* This file is part of AUX.
* AUX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* AUX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General
* Public License along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import {
} from './../utils/dom.js';
import { observeResize } from '../utils/observe_resize.js';
import { log, warn, error } from './../utils/log.js';
import { Base } from './../implements/base.js';
import {
} from '../utils/subscriptions.js';
import { typecheckFunction } from '../utils/typecheck.js';
import { GlobalResize } from '../utils/global_resize.js';
import { GlobalVisibilityChange } from '../utils/global_visibility_change.js';
import { ProximityTimers } from '../utils/timers.js';
import { ariaAttributes } from '../aria_attributes.js';
import { MASK_RENDER, MASK_CALCULATE } from '../scheduler/scheduler.js';
import {
} from '../renderer.js';
import { domScheduler } from '../dom_scheduler.js';
const enableTimers = new ProximityTimers();
export const SymResize = Symbol('resize');
export const SymResized = Symbol('resized');
const rootWidgets = new Map();
const ariaOptions = Object.fromEntries(
ariaAttributes.map((attributeName) => {
return [attributeName.replace('-', '_'), 'string'];
function onVisibilityChange() {
if (document.hidden) {
} else {
function onResize() {
function addRootWidget(widget) {
if (rootWidgets.has(widget)) throw new Error('Already registered.');
const resized = onResize.bind(widget);
const visibilityChanged = onVisibilityChange.bind(widget);
rootWidgets.set(widget, [resized, visibilityChanged]);
function removeRootWidget(widget) {
const [resized, visibilityChanged] = rootWidgets.get(widget);
const SymDrawOnce = Symbol('drawOnce');
const KEYS = [
function getOwnProperty(o, name) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, name)) return o[name];
// doubleclick detection handling
let lastClickTarget = null;
let lastClickTime = 0;
function dblClick(e) {
* Is fired after a double click appeared. Set `dblclick` to 0 to
* disable click event handling.
* @event Widget#doubleclick
* @param {string} event - The browsers `MouseEvent`.
const { dblclick } = this.options;
const now = performance.now();
if (lastClickTarget === this && lastClickTime + dblclick > now) {
// FIXME: setting properties on events is not quite ok
e.lastclick = lastClickTime;
this.emit('doubleclick', e);
lastClickTarget = this;
lastClickTime = now;
// interaction tracking. We store one count per widget.
const interactionCounts = new Map();
function getInteractionCount(widget) {
return interactionCounts.get(widget) || 0;
function setInteractionCount(widget, value) {
if (value === 0) {
} else {
interactionCounts.set(widget, value);
function onFocusKeyDown(e) {
if (KEYS.indexOf(e.code) < 0) return;
if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
const o = { speed: 'normal', event: e };
if (e.code.startsWith('Arrow')) {
if (e.ctrlKey) o.speed = 'slow';
else if (e.shiftKey) o.speed = 'fast';
o.direction = e.code.substring(5).toLowerCase();
if (e.code.startsWith('Page')) {
o.direction = e.code.substring(4).toLowerCase();
o.speed = 'full';
if (e.code === 'Home') {
o.direction = 'left';
o.speed = 'full';
if (e.code === 'End') {
o.direction = 'right';
o.speed = 'full';
this.emit('focus_move', o);
return false;
* Widget is the base class for all widgets drawing DOM elements. It
* provides basic functionality like delegating events, setting options and
* firing some events.
* @class Widget
* @extends Base
* @param {Object} [options={ }] - An object containing initial options.
* @param {String} [options.class=""] - A class to add to the class attribute of the main element.
* @param {String} [options.id=""] - A string to be set as id attribute on the main element.
* @param {HTMLElement} [options.container] - A container the main element shall be added to.
* @param {Object} [options.styles=""] - An object containing CSS declarations to be added directly to the main element.
* @param {HTMLElement} [options.element] - An element to be used as the main element.
* @property {HTMLElement} element - The main element.
* @property {String} [options.title=""] - A string to be set as title attribute on the main element to be displayed as tooltip.
* @property {Boolean} [options.disabled=false] - Toggles the class <code>.aux-disabled</code>. By default it disables all pointer events on the widget via CSS to make it unusable to the user.
* @property {Boolean} [options.active] - Toggles the class <code>.aux-inactive</code>.
* @property {Boolean} [options.visible] - Toggles the class <code>.aux-hide</code> and <code>.aux-show</code>. This option also enables and disabled rendering by
* calling Widget#hide and Widget#show.
* @property {Boolean} [options.dblclick=400] - Set a time in milliseconds for triggering double click event. If 0, no double click events are fired.
