* This file is part of AUX.
* AUX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* AUX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General
* Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import { addClass, removeClass, createID } from './../utils/dom.js';
import { Container } from './container.js';
import { Button } from './button.js';
import { warning } from '../utils/warning.js';
import { ChildWidgets } from '../utils/child_widgets.js';
import { defineRender } from '../renderer.js';
* The <code>useraction</code> event is emitted when a widget gets modified by user interaction.
* The event is emitted for the option <code>select</code>.
* @event Buttons#useraction
* @param {string} name - The name of the option which was changed due to the users action
* @param {mixed} value - The new value of the option
function compare(arr1, arr2) {
return arr1.length === arr2.length && arr1.every((val, i) => val === arr2[i]);
function updateSelect(select, position, add) {
if (Array.isArray(select)) {
if (add === select.includes(position)) return select;
if (!add) {
select = select.filter((_position) => position !== _position);
} else {
select = select.concat([position]);
} else {
if (add === (select === position)) return select;
select = add ? position : -1;
return select;
function enforceMultiSelect(select, multi_select) {
const is_array = Array.isArray(select);
if (!is_array && !multi_select) return select;
if (multi_select) {
if (is_array) {
if (multi_select === 1) return select;
if (select.length <= multi_select) return select;
return select.slice(0, multi_select);
} else {
return select === -1 ? [] : [select];
} else {
return select.length ? select[0] : -1;
function onButtonClick() {
const parent = this.parent;
this.userset('state', !this.get('state'));
const position = parent.buttons.indexOf(this);
parent.set('_focus', position);
function onButtonUserset(key, value) {
if (key !== 'state') return;
// make sure this is a boolean
value = !!value;
const parent = this.parent;
const O = parent.options;
const position = parent.buttons.indexOf(this);
const select = enforceMultiSelect(
updateSelect(O.select, position, value),
if (select === O.select || (O.multi_select && compare(select, O.select))) {
warning(this.element, 500);
return parent.userset('select', select);
function onButtonSetState(value) {
// make sure this is a boolean
value = !!value;
const parent = this.parent;
const O = parent.options;
const position = parent.buttons.indexOf(this);
const select = enforceMultiSelect(
updateSelect(O.select, position, value),
if (value) {
this.set('aria_current', 'true');
this.set('aria_selected', 'true');
} else {
this.set('aria_current', 'false');
this.set('aria_selected', 'false');
if (select === O.select) return;
return parent.set('select', select);
function onButtonAdded(button, position) {
const buttons = this.widget;
button.on('click', onButtonClick);
button.on('userset', onButtonUserset);
button.on('set_state', onButtonSetState);
let select = buttons.get('select');
const length = buttons.getButtons().length;
const correctIndex = (index) => {
if (index >= position && position < length - 1) {
return index + 1;
return index;
if (Array.isArray(select)) {
select = select.map(correctIndex);
if (button.get('state') && select.indexOf(position) === -1) {
select = [position].concat(select);
button.set('aria_current', 'true');
button.set('aria_selected', 'true');
} else {
button.set('aria_current', 'false');
button.set('aria_selected', 'false');
} else {
select = correctIndex(select);
if (button.get('state')) {
select = position;
button.set('aria_current', 'true');
button.set('aria_selected', 'true');
} else {
button.set('aria_current', 'false');
button.set('aria_selected', 'false');
buttons.set('select', select);
buttons.emit('added', button);
function onButtonRemoved(button, position) {
const buttons = this.widget;
button.off('click', onButtonClick);
button.off('userset', onButtonUserset);
button.off('set_state', onButtonSetState);
let select = buttons.get('select');
const length = buttons.getButtons().length;
const correctIndex = (index) => {
if (index > position && position < length + 1) {
return index - 1;
return index;
if (Array.isArray(select)) {
select = select.filter((index) => index !== position).map(correctIndex);
} else {
if (select === position) {
select = -1;
} else {
select = correctIndex(select);
buttons.set('select', select);
buttons.emit('removed', button);
function moveFocus(to) {
const list = this.buttons.getList();
const focus = this.get('_focus');
if (focus === false && list.length) {
this.set('_focus', 0);
if (!list.length) {
this.set('_focus', false);
this.set('_focus', Math.min(list.length - 1, Math.max(0, focus + to)));
function clearFocus() {
this.buttons.list.map((b) => b.set('focus', false));
* Buttons is a list of ({@link Button})s, arranged
* either vertically or horizontally. Single buttons can be selected by clicking.
