* This file is part of AUX.
* AUX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* AUX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General
* Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import {
} from './../utils/dom.js';
import { defineChildWidget } from './../child_widget.js';
import { Widget } from './widget.js';
import { Icon } from './icon.js';
import { Label } from './label.js';
import { defineRender } from '../renderer.js';
function resetDelayTo() {
this.__delayed_to = -1;
let _touchmoveHandler;
function pressStart(e) {
const O = this.options;
this.__time_stamp = e.timeStamp;
if (O.delay && this.__delayed_to < 0) {
this.__delayed_to = window.setTimeout(
(function (t) {
return function () {
pressStart.call(t, e);
* Is fired after either a mousedown or a touchstart happened
* but `delay` is set so firing `press_start` will be delayed.
* @event Button#press_delayed
} else if (O.delay) {
* Is fired if `delay` is set and the timeout has finished.
* @event Button#pressed
* @param {Event} event - Either the MouseEvent or the TouchEvent.
this.emit('pressed', e);
* Is fired after either a mousedown or a touchstart happened and
* `delay` is set to `0`. If a delay is set, `press_delayed` is fired
* instead on mousedown/touchstart and this event gets fired as soon
* as the delay time is over.
* @event Button#press_start
* @param {Event} event - Either the MouseEvent or the TouchEvent.
this.emit('press_start', e);
function pressEnd(e) {
const O = this.options;
if (O.delay && this.__delayed_to >= 0) {
* Is fired if a delay is set, after the pointer is released and
* the timeout hasn't finished yet. Doesn't fire after the timeout
* finished.
* @event Button#clicked
* @param {Event} event - Either the MouseEvent or the TouchEvent.
this.emit('clicked', e);
* Is fired after either a mouseup or a touchend happened and the
* pointer didn't leave the button element after `press_start` or
* `press_delayed` was fired.
* @event Button#press_end
* @param {Event} event - Either the MouseEvent or the TouchEvent.
this.emit('press_end', e);
if (e.type.startsWith('touch') || e.type.startsWith('key')) {
this.element.dispatchEvent(new PointerEvent('click'), {
pointerType: e.pointerType,
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
function pressCancel(e) {
const O = this.options;
if (O.delay && this.__delayed_to >= 0) {
* Is fired after `press_start` or `press_delay` and before
* a `press_end` was fired while the pointer is dragged outside of the
* button element.
* @event Button#press_cancel
* @param {Event} event - Either the MouseEvent or the TouchEvent.
this.emit('press_cancel', e);
/* MOUSE handling */
function mouseup(e) {
this.off('mouseup', mouseup);
this.off('mouseleave', mouseleave);
pressEnd.call(this, e);
function mouseleave(e) {
this.off('mouseup', mouseup);
this.off('mouseleave', mouseleave);
pressCancel.call(this, e);
function mousedown(e) {
/* only left click please */
if (e.button) return true;
pressStart.call(this, e);
this.on('mouseup', mouseup);
this.on('mouseleave', mouseleave);
/* TOUCH handling */
function getCurrentTouch(id, event) {
for (let i = 0; i < event.changedTouches.length; i++) {
if (event.changedTouches[i].identifier === id) {
return event.changedTouches[i];
function isCurrentTouch(event) {
const current = getCurrentTouch(this.__touch_id, event);
return !!current;
function touchend(e) {
const current = getCurrentTouch(this.__touch_id, e);
if (!current) return;
this.__touch_id = false;
if (e.cancelable) e.preventDefault();
this.off('touchend', touchend);
this.off('touchcancel', touchcancel);
document.removeEventListener('touchmove', _touchmoveHandler);
const E = document.elementFromPoint(
if (this.element !== E) return;
const rect = current.target.getBoundingClientRect();
if (rect.x != this.__init_target.x || rect.y != this.__init_target.y) {
pressEnd.call(this, e);
function touchstart(e) {
if (this.__touch_id !== false) return;
this.__touch_id = e.targetTouches[0].identifier;
this.__init_target = e.targetTouches[0].target.getBoundingClientRect();
this.on('touchend', touchend);
this.on('touchcancel', touchcancel);
_touchmoveHandler = touchmove.bind(this);
document.addEventListener('touchmove', _touchmoveHandler);
pressStart.call(this, e);
return false;
function touchcancel(e) {
if (!isCurrentTouch.call(this, e)) return;
this.__touch_id = false;
this.off('touchend', touchend);
this.off('touchcancel', touchcancel);
document.removeEventListener('touchmove', _touchmoveHandler);
pressCancel.call(this, e);
function touchmove(e) {
const E = document.elementFromPoint(
if (this.element !== E) {
touchcancel.call(this, e);
function dismiss(e) {
if (e.cancelable) e.preventDefault();
return false;
/* Keyboard handling */
const KEYS = ['Space', 'Enter'];
function keyDown(e) {
if (KEYS.indexOf(e.code) < 0) return;
if (this.__keydown) return;
this.__keydown = true;
pressStart.call(this, e);
return false;
function keyUp(e) {
if (!this.__keydown) return;
if (KEYS.indexOf(e.code) < 0) return;
this.__keydown = false;
pressEnd.call(this, e);
* Button is a simple, clickable widget containing an
* {@link Icon} and a {@link Label} to trigger functions.
