Worker Datatypes
using OcaDB = OcaFloat32
A ratio expressed in dB. Typically used for gain settings.
struct OcaDBr
An absolute level expressed in dB above the given absolute reference level.
OCP.1 Encoding
Field |
Basic type |
Byte length |
Value.Value |
OcaFloat32 |
4 |
Ref.Value.Value |
OcaFloat32 |
4 |
using OcaVoltage = OcaFloat32
Voltage in volts.
using OcaCurrent = OcaFloat32
Current in amperes
struct OcaImpedance
Complex impedance. Expressed as a magnitude and phase.
OcaFloat32 Magnitude
Impedance magnitude in ohms.
OcaFloat32 Phase
Impedance phase in radians.
OcaFloat32 Magnitude
OCP.1 Encoding
Field |
Basic type |
Byte length |
Magnitude |
OcaFloat32 |
4 |
Phase |
OcaFloat32 |
4 |
enum OcaDelayUnit : uint8_t
Enumeration of types of delay units that are available in OCA.
enumerator Time = 1
enumerator Distance = 2
enumerator Samples = 3
enumerator Microseconds = 4
enumerator Milliseconds = 5
enumerator Centimeters = 6
enumerator Inches = 7
enumerator Feet = 8
enumerator Time = 1
struct OcaDelayValue
Multifield descriptor that defines a delay value element.
OcaFloat32 DelayValue
The delay value.
OcaDelayUnit DelayUnit
The unit of the delay value.
OcaFloat32 DelayValue
OCP.1 Encoding
Field |
Basic type |
Byte length |
DelayValue |
OcaFloat32 |
4 |
DelayUnit |
OcaEnumItem |
1 |
using OcaFrequency = OcaFloat32
Strong datatype for frequency in Hertz.
using OcaFrequencyResponse = OcaMap<OcaFrequency, OcaDB>
Strong datatype for frequency response.
struct OcaTransferFunction
A complex (i.e. magnitude + phase) transfer function.
OcaList<OcaFrequency> Frequency
OcaList<OcaFloat32> Amplitude
Amplitude (not in dB)
OcaList<OcaFloat32> Phase
Phase in radians.
OcaList<OcaFrequency> Frequency
OCP.1 Encoding
Field |
Basic type |
Byte length |
Frequency |
OcaList<OcaFloat32> |
(2 + 4 * Count) |
Amplitude |
OcaList<OcaFloat32> |
(2 + 4 * Count) |
Phase |
OcaList<OcaFloat32> |
(2 + 4 * Count) |
enum OcaParametricEQShape : uint8_t
Enumeration of curve shapes used by OcaFilterParametric.
enumerator None = 0
No filter (i.e. flat frequency response)
enumerator PEQ = 1
enumerator LowShelv = 2
Low Shelv
enumerator HighShelv = 3
High Shelv
enumerator LowPass = 4
Low Pass
enumerator HighPass = 5
High Pass
enumerator BandPass = 6
Band Pass
enumerator AllPass = 7
All Pass
enumerator Notch = 8
enumerator ToneControlLowFixed = 9
enumerator ToneControlLowSliding = 10
enumerator ToneControlHighFixed = 11
enumerator ToneControlHighSliding = 12
enumerator None = 0
enum OcaDynamicsFunction : uint8_t
Enumeration of the types of dynamics functions available from class OcaDynamics.
enumerator None = 0
No dynamic function.
enumerator Compress = 1
Upward compress function (reduce gain when input is above the given threshold).
enumerator Limit = 2
Limit function (compress with a fixed ratio of 10:1 or greater).
enumerator Expand = 3
Downward expand function (decrease gain when input is below the given threshhold).
enumerator Gate = 4
Gate function (expand with fixed ‘infinite’ downward expansion ratio).
enumerator None = 0
struct OcaPilotToneDetectorSpec
Multifield descriptor for a pilot tone detector element.
OcaFrequency Frequency
Frequency of the measured tone (in Hz).
OcaFrequency Frequency
OCP.1 Encoding
Field |
Basic type |
Byte length |
Threshold.Value.Value |
OcaFloat32 |
4 |
Threshold.Ref.Value.Value |
OcaFloat32 |
4 |
Frequency.Hz |
OcaFloat32 |
4 |
PollInterval.Period |
OcaUint32 |
4 |
enum OcaWaveformType : uint8_t
Enumeration of waveform types that can be used by OCA objects.
enumerator None = 0
No signal.
enumerator DC = 1
Direct current.
enumerator Sine = 2
Sine wave.
enumerator Square = 3
Square wave.
enumerator Impulse = 4
Impulse waveform.
enumerator NoisePink = 5
Pink noise waveform.
enumerator NoiseWhite = 6
White noise waveform.
enumerator PolarityTest = 7
Polarity test waveform (asymmetrical).
enumerator None = 0
enum OcaUnitOfMeasure : uint8_t
Enumeration of units of measure that can be used in OCA classes. Only SI (base or derived) units are specified, so that internal calculations will not need to convert. If conversion is needed it should only be done in user interfaces. The datatype of a reading expressed in one of these units of measure is FLOAT.
enumerator Ampere = 4
Electric current in Amperes.
enumerator DegreeCelsius = 2
Temperature in degree Celsius.
enumerator Hertz = 1
Frequency in Hertz.
enumerator None = 0
No reading.
enumerator Ohm = 5
Resistance, magnitude of reactance, or magnitude of impedance in Ohms.
enumerator Volt = 3
Voltage in Volts.
enumerator Ampere = 4
enum OcaPresentationUnit : uint8_t
Enumeration of presentation units that can be used in OCA classes. Property values of OCA objects are always in SI units (unless explicitly documented otherwise), but the presentation unit can also be stored to indicate in which unit the value was presented in a user interface. This way another controller can also present it in that unit (i.e. doing a conversion on the controller before presenting it) to keep the user presentation uniform. Note that the presentation unit may be equal to the unit of the property (in which case of course no conversion is needed).
enumerator dBu = 0
dB(0.775 VRMS) - voltage relative to 0.775 volts.
enumerator dBV = 1
dB(1 VRMS) - voltage relative to 1 volt.
enumerator V = 2
Voltage in plain volts.
enumerator dBu = 0
using OcaTemperature = OcaFloat32
Strong datatype for temperature in degrees Celsius.
enum OcaSensorReadingState : uint8_t
Enum that describes whether an OcaSensor ‘s current reading value can be trusted, and if not, why not.
enumerator Unknown = 0
Cannot determine validity of reading, or this feature is not implemented.
enumerator Valid = 1
Sensor reading is valid.
enumerator Underrange = 2
Sensor is underrange, reading is not valid.
enumerator Overrange = 3
Sensor is overrange, reading is not valid.
enumerator Error = 4
Sensor is in an error state, reading is not valid.
enumerator Unknown = 0
enum OcaLevelMeterLaw : uint8_t
Enumeration of level meter laws.
enumerator VU = 1
Generic VU-style meter, characteristics defined by device.
enumerator StandardVU = 2
Classic VU meter per ANSI C16.5-1942, British Standard BS 6840, and IEC 60268-17.
enumerator PPM1 = 3
IEC 60268-10 Peak Programme Meter, type I (Germany).
enumerator PPM2 = 4
IEC 60268-10 Peak Programme Meter, type II (BBC).
enumerator LKFS = 5
Loudness meter as defined by ITU BS1770.
enumerator RMS = 6
Simple RMS meter
enumerator Peak = 7
Simple peak meter
enumerator ProprietaryValueBase = 128
Proprietery classes shall add values of this value or greater. Values 0 to 127 are reserved.
enumerator VU = 1