* @property {String} [options.preset] - Set a preset. This string
* gets set as class attribute `aux-preset-[preset]`. If `options.presets` has a member
* of this name, all options of its option object are set on the Widget. Non-existent
* options are reset to the default. Defaults are updated on initialization and runtime.
* @property {Object} [options.presets={}] - An object with available preset
* specific options. Refer to `options.preset` for more information.
* @property {number} [options.notransitions_duration=500] - A time in
* milliseconds until transitions are activated.
* @property {number|boolean} [options.tabindex=false] - Set tabindex to activate focus on widgets. Tabindex
* is set on the element returned by `getFocusElement`. Try to only use `false` or `0`, avoiding positive integers.
* To set a hierarchy for the tabindex, better create an appropriate DOM structure.
* @property {array|boolean} [options.aria_targets=false] - Set an array of targets for ARIA values.
* @property {Boolean} [options.focus=false] - Toggles the class <code>.aux-focus</code>.
* The <code>set</code> event is emitted when an option was set using the {@link Widget#set}
* method. The arguments are the option name and its new value.
* Note that this happens both for user interaction and programmatical option changes.
* @event Widget#set
* The <code>resize</code> event is emitted whenever a widget is being resized. This event can
* be used to e.g. measure its new size. Note that some widgets do internal adjustments after
* the <code>resize</code> event. If that is relevant, the {@link Widget#resized} event can
* be used instead.
* @event Widget#resize
* The <code>resized</code> event is emitted after each rendering frame, which was triggered by
* a resize event.
* @event Widget#resized
* The <code>hide</code> event is emitted when a widget is hidden and is not rendered anymore.
* This happens both with browser visibility changes and also internally when using layout widgets
* such as {@link Pager}.
* @event Widget#hide
* The <code>show</code> event is emitted when a widget is shown and is being rendered. This is the
* counterpart to {@link Widget#hide}.
* @event Widget#show
export class Widget extends Base {
static get _options() {
return [
// A CSS class to add to the main element
class: 'string',
// A DOM element as container to inject the element
// into
container: 'object',
// a id to set on the element. If omitted a random
// string is generated.
debug: 'boolean',
id: 'string',
styles: 'object',
disabled: 'boolean',
element: 'object',
active: 'boolean',
visible: 'boolean',
dblclick: 'number',
interacting: 'boolean',
notransitions: 'boolean',
notransitions_duration: 'number',
title: 'string',
tabindex: 'number|boolean',
role: 'string',
aria_targets: 'boolean|array',
focus: 'boolean',
static get options() {
return {
// these options are of less use and only here to show what we need
debug: false,
notransitions: void 0,
disabled: false, // Widgets can be disabled by setting this to true
visible: true,
active: true,
dblclick: 0,
interacting: false,
notransitions_duration: 500,
tabindex: false,
role: 'none',
aria_targets: false,
focus: false,
static get static_events() {
return {
set_container: function () {
throw new Error('container is not a dynamic option.');
set_styles: function () {
throw new Error('styles is not a dynamic option.');
set_class: function () {
throw new Error('class is not a dynamic option.');
set_dblclick: function (val, _, prevValue) {
const event_target = this.getEventTarget();
if (!event_target) return;
if (val > 0 === prevValue > 0) return;
if (val > 0) this.on('click', dblClick);
initialized: function () {
const v = this.options.dblclick;
if (v > 0) this.set('dblclick', v);
set_visible: function (val) {
if (val === true) {
// If we are currently drawn, it is still possible that
// we disabled rendering for our children already.