* Button serves as base for other widgets, too, e.g.
* {@link Toggle}, {@link ConfirmButton} and {@link Select}.
* @param {Object} [options={ }] - An object containing initial options.
* @property {String|Boolean} [options.label=false] - Text for the
* button label. Set to <code>false</code> to remove the label
* from DOM.
* @property {String|Boolean} [options.icon=false] - URL to an image
* file or an icon class (see styles/fonts/AUX.html). If set
* to <code>false</code>, the icon is removed from DOM.
* @property {Boolean} [options.state=false] - State of the button,
* reflected as class <code>.aux-active</code>.
* @property {String} [options.layout="horizontal"] - Define the
* arrangement of label and icon. <code>vertical</code> means icon
* above the label, <code>horizontal</code> places the icon left
* to the label.
* @property {Integer} [options.delay=0] - Enable delayed events. The
* value is set in milliseconds. If
* this is set to >0, Button fires some additional events, most importantly
* `press_start` after the delay has finished without the user leaving
* the button or lifting the pointer.
* @extends Widget
* @class Button
* @member {HTMLDivElement} Button#element - The main DIV element.
* Has class <code>.aux-button</code>.
export class Button extends Widget {
static get _options() {
return {
label: 'string|boolean',
icon: 'string|boolean',
state: 'boolean',
layout: 'string',
delay: 'int',
static get options() {
return {
label: false,
icon: false,
state: false,
layout: 'horizontal',
delay: 0,
role: 'button',
tabindex: 0,
static get static_events() {
return {
mousedown: mousedown,
touchstart: touchstart,
contextmenu: dismiss,
keydown: keyDown,
keyup: keyUp,
initialize(options) {
if (!options.element) options.element = element('div');
this.__time_stamp = 0;
this.__touch_id = false;
this.__init_target = null;
this.__delayed_to = -1;
draw(O, element) {
addClass(element, 'aux-button');
super.draw(O, element);
static get renderers() {
return [
defineRender('layout', function (layout) {
const E = this.element;
toggleClass(E, 'aux-vertical', layout === 'vertical');
toggleClass(E, 'aux-horizontal', layout !== 'vertical');
defineRender('state', function (state) {
const E = this.element;
toggleClass(E, 'aux-active', state);
defineRender(['label', 'aria_labelledby'], function (
) {
if (aria_labelledby !== void 0) return;
const value = label !== false ? this.label.get('id') : null;
applyAttribute(this.element, 'aria-labelledby', value);
* @member {Icon} Button#icon - The {@link Icon} widget.
defineChildWidget(Button, 'icon', {
create: Icon,
option: 'icon',
inherit_options: true,
toggle_class: true,
default_options: {
role: 'presentation',
* @member {Label} Button#label - The {@link Label} of the button.
defineChildWidget(Button, 'label', {
create: Label,
option: 'label',
inherit_options: true,
toggle_class: true,
static_events: {
initialized: function () {
if (!this.get('id')) {
this.set('id', createID('aux-label-'));