* This file is part of AUX.
* AUX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* AUX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General
* Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import {
} from './scheduler/scheduler.js';
import {
} from './scheduler/bitset.js';
function buildDependencyMap(tasks) {
const m = new Map();
tasks.forEach((task, i) => {
task.dependencies.forEach((dependency) => {
let tmp = m.get(dependency);
if (!tmp) {
tmp = [0, []];
m.set(dependency, tmp);
tmp[0] |= 1 << task.phase;
return new Map(
Array.from(m.entries()).map(([dependency, tmp]) => {
return [dependency, [tmp[0], createBitList(tmp[1])]];
function removeAnimation(animations, task) {
for (let i = 0; i < animations.length; i++) {
const animation = animations[i];
if (animation.task === task) {
animations.splice(i, 1);
function makeAnimation(frame, phase, run, task) {
return { frame, phase, run, task };
export function deferRender(callback) {
return [0, PHASE_RENDER, callback];
export function deferMeasure(callback) {
return [0, PHASE_CALCULATE, callback];
export function deferRenderNext(callback) {
return [1, PHASE_RENDER, callback];
export function deferMeasureNext(callback) {
return [1, PHASE_CALCULATE, callback];
export function combineDefer(...args) {
args = args.filter((arg) => Array.isArray(arg));
if (args.length === 0) return null;
if (args.length === 1) return args[0];
const [frameOffset, phase] = args[0];
for (let i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
if (args[i][0] !== args[0][0] || args[i][1] !== args[0][1])
throw Error('Different defer calls cannot be combined.');
const callbacks = args.map((entry) => entry[2]);
return [
() => {
return combineDefer(...callbacks.map((cb) => cb()));
export class Renderer {
constructor() {
// list of tasks
this.tasks = [];
// this maps dependencies (e.g. option names) to a
// phase mask and a bitlist of tasks which depend on that
// dependency
this._dependencyMap = null;
getDependencyMap() {
const dependencyMap = this._dependencyMap;
if (dependencyMap) return dependencyMap;
return (this._dependencyMap = buildDependencyMap(this.tasks));
run(frame, phase, runnable, animations, context) {
let mask = 0;
const tasks = this.tasks;
// first run all runnable tasks
for (let i = 0, iN = runnable.length; i < iN; i++) {
let tmp = runnable[i];
while (tmp !== 0) {
const j = getFirstBit(tmp);
const index = getBitIndex(i, j);
//console.log('mask %d -> %d. index: %d', tmp, tmp & ~getLimbMask(j), index);
tmp &= ~getLimbMask(j);
if (getFirstBit(tmp) === j) throw new Error('boo');
const task = tasks[index];
// Check if the task is in the right phase
if (task.phase !== phase) continue;
removeAnimation(animations, task);
try {
//context.log('Running task %o', task);
const result = task.run.call(context);
if (result !== void 0) {
if (typeof result === 'function') {
animations.push(makeAnimation(frame, phase, result, task));
mask |= 1 << phase;
//context.log('Adding animation', makeAnimation(frame, phase, result, task));
} else if (Array.isArray(result)) {
const [frameOffset, phase, func] = result;
makeAnimation(frame + frameOffset, phase, func, task)
mask |= 1 << (phase + frameOffset * FRAME_SHIFT);
//context.log('Adding animation', makeAnimation(frame + frameOffset, phase, func, task));
} catch (err) {
console.error('A task %o threw an error: %o', task, err);
// clear the bit
runnable[i] &= ~getLimbMask(j);
//context.log('Running animations: %o', animations.slice(0));
// Now run all animations
for (let i = 0; i < animations.length; i++) {
const animation = animations[i];
if (animation.phase !== phase) continue;
if (animation.frame !== frame) {
if (animation.frame < frame)
console.error('Animation was never run: %o', animation);
let stop = false;
try {
//context.log('Running animation %o', animation);
const result = animation.run.call(context);
if (result === null || result === void 0) {
//console.log('Stopping animation', animation);
stop = true;
} else if (typeof result === 'function') {
animation.run = result;
animation.frame += 1;
mask |= 1 << (phase + FRAME_SHIFT);
} else if (Array.isArray(result)) {
const [frameOffset, _phase, func] = result;
animation.frame += frameOffset;
animation.phase = _phase;
animation.run = func;
//console.log('Animation reschedule', result);
mask |= 1 << (_phase + frameOffset * FRAME_SHIFT);
} catch (err) {
console.error('An animation %o threw an error: %o', animation, err);
stop = true;
if (stop) {
//context.log('Animation %o stopped', animation);
// animation is done.
animations.splice(i, 1);
return mask;
addTask(task) {
scheduleTasks(dependency, runnable) {
const tmp = this.getDependencyMap().get(dependency);
if (tmp !== void 0) {
const [mask, list] = tmp;
setBitList(runnable, list);
return mask;
} else {
return 0;
scheduleAll(runnable) {
let mask = 0;
const tasks = this.tasks;
for (let i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
mask |= 1 << tasks[i].phase;
setBit(runnable, i);
return mask;
get taskCount() {
return this.tasks.length;
* Possible (rendering) task patterns.