if (this.isDrawn()) {
} else {
if (val === false) this.disableDrawChildren();
static getRenderers() {
let _renderers = getOwnProperty(this, '_renderers');
if (!_renderers) {
const parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(this);
const parentRenderers = parent.getRenderers ? parent.getRenderers() : [];
this._renderers = _renderers = parentRenderers.concat(
getOwnProperty(this, 'renderers') || []
return _renderers;
static getRenderer() {
let renderer = this._renderer;
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this, '_renderer'))
return renderer;
this._renderer = renderer = new Renderer();
this.getRenderers().forEach((task) => renderer.addTask(task));
return renderer;
static addTask(task) {
static get renderers() {
return [
defineMeasure(SymResize, function () {
defineMeasure(SymResized, function () {
defineRender('notransitions', function (notransitions) {
toggleClass(this.element, 'aux-notransitions', notransitions);
defineRender('visible', function (visible) {
this.getFocusTargets().forEach((v) =>
v.setAttribute('aria-hidden', !visible)
const E = this.element;
toggleClass(E, 'aux-hide', visible === false);
toggleClass(E, 'aux-show', visible === true);
defineRender('active', function (active) {
const E = this.getStyleTarget();
if (!E) return;
toggleClass(E, 'aux-inactive', !active);
defineRender('disabled', function (disabled) {
const E = this.getStyleTarget();
if (E) toggleClass(E, 'aux-disabled', disabled);
this.getFocusTargets().forEach((v) =>
v.setAttribute('aria-disabled', disabled)
defineRender('title', function (title) {
const E = this.getStyleTarget();
if (!E) return;
if (typeof title === 'string') {
E.setAttribute('title', title);
} else {
E.removeAttribute('title', title);
defineRender('tabindex', function (tabindex) {
const F = this.getFocusTargets();
if (tabindex !== false) {
F.forEach((v) => v.setAttribute('tabindex', tabindex));
} else {
F.forEach((v) => v.removeAttribute('tabindex'));
defineRender('tabindex', function (tabindex) {
const isInstalled = this._onfocuskeydown !== null;
if ((tabindex !== false) === isInstalled) return;
const focusTargets = this.getFocusTargets();
if (isInstalled) {
focusTargets.forEach((v) =>
v.removeEventListener('keydown', this._onfocuskeydown)
this._onfocuskeydown = null;
} else {
this._onfocuskeydown = onFocusKeyDown.bind(this);
focusTargets.forEach((v) =>
v.addEventListener('keydown', this._onfocuskeydown)
defineRender('role', function (role) {
this.getRoleTarget().setAttribute('role', role);
defineRender('id', function (id) {
const E = this.element;
if (typeof id === 'string') {
E.setAttribute('id', id);
} else if (id !== void 0) {
defineRender('visible', function (visible) {
if (visible) return;
return deferMeasure(() => {
defineRender(SymDrawOnce, function () {
const q = this.draw_queue;
this.draw_queue = null;
if (q)
for (let i = 0; i < q.length; i++) {
q[i].call(this, this.options);
defineRender('focus', function (focus) {
const E = this.getStyleTarget();
if (!E) return;
toggleClass(E, 'aux-focus', !!focus);
...ariaAttributes.map((attributeName) => {
const optionName = attributeName.replace('-', '_');
return defineRender(optionName, function (value) {
const targets = this.getARIATargets();
if (typeof value === 'undefined' || value === null) {
targets.forEach((element) => {
} else {
targets.forEach((element) => {
element.setAttribute(attributeName, value);
constructor(options) {
super(options || {});
initialize(options) {
this._renderState = new RenderState(
// Main actions every widget needs to take
const E = options.element || null;
if (E !== null && !E.isAuxWidget) {
E.auxWidget = this;
E.isAuxWidget = true;
this.element = E;
this.parent = void 0;
this.children = null;
this.draw_queue = null;
this._creation_time = domScheduler.now();
this._subscriptions = initSubscriptions();
this._onfocuskeydown = null;
this._drawn = false;
this._initialDraw = () => {
if (!this._drawn) return;
if (!this._initialDraw) return;
this._initialDraw = null;
this.draw(this.options, this.element);
getStyleTarget() {
return this.element;
getClassTarget() {
return this.element;
getEventTarget() {
return this.element;
getFocusTargets() {
return [this.element];
getRoleTarget() {
return this.element;
getARIATargets() {
return this.options.aria_targets || [this.element];
getResizeTargets() {
return null;
startInteracting() {
const count = getInteractionCount(this);
if (!count) {
this.set('interacting', true);
setInteractionCount(this, count + 1);
stopInteracting() {
const count = getInteractionCount(this);
if (count === 1) {
this.set('interacting', false);
setInteractionCount(this, count - 1);
* Invalidates all dependencies which will trigger all renderers to rerun.
invalidateAll() {
triggerResize() {
const C = this.children;
if (!C) return;
for (let i = 0; i < C.length; i++) {
triggerResizeChildren() {
const C = this.children;
if (!C) return;
for (let i = 0; i < C.length; i++) {
resize() {
if (this.constructor.hasOption('resized')) this.set('resized', true);
if (this.hasEventListeners('resized')) this.invalidate(SymResized);
initialized() {
// Main actions every widget needs to take
* Is fired when a widget is initialized.
