) → {object}
- Source:
Returns an object containing red ('r'), green ('g') and blue ('b') from a HSL color.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
1st_value |
number | array | object | hue (0..1) or object with members |
2nd_value |
number |
<optional> |
saturation (0..1) |
3rd_value |
number |
<optional> |
lightness (0..1) |
Object with members r, g and b as numbers (0..255)
- Type
- object
(inner) HSLToWB(1st_value, 2nd_valueopt, 3rd_valueopt) → {string}
- Source:
Returns a hex color string either black or white at lowest contrast compared to the argument from a HSL color.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
1st_value |
number | array | object | hue (0..1) or object with members |
2nd_value |
number |
<optional> |
saturation (0..1) |
3rd_value |
number |
<optional> |
lightness (0..1) |
Hex color string.
- Type
- string
(inner) nameToBW(color) → {string}
- Source:
Returns a hex color string either black or white at highest contrast compared to the argument from a color name.
Name | Type | Description |
color |
string | Color name. |
Hex color string.
- Type
- string
(inner) nameToGray(color) → {string}
- Source:
Returns a hex color string of the grayscaled argument from a color name.
Name | Type | Description |
color |
string | Color name. |
Hex color string.
- Type
- string
(inner) nameToHex(color) → {string}
- Source:
Returns a hex color string from a color name.
Name | Type | Description |
color |
string | Color name. |
Hex color string.
- Type
- string
(inner) nameToHSL(color) → {object}
- Source:
Returns an object containing hue ('h'), saturation ('s') and lightness ('l') from a color name.
Name | Type | Description |
color |
string | Color name. |
Object with members h, s and l as numbers (0..1)
- Type
- object
(inner) nameToRGB(color) → {object}
- Source:
Returns an object containing red ('r'), green ('g') and blue ('b') from a color name.
Name | Type | Description |
color |
string | Color name. |
Object with members r, g and b as numbers (0..255)
- Type
- object
(inner) nameToWB(color) → {string}
- Source:
Returns a hex color string either black or white at lowest contrast compared to the argument from a color name.
Name | Type | Description |
color |
string | Color name. |
Hex color string.
- Type
- string
(inner) RGBToBW(1st_value, 2nd_valueopt, 3rd_valueopt) → {string}
- Source:
Returns a hex color string either black or white at highest contrast compared to the argument from a RGB color.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
1st_value |
number | array | object | string | red (0..255) or object with members |
2nd_value |
number |
<optional> |
green (0..255) or saturation (0..1) |
3rd_value |
number |
<optional> |
blue (0..255) or lightnes (0..1) |
Hex color string.
- Type
- string
(inner) RGBToGray(1st_value, 2nd_valueopt, 3rd_valueopt) → {string}
- Source:
Returns a hex color string of the grayscaled argument from a RGB color.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
1st_value |
number | array | object | string | red (0..255) or object with members |
2nd_value |
number |
<optional> |
green (0..255) or saturation (0..1) |
3rd_value |
number |
<optional> |
blue (0..255) or lightnes (0..1) |
Hex color string.
- Type
- string
(inner) RGBToHex(1st_value, 2nd_valueopt, 3rd_valueopt) → {string}
- Source:
Returns a hex color string from a RGB color.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
1st_value |
number | array | object | string | red (0..255) or object with members |
2nd_value |
number |
<optional> |
green (0..255) or saturation (0..1) |
3rd_value |
number |
<optional> |
blue (0..255) or lightnes (0..1) |
Hex color string.
- Type
- string
(inner) RGBToHSL(1st_value, 2nd_valueopt, 3rd_valueopt) → {object}
- Source:
Returns an object containing hue ('h'), saturation ('s') and lightness ('l') from a RGB color.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
1st_value |
number | array | object | string | red (0..255) or object with members |
2nd_value |
number |
<optional> |
green (0..255) or saturation (0..1) |
3rd_value |
number |
<optional> |
blue (0..255) or lightnes (0..1) |
Object with members h, s and l as numbers (0..1)
- Type
- object
(inner) RGBToWB(1st_value, 2nd_valueopt, 3rd_valueopt) → {string}
- Source:
Returns a hex color string either black or white at lowest contrast compared to the argument from a RGB color.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
1st_value |
number | array | object | string | red (0..255) or object with members |
2nd_value |
number |
<optional> |
green (0..255) or saturation (0..1) |
3rd_value |
number |
<optional> |
blue (0..255) or lightnes (0..1) |
Hex color string.
- Type
- string