* If `multi_select` is enabled, buttons can be added and removed from
* the selection by clicking on them. Buttons uses {@link warning}
* to highlight buttons which can't be selected due to `options.multi_select=n`.
* @param {Object} [options={ }] - An object containing initial options.
* @property {Array<Object|String>} [options.buttons=[]] - A list of
* {@link Button} instances, button options objects or label strings
* which is converted to button instances on init. If `get` is called,
* a converted list of button instances is returned. Example:
* `[new Button({label:'Button#1'}), 'Button#2', {label:'Button#3'}]`
* @property {String} [options.direction="horizontal"] - The layout
* of the button list, either "horizontal" or "vertical".
* @property {Integer|Button|Array<Integer>|Array<Button>} [options.select=-1]
* The {@link Button} or a list of {@link Button}s, depending on
* `options.multi_select`, to highlight. Expects
* either the buttons index starting from zero or the {@link Button}
* instance(s) itself. Set to `-1` or `[]` to
* de-select any selected button.
* @property {Object} [options.button_class=Button] - A class to
* be used for instantiating new buttons.
* @property {String} [options.button_role='option'] - A role to
* be used for instantiating new buttons.
* @property {Integer} [options.multi_select=0] - Set to `0` to disable
* multiple selection, `1` for unlimited and any other number for
* a defined maximum amount of selectable buttons. If an array is given
* for `options.select` while this option is `0`, the first entry
* will be used.
* @property {Boolean} [options.deselect=false] - Define if single-selection
* (`options.multi_select=false`) can be de-selected.
* @class Buttons
* @extends Container
* A {@link Button} was added to Buttons.
* @event Buttons#added
* @param {Button} button - The {@link Button} which was added to Buttons.
* A {@link Button} was removed from the Buttons.
* @event Buttons#removed
* @param {Button} button - The {@link Button} instance which was removed.
export class Buttons extends Container {
static get _options() {
return {
buttons: 'array',
direction: 'string',
select: 'int|array',
button_class: 'Button',
button_role: 'string',
multi_select: 'int',
deselect: 'boolean',
static get options() {
return {
buttons: [],
direction: 'horizontal',
select: -1,
button_class: Button,
button_role: 'option',
multi_select: 0,
deselect: false,
role: 'listbox',
tabindex: 0,
_focus: false,
static get static_events() {
return {
userset: function (key, value) {
if (key !== 'select' || this.options.deselect) return;
if (value === -1 || (Array.isArray(value) && value.length === 0))
return false;
set_select: function (value) {
const list = this.buttons.getList();
const current = [];
const selected = Array.isArray(value)
? value
: value === -1
? []
: [value];
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
// we use update, it avoids changing the state if it is already
// correct.
const state = selected.includes(i);
list[i].update('state', state);
if (state) current.push(list[i].get('id'));
list[i].set('aria_current', state ? 'true' : 'false');
this.set('aria_current', current.join(' '));
set_multi_select: function (multi_select) {
const O = this.options;
const select = enforceMultiSelect(O.select, multi_select);
this.update('select', select);
this.set('aria_multiselectable', multi_select ? 'true' : 'false');
set_direction: function (direction) {
this.set('aria_orientation', direction);
const keys = ['Home', 'End', 'Space', 'Enter'];
if (direction === 'vertical') keys.push('ArrowUp', 'ArrowDown');
else keys.push('ArrowUp', 'ArrowDown');
this.set('aria_keyshortcuts', keys.join(' '));
set__focus: function (focus) {
this.set('aria_activedescendant', '');
const button = this.buttons.list[focus];
if (!button) return;
button.set('focus', true);
this.set('aria_activedescendant', button.get('id'));
keydown: function (e) {
if (e.code === 'ArrowLeft' || e.code === 'ArrowUp') {
if (e.code === 'ArrowRight' || e.code === 'ArrowDown') {
if (e.code === 'Home') {
if (e.code === 'End') {
if (e.code === 'Space' || e.code === 'Enter') {
if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
const focus = this.get('_focus');
if (focus === false) return false;
const button = this.buttons.list[focus];
if (!button) return false;
button.userset('state', !button.get('state'));
return false;
focus: function (e) {
blur: function (e) {
static get renderers() {
return [
defineRender('direction', function (direction) {
const E = this.element;
removeClass(E, 'aux-vertical', 'aux-horizontal');
addClass(E, 'aux-' + direction);
initialize(options) {
* @member {HTMLDivElement} Buttons#element - The main DIV container.