* @event Widget#initialized
drawOnce(fun) {
const q = this.draw_queue;
if (q === null) {
this.draw_queue = [fun];
} else {
if (q.includes(fun)) return;
draw(O, element) {
let E;
const notransitions = O.notransitions;
if (notransitions === void 0) {
O.notransitions = true;
const targetTime = this._creation_time + O.notransitions_duration;
const time = targetTime - domScheduler.now();
const do_enable = () => {
if (this.isDestructed()) return;
if (time > 20) {
enableTimers.scheduleAt(do_enable, targetTime);
} else {
domScheduler.scheduleNext(MASK_CALCULATE, do_enable);
toggleClass(element, 'aux-notransitions', O.notransitions);
addClass(element, 'aux-widget');
if (O.class && (E = this.getClassTarget())) {
const tmp = O.class.split(' ');
for (let i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) addClass(E, tmp[i]);
if (O.styles && (E = this.getStyleTarget())) {
setStyles(E, O.styles);
if (O.container) O.container.appendChild(element);
const resizeTargets = this.getResizeTargets();
if (resizeTargets && resizeTargets.length) {
observeResize(resizeTargets, () => this.triggerResize())
addSubscriptions(...subs) {
subs.forEach((sub) => {
this._subscriptions = addSubscription(this._subscriptions, sub);
* Dispose of this Widget.
destroy() {
* Is fired when a widget is destroyed.
* @event Widget#destroy
if (this.isDestructed()) {
warn('destroy called twice on ', this);
const _onfocuskeydown = this._onfocuskeydown;
if (_onfocuskeydown !== null) {
this._onfocuskeydown = null;
this.getFocusTargets().forEach((v) =>
v.removeEventListener('keydown', _onfocuskeydown)
this._subscriptions = unsubscribeSubscriptions(this._subscriptions);
this.setParent(void 0);
if (this.children) {
this.children = null;
const element = this.element;
if (element) {
delete element.isAuxWidget;
delete element.auxWidget;
this.options = null;
this.element = null;
setInteractionCount(this, 0);
* Dispose of this Widget and remove it from the DOM.
destroyAndRemove() {
const element = this.element;
if (element) element.remove();
addClass(cls) {
addClass(this.getClassTarget(), cls);
removeClass(cls) {
removeClass(this.getClassTarget(), cls);
hasClass(cls) {
return hasClass(this.getClassTarget(), cls);
setStyle(name, value) {
setStyle(this.getStyleTarget(), name, value);
* Sets a CSS style property in this widget's DOM element.
* @method Widget#setStyle
setStyles(styles) {
setStyles(this.getStyleTarget(), styles);
* Returns the computed style of this widget's DOM element.
* @method Widget#getStyle
getStyle(name) {
return getStyle(this.getStyleTarget(), name);
* Returns true if transitions are currently disabled on this widget.
transitionsDisabled() {
const O = this.options;
const notransitions = O.notransitions;
if (notransitions === void 0) {
return performance.now() - this._creation_time < O.notransitions_duration;
} else {
return notransitions;
* Disable CSS transitions.
* @method Widget#disableTansitions
disableTransitions() {
this.update('notransitions', true);
* Enable CSS transitions.
* @method Widget#enableTransitions
enableTransitions() {
this.update('notransitions', false);
* Invalidates an option and triggers a redraw() call.
* @param {string} key
invalidate(key) {
* Sets an option.
* @method Widget#set
* @param {string} key - The option name.
* @param value - The option value.
set(key, value) {
if (key.charCodeAt(0) !== 95 && !this.constructor.hasOption(key)) {
'%O: %s.set(%s, %O): unknown option.',
const currentValue = this.options[key];
if (
currentValue !== value &&
(value === value || currentValue === currentValue)
super.set(key, value);
return value;
* Enables rendering for all children of this widget.
* @method Widget#enableDrawChildren
enableDrawChildren() {
const C = this.children;
if (C) for (let i = 0; i < C.length; i++) C[i].enableDraw();
* Schedules this widget for drawing.
* @method Widget#enableDraw
* @emits Widget#show
enableDraw() {
if (this._drawn) return;
this._drawn = true;
if (this._initialDraw) {
domScheduler.schedule(MASK_RENDER, this._initialDraw);
} else {
const renderState = this._renderState;
disableDrawChildren() {
const C = this.children;
if (C) for (let i = 0; i < C.length; i++) C[i].disableDraw();
* Stop drawing this widget.
* @method Widget#enableDraw
* @emits Widget#hide
disableDraw() {
if (!this._drawn) return;
this._drawn = false;
if (!this._initialDraw) {
const renderState = this._renderState;
* Is fired when the visibility state changes. The first argument
* is the visibility state, which is either <code>true</code>
* or <code>false</code>.
* @event Widget#visibility
* Make the widget visible. This will apply the class <code>aux-show</code>
* during the next rendering step.
* @method Widget#show
show() {
if (this.hidden()) this.set('visible', true);
if (!this.isDrawn()) this.enableDraw();
* Show the widget immediately by applying the class <code>aux-show</code>.
