* This file is part of AUX.
* AUX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* AUX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General
* Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* This module contains functions for deadling with biquad filters and
* also implementation of common filters.
* The formulae for 'standard' biquad filter coefficients are taken
* from
* "Cookbook formulae for audio EQ biquad filter coefficients"
* by Robert Bristow-Johnson.
* @module utils/biquad
* Trivial filter.
* @implements {@link BiquadTransform}
export function NULL(O) {
/* this biquad does not do anything */
return {
b0: 1,
b1: 1,
b2: 1,
a0: 1,
a1: 1,
a2: 1,
sample_rate: O.sample_rate,
* Low-Shelf filter.
* @implements {@link BiquadTransform}
export function lowShelf(O) {
const cos = Math.cos,
sqrt = Math.sqrt,
A = Math.pow(10, O.gain / 40),
w0 = (2 * Math.PI * O.freq) / O.sample_rate,
alpha = Math.sin(w0) / (2 * O.q);
return {
b0: A * (A + 1 - (A - 1) * cos(w0) + 2 * sqrt(A) * alpha),
b1: 2 * A * (A - 1 - (A + 1) * cos(w0)),
b2: A * (A + 1 - (A - 1) * cos(w0) - 2 * sqrt(A) * alpha),
a0: A + 1 + (A - 1) * cos(w0) + 2 * sqrt(A) * alpha,
a1: -2 * (A - 1 + (A + 1) * cos(w0)),
a2: A + 1 + (A - 1) * cos(w0) - 2 * sqrt(A) * alpha,
sample_rate: O.sample_rate,
* High-Shelf filter.
* @implements {@link BiquadTransform}
export function highShelf(O) {
const cos = Math.cos;
const sqrt = Math.sqrt;
const A = Math.pow(10, O.gain / 40);
const w0 = (2 * Math.PI * O.freq) / O.sample_rate;
const alpha = Math.sin(w0) / (2 * O.q);
return {
b0: A * (A + 1 + (A - 1) * cos(w0) + 2 * sqrt(A) * alpha),
b1: -2 * A * (A - 1 + (A + 1) * cos(w0)),
b2: A * (A + 1 + (A - 1) * cos(w0) - 2 * sqrt(A) * alpha),
a0: A + 1 - (A - 1) * cos(w0) + 2 * sqrt(A) * alpha,
a1: 2 * (A - 1 - (A + 1) * cos(w0)),
a2: A + 1 - (A - 1) * cos(w0) - 2 * sqrt(A) * alpha,
sample_rate: O.sample_rate,
* Peak filter.
* @implements {@link BiquadTransform}
export function peaking(O) {
const cos = Math.cos;
const A = Math.pow(10, O.gain / 40);
const w0 = (2 * Math.PI * O.freq) / O.sample_rate;
const alpha = Math.sin(w0) / (2 * O.q);
return {
b0: 1 + alpha * A,
b1: -2 * cos(w0),
b2: 1 - alpha * A,
a0: 1 + alpha / A,
a1: -2 * cos(w0),
a2: 1 - alpha / A,
sample_rate: O.sample_rate,
* notch filter.
* @implements {@link BiquadTransform}
export function notch(O) {
const cos = Math.cos;
const w0 = (2 * Math.PI * O.freq) / O.sample_rate;
const alpha = Math.sin(w0) / (2 * O.q);
return {
b0: 1,
b1: -2 * cos(w0),
b2: 1,
a0: 1 + alpha,
a1: -2 * cos(w0),
a2: 1 - alpha,
sample_rate: O.sample_rate,
* This is a standard lowpass filter with transfer function
* H(s) = 1/(1+s).
* @implements {@link BiquadTransform}
export function lowPass1(O) {
const w0 = (2 * Math.PI * O.freq) / O.sample_rate,
s0 = Math.sin(w0),
c0 = Math.cos(w0);
return {
b0: 1 - c0,
b1: 2 * (1 - c0),
b2: 1 - c0,
a0: 1 - c0 + s0,
a1: 2 * (1 - c0),
a2: 1 - c0 - s0,
sample_rate: O.sample_rate,
* @implements {@link BiquadTransform}
export function lowPass2(O) {
const cos = Math.cos;
const w0 = (2 * Math.PI * O.freq) / O.sample_rate;
const alpha = Math.sin(w0) / (2 * O.q);
return {
b0: (1 - cos(w0)) / 2,
b1: 1 - cos(w0),
b2: (1 - cos(w0)) / 2,
a0: 1 + alpha,
a1: -2 * cos(w0),
a2: 1 - alpha,
sample_rate: O.sample_rate,
* @implements {@link BiquadTransform}
export function lowPass4(O) {
O = lowPass2(O);
O.factor = 2;
return O;
* This is a standard highpass filter with transfer function
* H(s) = s/(1+s).
* @implements {@link BiquadTransform}
export function highPass1(O) {
const w0 = (2 * Math.PI * O.freq) / O.sample_rate,
s0 = Math.sin(w0),
c0 = Math.cos(w0);
return {
b0: s0,
b1: 0,
b2: -s0,
a0: 1 - c0 + s0,
a1: 2 * (1 - c0),
a2: 1 - c0 - s0,
sample_rate: O.sample_rate,
* @implements {@link BiquadTransform}
export function highPass2(O) {
const cos = Math.cos;
const w0 = (2 * Math.PI * O.freq) / O.sample_rate;
const alpha = Math.sin(w0) / (2 * O.q);
return {
b0: (1 + cos(w0)) / 2,
b1: -(1 + cos(w0)),
b2: (1 + cos(w0)) / 2,
a0: 1 + alpha,
a1: -2 * cos(w0),
a2: 1 - alpha,
sample_rate: O.sample_rate,
* @implements {@link BiquadTransform}
export function highPass4(O) {
O = highPass2(O);
O.factor = 2;
return O;
* A set of standard filters.