* - Simple: Some options change which results in some DOM manipulation to
* happen (e.g. a CSS class being set or removed).
* - Multi-Phase rendering: Some options change which results in some DOM
* manipulation, however that manipulation may have to inspect styles or
* measure dimensions, which requires it to be scheduled into different
* phases.
* - Animations: An animation runs after some options changed (e.g. a meter
* falling) or continuously.
* - Recalculations: Some synthetic options are calculated based on some other
* options being changed. This usually needs to run on demand before all
* other tasks.
* - A resize (or some other non option dependency) triggers some tasks to run
* which need to be scheduled before possible dom modifications. That will
* usually trigger some internal options to be changed.
export function defineTask(phase, dependencies, run, debug) {
if (!debug) debug = false;
if (!Array.isArray(dependencies)) dependencies = [dependencies];
const optionNames = dependencies.filter((dep) => typeof dep === 'string');
if (optionNames.length) {
const variableNames = optionNames.map((name) => {
return name.replaceAll('.', '_');
const arglistIn = optionNames
.map((name, i) => {
if (name !== variableNames[i]) {
return `[${JSON.stringify(name)}]: ${variableNames[i]}`;
} else {
return name;
.join(', ');
const arglistOut = ['this', ...variableNames].join(', ');
run = new Function(
return function () {
const { ${arglistIn} } = this.options;
return renderFunction.call(${arglistOut});
return {
_dependencies: null,
export function defineRender(dependencies, run, debug) {
return defineTask(PHASE_RENDER, dependencies, run, debug);
export function defineRecalculation(dependencies, run, debug) {
return defineTask(PHASE_CALCULATE, dependencies, run, debug);
export function defineMeasure(dependencies, run, debug) {
return defineRecalculation(dependencies, run, debug);
export function defineMultiPhaseRenderer(phase, dependencies, run, debug) {
return defineTask(phase, dependencies, run, debug);
function notCalledError() {
throw new Error('Not called in last frame.');
export class RenderState {
constructor(scheduler, renderer, context) {
this._runnable = createBitset(renderer.taskCount);
this._animations = [];
this._scheduled = 0;
this._frame = 0;
this._renderer = renderer;
this._scheduler = scheduler;
this._context = context;
this._paused = true;
this._pscheduled = 0;
this._pframe = 0;
this._run = (frame, phase) => {
let scheduled = this._scheduled;
//this.log('run(%d, %d)', frame, phase);
if (frame !== this._frame) {
if (scheduled & PHASE_MASK) notCalledError();
scheduled >>= FRAME_SHIFT;
//this.log('%d -> %d', this._scheduled, scheduled);
this._frame = frame;
if (!(scheduled & PHASE_MASK))
throw new Error('Called but not scheduled.');
scheduled &= ~(1 << phase);
this._scheduled = scheduled;
if (!this._paused) {
const { _renderer, _runnable, _animations, _context } = this;
//this.log('Starting renderer.');
const mask = _renderer.run(
if (mask) this._schedule(mask);
log(fmt, ...args) {
this._context.log(fmt, ...args);
_adjustFrame() {
const { _scheduler, _frame } = this;
const frame = _scheduler.frame;
if (_frame === frame) return false;
if (this._scheduled & PHASE_MASK) notCalledError();
this._scheduled >>= FRAME_SHIFT;
this._frame = frame;
return true;
_schedule(mask) {
if (this._paused) {
this._pscheduled |= mask;
} else {
const { _scheduler, _scheduled } = this;
mask &= ~_scheduled;
if (mask === 0) return;
_scheduler.schedule(mask, this._run);
//this.log('scheduling for %d. Frame %d -> %d', mask, this._frame, frame);
this._scheduled |= mask;
invalidate(dependency) {
const mask = this._renderer.scheduleTasks(dependency, this._runnable);
if (mask) {
//this.log('Scheduling for mask %d', mask);
invalidateAll() {
const mask = this._renderer.scheduleAll(this._runnable);
if (mask) this._schedule(mask);
getSchedulingStatus() {
const { _frame, _scheduled, _runnable } = this;
return {
frame: _frame,
scheduled: _scheduled,
runnable: printBitMask(_runnable),
pause() {
if (this._paused) return;
this._paused = true;
this._pscheduled = this._scheduled;
this._pframe = this._frame;
unpause() {
if (!this._paused) return;
this._paused = false;
if (this._adjustFrame())
this._animations.forEach((animation) => {
if (animation.frame < this._frame) animation.frame = this._frame;
let pscheduled = this._pscheduled;
const scheduled = this._scheduled;
if (pscheduled === scheduled) return;
const pframe = this._pframe;
const frame = this._frame;
if (pframe !== frame)
pscheduled = (PHASE_MASK & pscheduled) | (pscheduled >> FRAME_SHIFT);
if (pscheduled === scheduled) return;
isPaused() {
return this._paused;
export function getRenderers(Class) {
if (!Class) return [];
const parentRenderers = getRenderers(Object.getPrototypeOf(Class));
const renderers = Class.renderers;
return renderers ? parentRenderers.concat(renderers) : parentRenderers;