* Does not call enableDraw().
* @method Widget#forceShow
forceShow() {
const E = this.element;
this.set('visible', true);
addClass(E, 'aux-show');
removeClass(E, 'aux-hide');
* Hide the widget. This will result in the class <code>aux-hide</code>
* being applied to this widget in the next rendering step.
* @method Widget#hide
hide() {
if (this.hidden()) return;
this.set('visible', false);
* Hide the widget immediately by applying the class <code>aux-hide</code>.
* Does not call disableDraw().
* @method Widget#forceHide
forceHide() {
this.set('visible', false);
const E = this.element;
removeClass(E, 'aux-show');
addClass(E, 'aux-hide');
log(fmt, ...args) {
const O = this.options;
if (!O.debug) return;
log(fmt, ...args);
showNoDraw() {
if (this.options.visible === true) return;
this.options.visible = true;
hideNoDraw() {
if (this.options.visible === false) return;
this.update('visible', false);
* Returns the current hidden status.
* @method Widget#hidden
hidden() {
return this.options.visible === false;
isDrawn() {
return this._drawn;
* Toggle the hidden status. This is equivalent to calling hide() or show(), depending on
* the current hidden status of this widget.
* @method Widget#toggleHidden
toggleHidden() {
if (this.hidden()) this.show();
else this.hide();
setParent(parent, no_remove_child) {
const old_parent = this.parent;
if (old_parent === parent) return;
this.parent = parent;
if (parent === null) {
if (old_parent !== parent) {
} else if (parent !== null && old_parent === null) {
if (old_parent && !no_remove_child) {
hasChild(child) {
const C = this.children;
return C !== null && C.indexOf(child) !== -1;
* Registers a widget as a child widget. This method is used to build up the widget tree. It does not modify the DOM tree.
* @method Widget#addChild
* @param {Widget} child - The child to add.
* @emits Widget#child_added
* @see Container#appendChild
addChild(child) {
let C = this.children;
if (!C) this.children = C = [];
if (C.indexOf(child) !== -1) throw new Error('Adding child twice.');
if (this.isDrawn()) {
} else {
this.emit('child_added', child);
* Removes a child widget. Note that this method only modifies
* the widget tree and does not change the DOM.
* @method Widget#removeChild
* @emits Widget#child_removed
* @param {Widget} child - The child to remove.
removeChild(child) {
if (this.isDestructed()) return;
if (child.parent === this) child.setParent(void 0, true);
const C = this.children;
let i;
if (C !== null && (i = C.indexOf(child)) !== -1) {
C.splice(i, 1);
this.emit('child_removed', child);
if (!C.length) this.children = null;
} else {
error('%o is not a child of %o', child, this);
* Calls {@link Widget#appendChild} for an array of widgets.
* @method Widget#appendChildren
* @param {Array.<Widget>} children - The child widgets to append.
appendChildren(a) {
a.map(this.appendChild, this);
* Appends <code>child.element</code> to the widget element and
* registers <code>child</code> as a child widget.
* @method Widget#appendChild
* @param {Widget} child - The child widget to append.
appendChild(child) {
* Removes an array of children.
* @method Widget#removeChildren
* @param {Array.<Widget>} a - An array of Widgets.
removeChildren(a) {
a.map(this.removeChild, this);
* Registers an array of widgets as children.
* @method Widget#addChildren
* @param {Array.<Widget>} a - An array of Widgets.
addChildren(a) {
a.map(this.addChild, this);
* Returns an array of all visible children.
* @method Widget#visibleChildren
visibleChildren(a) {
if (!a) a = [];
const C = this.children;
if (C)
for (let i = 0; i < C.length; i++) {
return a;
* Returns an array of all children.
* @method Widget#allChildren
allChildren(a) {
if (!a) a = [];
const C = this.children;
if (C)
for (let i = 0; i < C.length; i++) {
return a;
getChildren() {
const C = this.children;
return C !== null ? C : [];
* Calls a callback whenever the widget resizes. This method will
* trigger one resize.
* @method Widget#observeResize
* @param {Function} cb
observeResize(cb) {
let triggered = false;
const callback = () => {
if (this.isDestructed()) return;
triggered = false;
if (!this.isDrawn()) {
return this.subscribe('resize', () => {
if (triggered) return;
triggered = true;
domScheduler.scheduleNext(MASK_CALCULATE, callback);
* Generic DOM events. Please refer to
* <a href="https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/dom_obj_event.asp">
* W3Schools
* </a> for further details.
* @event Widget##GenericDOMEvents
export function addRenderTask(widget, task) {