* Has class <code>.aux-buttons</code>.
* @member {ChildWidgets} Buttons#buttons - An instance of {@link ChildWidgets} holding all
* {@link Button}s.
this.buttons = new ChildWidgets(this, {
filter: Button,
this.buttons.on('child_added', onButtonAdded);
this.buttons.on('child_removed', onButtonRemoved);
focusNext() {
moveFocus.call(this, 1);
focusPrevious() {
moveFocus.call(this, -1);
focusFirst() {
moveFocus.call(this, -this.buttons.list.length);
focusLast() {
moveFocus.call(this, this.buttons.list.length);
reFocus() {
moveFocus.call(this, 0);
initialized() {
// the set() method would otherwise try to remove initial buttons
const O = this.options;
const buttons = O.buttons;
O.buttons = [];
this.set('buttons', buttons);
draw(O, element) {
addClass(element, 'aux-buttons');
this.set('direction', O.direction);
this.set('multi_select', O.multi_select);
super.draw(O, element);
* Adds an array of buttons to the end of the list.
* @method Buttons#addButtons
* @param {Array.<string|object>} list - An Array containing
* Button instances, objects
* with options for the buttons (see {@link Button} for more
* information) or strings for the buttons labels.
addButtons(list) {
return list.map((options) => this.addButton(options));
createButton(options) {
const O = this.options;
if (options instanceof Button) {
if (!options.get('id')) {
options.set('id', createID('aux-button-'));
options.set('role', O.button_role);
options.set('tabindex', false);
return options;
} else {
if (typeof options === 'string') {
options = { label: options, role: O.button_role };
} else if (options === void 0) {
options = { role: O.button_role };
} else if (typeof options !== 'object') {
throw new TypeError('Expected object of options.');
if (!options.id) options.id = createID('aux-button-');
options.role = O.button_role;
options.tabindex = false;
return new this.options.button_class(options);
* Adds a {@link Button} to Buttons.
* @method Buttons#addButton
* @param {Button|Object|String} options - An alread instantiated {@link Button},
* an object containing options for a new {@link Button} to add
* or a string for the label of the newly created {@link Button}.
* @param {integer} [position] - The position to add the {@link Button}
* to. If `undefined`, the {@link Button} is added to the end of the list.
* @returns {Button} The {@link Button} instance.
addButton(options, position) {
const button = this.createButton(options);
const buttons = this.getButtons();
const element = this.element;
if (!(position >= 0 && position < buttons.length)) {
} else {
element.insertBefore(button.element, buttons[position].element);
if (button.parent !== this) {
// if this button is a web component, the above appendChild would have
// already triggered a call to addChild
return button;
* Removes a {@link Button} from Buttons.
* @method Buttons#removeButton
* @param {integer|Button} button - button index or the {@link Button}
* instance to be removed.
* @param {Boolean} destroy - destroy the {@link Button} after removal.
removeButton(button, destroy) {
const buttons = this.getButtons();
let position = -1;
if (button instanceof Button) {
position = buttons.indexOf(button);
} else if (typeof button === 'number') {
position = button;
button = buttons.at(position);
if (!button || position === -1) throw new Error('Unknown button.');
if (buttons.at(position) === button) {
// NOTE: if we remove a child which is a web component,
// it will itself call removeChild
if (destroy) {
* @returns {Button[]} The list of {@link Button}s.
* @method Buttons#getButtons
getButtons() {
return this.buttons.getList();
* Removes all buttons.
* @method Buttons#empty
empty() {
this.buttons.forEach((button) => this.removeButton(button, true));
destroy() {
this.set('buttons', []);
* Checks if an index or {@link Button} is selected.
* @method Buttons#isSelected
* @param {Integer|Button} button - button index or {@link Button} instance.
* @returns {Boolean}
isSelected(probe) {
const button = typeof probe === 'number' ? this.buttons.at(probe) : probe;
if (!button) throw new Error('Unknown button.');
return button.get('state');
set(key, value) {
if (key === 'buttons') {
// remove all buttons which were added using this option
this.buttons.list.forEach((b) => this.removeButton(b, true));
value = this.addButtons(value || []);
} else if (key === 'select') {
value = enforceMultiSelect(value, this.options.multi_select);
return super.set(key, value);
get(key) {
if (key === 'buttons') return this.getButtons();
else return super.get(key);