* @property {Filter~filter_factory} null - The trivial filter, which does not
* change the gain.
* @property {Filter~filter_factory} parametric - peaking.
* @property {Filter~filter_factory} notch - notch.
* @property {Filter~filter_factory} low-shelf - lowShelf.
* @property {Filter~filter_factory} high-shelf - highShelf.
* @property {Filter~filter_factory} lowpass1 - lowPass1.
* @property {Filter~filter_factory} lowpass2 - lowPass2.
* @property {Filter~filter_factory} lowpass3 - lowPass3.
* @property {Filter~filter_factory} lowpass4 - lowPass4.
* @property {Filter~filter_factory} highpass1 - highPass1.
* @property {Filter~filter_factory} highpass2 - highPass2.
* @property {Filter~filter_factory} highpass3 - highPass3.
* @property {Filter~filter_factory} highpass4 - highPass4.
export const standardBiquadFilters = {
null: biquadFilter(NULL),
'low-shelf': biquadFilter(lowShelf),
'high-shelf': biquadFilter(highShelf),
parametric: biquadFilter(peaking),
notch: biquadFilter(notch),
lowpass1: biquadFilter(lowPass1),
lowpass2: biquadFilter(lowPass2),
lowpass3: biquadFilter(lowPass1, lowPass2),
lowpass4: biquadFilter(lowPass4),
highpass1: biquadFilter(highPass1),
highpass2: biquadFilter(highPass2),
highpass3: biquadFilter(highPass1, highPass2),
highpass4: biquadFilter(highPass4),
function nullFilter() {
return 0;
//function bilinearModule(O) {
//var log = Math.log;
//var sin = Math.sin;
//var LN10_10 = ((O.factor || 1.0) * 10) / Math.LN10;
//var PI = +(Math.PI / O.sample_rate);
//var Ra = +(((O.a0 + O.a1) * (O.a0 + O.a1)) / 4);
//var Rb = +(((O.b0 + O.b1) * (O.b0 + O.b1)) / 4);
//var Ya = +(O.a1 * O.a0);
//var Yb = +(O.b1 * O.b0);
//if (Ra === Rb && Ya === Yb) return nullModule;
//function frequencyToGain(f) {
//f = +f;
//var S = +sin(PI * f);
//S *= S;
//return LN10_10 * log((Rb - S * Yb) / (Ra - S * Ya));
//return frequencyToGain;
function biquadModule(O) {
const log = Math.log;
const sin = Math.sin;
const LN10_10 = ((O.factor || 1.0) * 10) / Math.LN10;
const PI = +(Math.PI / O.sample_rate);
const Ra = +(((O.a0 + O.a1 + O.a2) * (O.a0 + O.a1 + O.a2)) / 4);
const Rb = +(((O.b0 + O.b1 + O.b2) * (O.b0 + O.b1 + O.b2)) / 4);
const Xa = +(4 * O.a0 * O.a2);
const Ya = +(O.a1 * (O.a0 + O.a2));
const Xb = +(4 * O.b0 * O.b2);
const Yb = +(O.b1 * (O.b0 + O.b2));
if (Ra === Rb && Ya === Yb && Xa === Xb) return nullFilter;
return function (f) {
f = +f;
let S = +sin(PI * f);
S *= S;
return (
LN10_10 *
log((Rb - S * (Xb * (1 - S) + Yb)) / (Ra - S * (Xa * (1 - S) + Ya)))
function biquadFilter1(trafo) {
function factory(O) {
return biquadModule(trafo(O));
return factory;
function biquadFilterN(trafos) {
function factory(O) {
const A = new Array(trafos.length);
let i;
for (i = 0; i < trafos.length; i++) {
A[i] = biquadModule(trafos[i](O));
return function (f) {
let ret = 0.0;
let j;
for (j = 0; j < A.length; j++) {
ret += A[j](f);
return ret;
return factory;
* @callback biquadTransform
* @param {Object} options - The filter parameters.
* @param {number} options.freq - The current frequency, i.e. the x position in
* the equalizer graph.
* @param {number} options.gain - The current gain, i.e. the y position in the
* equalizer graph.
* @param {number} options.q - The Q of the filter, i.e. the z position in the
* equalizer graph.
* @param {number} options.sample_rate - The sample rate.
* @returns {Object} - An object containing the biquad coefficients `a0`, `a1`,
* `a2`, `b0`, `b1`, `b2` and the sample rate `sample_rate`.
* This function can be used to turn a series of biquad filter transformations
* into an object which implements the {@link EqFilter} interface. In other
* words, this method will calculate the frequency response of generic biquad
* filters based on their biquad coefficients.
* @param {...Function} transforms - The list of biquad transformations. Each of
* these functions is expected to implement the {@link BiquadTransform}
* interface.
* @returns {EqFilter} - The filter object.
export function biquadFilter() {
if (arguments.length === 1) return biquadFilter1(arguments[0]);
return biquadFilterN.call(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments));